PCOS && Mood Swings

Joey9407 Posts: 14 Member
Since I got diagnose with PCOS my moods have been the worst. I tend to snap at people, I'm really *****y, and I don't understand why. It sucks because I swear I don't mean it at all but my GF does not believe me anymore she just thinks I'm a ***** because I want to but is like I cant control it . I really don't know. Any one else have these symptoms. Please do tell..


  • Beleren
    Beleren Posts: 142
    I usually only get like that before my period. It's pretty bad. I'm sorry your mood swings are so constant. If they keep getting worse maybe you could see a doctor? Did you just start any new meds?
  • Joey9407
    Joey9407 Posts: 14 Member
    I seen a doctor but never really talk about my mood swings. I havnt been on medication for a while so maybe my hormones are a little crazy. I have an appointment next month ill bring it up.
  • erin4609
    erin4609 Posts: 131 Member
    YES Definete mood swings, especially around my period. I feel bad for those around me..but I can't help it! I get in such a *****y mood!
  • CharRicho
    CharRicho Posts: 389 Member
    Oh yah, I can be the moodiest witch ever. I'm noticing an improvement in my moods since I've started to fix my diet and get more into exercising, but I definitely can still switch moods pretty much on a trigger. The slightest thing can make me so annoyed, or down in the dumps.
  • anna1056
    anna1056 Posts: 4
    I went on Dianette to control my periods, but found it also really levelled me out in terms of the ups and downs with the hormones. I've also found that the best thing is concentrating on diet and exercise.
  • I used to experience mood swings often but as of late I have been doing a lot better. I have learned to quiet my mind and focus on positive thoughts. I used to flipped out very easily and it was like I couldnt control my emotions :(. The mood swings began to be an issue, I felt bad about how the mood swings affected my family and friends. I knew I had to make a change. First and foremost I check myself, I approach life with a positive outlook. When I start feeling the need to lose it, I remain calm and think before I speak and or act. I don't allow others to ruffle my feathers, I just take note of their foolishness and I am conscious of my response. I don't snap on people anymore because snapping out has me upset for a long time and I find that I wrongfully project negative energy onto others, not cool. Im constantly aware of my attitude as not to pass on bad energy. The only medication I take is bc pills other than that I prefer to live a natural lifestyle. Pcos causes mood swings for sure due to our inbalance in hormones but remember we have pcos, pcos doesn't have us :). Btw, I posted a topic in pcosis on mood swings months ago :)
  • Joey9407
    Joey9407 Posts: 14 Member
    Thank you for all the input and advice girls. I try to work on it but sometimes I'm like a switch, I don't even know until it comes out and I'm like Oh *kitten* did I just say that lol.
  • Beleren
    Beleren Posts: 142
    Good luck at your appointment. :)
  • SexNerd
    SexNerd Posts: 36 Member
    I found out that I had PCOS because I was having such terrible issues with my mood. It got so bad that I finally had to realize that I couldn't do other things to take care of myself anymore because I was having such a hard time around my period. I would get really depressed, more anxious than usual, and be very easily irritated every time before my period and for a little into it. I would feel terrible for a couple weeks out of the month, and then it would clear and I would feel like a completely different person. I would just suddenly go back to feeling happy and content, even elated about life. Birth control pills seemed to be what really helped, although I felt like metformin had an important affect too. I feel so much better now! Fairly soon after I started taking the pill, I stopped having the mood changes so drastically. Now, it feels manageable and like it's not a big deal. I had a really bad experience when I tried SSRIs, but birth control pills changed a lot for me.
  • Joey9407
    Joey9407 Posts: 14 Member
    Thank you Beleren...
    Exactly what you describe sexnerd is what I feel is crazy to handle at times. But hopefully I can come to a solution with my endocrinologist. Thanks Guys!! :smile:
  • estherlion
    estherlion Posts: 86 Member
    I totally understand what you mean by "the switch." For me its not anxiety but more anger where i am ready to just kick some *kitten*. I talked about it with my doctor and he put me on myo insolol powder and green tea tablets. I have drastically reduced my sugar intake, fighting my sweet tooth. I hate PCOS, so lets direct our manly anger at it instead of others...hoorahhh!!!