Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
The madness of Eurovision is upon us. So, what is your all time favourite Euro song and do you remember any particularly funny ones?

My all time favourite has to Abba and Waterloo. I can remember us all imitating the girls at school the next day singing into our mikes while standing back to back and then dancing around. Jonny Logan had a good entry for Ireland as well one year and there was also an Israeli winning song by Milk and Honey which I really liked at the time but I can't remember what it is now, something about peace I think.

The singing Grandmas from Russia were quite funny last year.

I love the idiosyncrasy of it all - the weird costumes and dancing and then the political voting. No one will vote for GB,but they all want us in the competition because we contribute a lot to it financially. Will Ireland give us any votes this year do you think and will Greece and Cyprus give each other 12 points again? Can't wait!

What a saddo I am!



  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    LMV - Now you're revealing your TRUE age!!!! The first group I can recall is 'Brotherhood of Man' with the song 'Save all your Kisses for Me' and as a child I liked 'Bucks Fizz' with 'Making your Mind up'. In later years I use to tune in just to listen to Terry Wogan being so rude and I'm hoping tonight to hear Graham Norton which should help as I'm making schlipkrapfen!! The best year was one of my first out here can't remember the song, but the UK gave 12 points to Austria and Austria gave the UK 12 - never been done again!
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    My age is on my profile MITM! I'm a young at heart 54. Age is just a number and as far as I'm concerned, the more you have the better. I was once told by a gypsy that I had a short life line so I didn't think I would get past thirty. Itt was obviously a load of garbage but I'm still grateful for every birthday I have!

    I too loved Terry's a acerbic comments, but Graham does quite well too. The commentary is the best bit as the songs are usually rubbish. Save your kisses for me was quite sweet. Whatever happened to Brotherhood of Man?

  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    I remember my parents watched it avidly every year! I can also recall seeing Bucks Fizz on Pebble Mill at one (I think it was) and my Mother being disgusted at the longer skirts being "whipped off in the daytime"! lol x Thankfully she is not such a prude now. I don't think I ever watched one all the way through. I would love to see Graham Norton doing it as he is so dry humoured. In fact I read his autobiography on a train and laughed out so loud at a few things in there I was asked to hush! (I am normally very reserved and noise phobic!). We do get a form of BBC over here but it is about 2 years behind the UK and I don't think we get the song contest at all over here. MITM just have to say you are a human dynamo with all the calories you are burning up in your garden! Hope you enjoyed your evening x x
  • SAFWiG
    SAFWiG Posts: 2 Member
    The first one I remember was Bucks Fizz and we won so that's obviously a good? One ;) ... My favourite though was the techno, drum thumping one from last year but I can't remember what it was or who it was by so obviously not THAT great! ... I also loved the Russian Grannies :oD LOL!
  • new82day
    new82day Posts: 43 Member
    We havent had question of the week for a while, so Im going to set one!

    So tomorrow is 1st June, and I have a busier diary over the so called summer months, so my question is......


    Mine at the moment is at the end of July I am going out with my best friend and family to Newmarket races for an evening of racing followed by a concert. We have booked in to see Labrinth (my 13 year old step-sons choice!) and originally it was just our family going, and now my best friend is coming too, so I cant wait for us to have a good jolly up together over a few jugs of Pimms! I just hope for good weather!
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Hello All,

    That sounds like a great day out New8. Hope the weather is good. Go steady on the pimms though! I had a day at Fos Las last summer and even though it tipped it down, we still had a good time.

    I haven't got a whole lot planned at the moment, but we are hosting a murder mystery dinner party for 10 in August which should be fun. I was given The Champagne Murders as a birthday present and it is set in the 60's so we'll be dressing up in 60's fashion. I'll be sorting out a playlist of 60's music as well. I haven't decided who is playing which character yet - I quite fancy being Wiggy the model, but not sure if I'll be skinny enough! I might be Mary Jane Faithless, a mysterious and sophisticated pop star!

    They also give you a suggested menu and have Angel Delight as the desert - lol (pref butterscotch flavour it says!) I didn't know you could still get Angel Delight!

    I'm looking forward to it and it should be a good evening as some of our friends are very good at "hamming it up!"

  • new82day
    new82day Posts: 43 Member
    Sounds like a good bit of fun!

    Angel delight is a hit with the kids in our house, they now do a sugar free one too! I have to say Im not overly keen on it though!
  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    Ooh I use to be very, very overly keen on Angel Delight!!! My mother (who can't cook) use to buy lots of packets of the stuff when I was a child and I have to confess when she left the house I was known to sneak into the kitchen, whip one up and eat the lot in one sitting!!! I'd probably throw up if I had to eat one now!!

    Well your question NEW8 had me thinking long and hard, there was nothing on the horizon I was really looking forward to! But today I've had a lovely surprise, my best friend from college who lives in Mazatlan in Mexico and works for Princess Cruises as a Hotel General Manager sailing around Australia and the Caribbean, is coming over to Southampton for the maiden voyage of their latest ship Royal Princess which is being named by Duchess of Cambrige and is getting off at the end of the 2nd voyage in Venice so is coming to visit me for a few days. I haven't seen him for 4 long years but I know I was at target when I last saw him!!! So now I've got a month to shift the last pounds. YIKES!!!
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Time for a QOTW.

