New to the group!

Hi! I'm new to the site and group and just wanted to say hello to everyone. My name is Jillian and I am basically trying to lose the last 40 lbs of this baby weight from over a year ago. My daughter just turned one on May 6th and I am done looking like a big blob (and done spending money on clothes that I will hopefully NEVER have to wear again). Oh, and I also have Crohn's, which was diagnosed when I was 14 years old (I am now 30). I have been in remission for over 10 years and just recently flared up a few months ago. I think I am getting better, but you never know with the disease, so I will keep my fingers crossed that it stays this way.

I basically went from being active and eating beyond healthy to having a baby, changing jobs (where I am gone 12+ hours a day), and having zero time for myself. I am at the heaviest I have ever been in my entire life and I just feel gross. I also just stopped breastfeeding and I am convinced that my body was holding onto the fat for added vitamins/nutrients. I gained about 50+ lbs during my pregnancy of which I lost 20 right away from water. I still have yet to lose the extra weight and then some, since my husband and I got married.

I am hoping to lose about 40-45 lbs by the end of this year and I really, really hope to at least be down 15 or so by the middle to end of summer.

I look forward to being a part of this group, losing this stubborn weight, and staying symptom free!



  • chattertess
    chattertess Posts: 45 Member
    Hello! I'm also new and I'm glad to find another new crohnie member :)
    If you ever need some support/someone to moan at/with, feel free to message me.

    Minus the baby (although this is one of the reasons I want to lose weight/get healthy), I feel like we may be quite similar!

    Good luck :) x