PCOS Question

Question to those who have PCOS:

I have hirsutism and dark patches of skin caused by the PCOS. I’m trying to lose weight and I’m wondering, will losing weight lessen them and/or make them disappear?

I also have a ton of other lovely PCOS problems: metabolic syndrome/insulin resistance, abnormal periods, overweight, acne and oily skin, cystic acne, cysts on my ovaries, and some other things. I’m taking birth control and I’m also on Spirnolactone. I can’t take Metformin after years of trying to take it because my body can’t handle it. I know that losing weight will be an all around good thing, but I’m really wondering, will it help the hirsutism and dark patches of skin?


  • kshilliard
    kshilliard Posts: 16 Member
    I had years of issues with metformin...my doc put me on metformin ER..and let me tell you what..it changed my life. I have similar issues. I have noticed over time that my skin in certain places has gotten lighter..the healthier I've gotten..but that didn't have much to do with weight loss..I saw the most improvement with diet change.
  • cyndallrocks
    cyndallrocks Posts: 11 Member
    Sorry. When I lost over a hundred pounds before having my baby the hirsutism didn't get any better for me. I wish I had better news! You'll probably want to try a drug/herb that will lower/block the output of testosterone in your body in order to lessen the unwanted hair that is popping up.