    I have been off track and wallowing in disappointment for the last two weeks. I have obviously been indulging in emotional eating and even though I knew I was doing it, couldn't stop myself. In a bid to get back on track I have mentally jumped over the brick wall I seemed to be leaning against and I have set myself a short term goal to work towards.

    My question is: how do you get yourself back on track when things have got out of control or how do you stop things getting out of control in the first place?
  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    For me, I stop gaining before I put on more than 7 pounds. At that point an inner alarm clock bell starts ringing very loudly and I become a little panicky as I never, ever want to regain all the pounds I've lost.

    Reading 'Thin for Life' a book BRACKEN recommended helps me as I read highlighted sections 'I remember how I felt overweight and compare it to how I feel now and to how I feel at target. I give myself a good talking to but I always look at the bigger picture;- I've made longterm life style changes, I now make an effort to be more active in my daily routine, there are fewer tempting foods in the house (and only at weekends), I eat regular nutritious meals so if I slip up, so long as I return to my regular positive lifestyle changes I won't gain any further and it will sort itself out. Another key to preventing relapse is to stop viewing slips as personal signs of weakness. Instead recognise that lapses are unique responses to individual situations.' I think that is important.

    I'm motivated by my daughter, it amazes me that she was once obese (I still have the dreadful letter from the school doctor!) with rolls of blubber that were lumpy fat with stretchmarks and yet 3 1/2 years on, there's not an ounze of fat on her, her stomach is flat and blemish free, she is lean, mean and oh so fit! I refused to put her on a calorie controlled diet, instead we cut down our portion sizes, she was eating like an adult man, stopped her endless grazing, ate more fruit and increased our exercise lots. My husband took her cross country skiing and although she was so unfit, she was good at it and became hooked. She now loves exercise and does something every day and always burns off whatever 'treats' she allows herself or has nothing! She is an inspiration to me as all around her, teenagers are eating junk food and she is not tempted as she remembers all too well being overweight, feeling a freak and being the class fatty.

    This circle inspires me, when I read BRACKEN has done a session with Jillian (at her age!) or LMV has done a Rosemary it motivates me to exercise even when I didn't feel like it. Likewise when everyone is losing weight and supporting one another, it encourages me to put in the effort to follow my plan too. Well now what is that saying 'just look at the size of my waffle?!
  • new82day
    new82day Posts: 43 Member
    Have a big blow out for a couple of days, weigh yourself and scare yourself back to it! Lol!

    I really struggle - I feel like I either do really good, or really bad and dont hit that in between point, so this is what I normally do, but dont think its right or helpful! x
  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    Crackers with it being only 117 days until Christmas ho! ho! ho! I think we should all set a personal goal/target/aim that we wish to achieve by Christmas day.

    I shall be thinking of my own answer whilst I fly.
  • Well mine is easy to answer, please Father Christmas can I have my target weight and my Jillian measurements back again!

    Just re-read my answer to the last QOTW perhaps I'll follow my own advise!!
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    A very quick pop-in as I really should be on-line tutoring my niece. MITM, I say let's blame New82 for your weight gain, as well as mine, also PB or BM as I recall have had some recent issues. I think this all comes under the scientific theory that matter can neither be created or destroyed; so recently, New82 appears to have 'lost' a lot of weight. But where has that weight gone?- it can't just disappear into nothing (remember the scientific principle above); therefore, we can conclude it has gone to us and New82 is to blame! On a more serious note, the way the posts are displayed on my computer, I have by chance just read your post of June 18, 2013, MITM. It is very good and worth re-reading. MITM, I am sure you will feel you have the means to quickly get a grip on your weight after you've read it. Must go now. Regards.
  • Bracken - I did re-read my post (two times) and I'm now following my advice!

    Well Crackers it is only 311 days until CHRISTMAS so please a little effort is required, what is your personal aim/goal/target to be for Christmas day?

    Be good Crackers!
  • Crackers!

    How can it be 311 days until Christmas?!!!! It's actually 99!
  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    Lol MITM, it must be the mountain air making you miscalculate! Slightly shocked that it is ony 99 days to Christmas. I am still trying to think of my challenge. Hope I can think of one soon though, how quickly the days are flying by. I haven't come across any dresses I like, not enough to buy anyway. I am so fed up of buying clothes in the hope they will fit, yet I am now at a stage I have a ridiculous amount clothes of the size I am currently in and don't want to invest in any more!
    Is anyone else having difficulties thinking of this challenge? X x
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Hello Crackers. Good grief only 99 days! I am getting myself together again but the last five days I've also been struggling with a nasty cold. I'm quite prone to respiratory infections but this is very early in the season even for me to catch something. It certainly sapped my energy too but now it is starting to resolve, I think. I have been giving considerable thought to the challenge and think I have decided what to make it. I have been reading The Diet Fix by Canadian Dr. Yoni Freedhoff . (MITM, you quoted one of his central ideas some time ago so you seem to be familiar with it in some fashion- one of his central points is that you have to have a diet that will allow you to be both healthy and happy while doing it or you will not be able to stick to it for the long term; this seems rather simple and maybe obvious but is important when there are so many diets that restrict or even eliminate whole food groups. He doesn't have anything against most of the current and varying diets but puts a lot of emphasis on knowing yourself and what you can be happy with.) I got it from the library but may purchase a copy. There is much in it that, of course, we all know already but he puts ideas in a very compelling manner and writes in a way that you almost think he is talking to you. His book makes a nice companion to Beck's book. One tool he really emphasises is the use of a food diary and he claims to use one himself. This is where my challenge will come from (yes, I have not forgotten I am determining my challenge!) as, although I have a food journal, I have often not used it on those days when I have not been eating well. I want a goal that is behavioural and measurable as I understand that those are the kind of goals recommended. So my goal is to log my food everyday, regardless, in the journal.
    On a different note, I am going to mention a recent horse show I watched on tv. I don't know if any Crackers besides PB are interested in show jumping so apologize if this is uninteresting to others. Canada has one of the premier horse show venues in the world at Spruce Meadows, Alberta. It is said to be equal to Auchen, Germany. The event I watched was a grand prix, the most rigorous of all the events as the horses have to jump two complete rounds of very demanding jumps, and then, if there are riders tied at the end of the two rounds, there is a timed jumpoff. The SM grand prix has a purse of $1.5 million dollars so it attracts the best riders from all over the world. It was won by Canada's Ian Millar, one of only two riders to go clear in the first two rounds, and after a brilliant jumpoff. What is also noteworthy is that Ian Millar is 67 years old- it is really amazing to be competing at that level at that age. Seeing him do that is really inspiring and makes me want to push myself a bit more.
    I mentioned previously that I was signing up for a short writing course. The first class was scheduled for last night and I was really looking forward to it. It was to be held in the same building as the downtown library. As I was looking for a place to park, I saw a swarm of police cars and the area around the library was blocked off. I parked a couple of blocks away and walked towards the library but was stopped by an officer and told the whole building was closed, continuing education classes were cancelled, but he would give no details. It turned out that there was a suspicious package left on the library steps and it was treated as a bomb threat. (no bomb as far as I know) This is very unusual for my area and I was really disappointed to have no class.
    Has anyone seen the movie, The Trip to Italy. I am going to see it on Friday with my sister-in-law. It has had very good reviews and I enjoyed the previous, The Trip, so am looking forward to it.
    Regards to all.
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Well after feeling I was all organized for this challenge and wanting to have some uncomplicated days, I had a call this morning from the nearby hospital. My first thought or reaction was that it was about the mammogram I had last week. But no, it was an appointment scheduled for Friday for both an endoscopy (gastrointestinal tract) and a colonoscopy. My Doc and I had talked about getting a colonoscopy and doing some further investigation of my gastro problems but she had not mentioned anything when I saw her only this past Monday. I am presuming I may have been put in because of a cancellation as normally it would take 2-3 months to get an appointment. I found the whole situation quite upsetting and ,of course, my first thought was about how I have put on weight recently and how I'll feel even more self-conscious than usual. My journal will not look nearly as nice as I hoped starting out this morning as I certainly ate heavily in the evening because I have to fast tomorrow and until after my appointments Friday afternoon.
    Tomorrow I have to take a vile sounding powder in water that is some sort of purgative and comes with the warning to stay close to the toilet and expect cramps. Lovely. I had a colonoscopy quite a few years ago and do not remember having to do this for preparation but possibly I have not wanted to remember! I suppose I should reflect on my fortune in being able to access these procedures and without cost under our national health plan. I have another procedure coming up linked to my gastro complications so I guess I am just getting a bit fed up with medical appointments. My sister-in-law thinks I may well not feel like going to the movie I mentioned yesterday on Friday, a disappointment as we've rescheduled twice already but it is still here first part of next week so I hope to go then. Anyway, just as I always think it is important to make sure my vehicle is clean and tidy before I take it in for service work, I made an appointment for tomorrow to get my hair done before Friday. It is basically due and I hope I'll feel better about Friday with fresh hair!
    Here is Nellie's news for the day: Today was great. I spent a lot of time outdoors in the backyard. There are so many squirrels around right now and I run and bark at every one. No chance of catching them because they always run along the top of the fence and up into the trees. I had a good time at the stable too. When we got there, there were these huge birds (wild turkeys) on the grass near the barn. I ran madly into the middle of the flock. There were at least ten. At first, they scattered about and ran very quickly. I did not know which way to turn so went off madly in all directions. Then suddenly they were in the air above me. I made that happen. It was great!
    I'm thinking of all Crackers and hope this finds them well. PB, I hope the new job is going well but imagine you'll be especially busy as you learn the ropes. BM, you seem to have recovered from your journey and are logging diet and exercise well-yeah. MITM, and the mother of the Christmas Challenge, hope yours is going well. I'm enjoying seeing the progress of Saffy and New82. And LMV, wherever you are at the moment, I think of you too. Regards.