SOS: Shout out Sundays 5/19/2013

garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
Okay it has been two weeks and we have not discussed what we learned or celebrations, failures (but not defeats) or learning experiences...let's talk!!!!!!



  • aakaakaak
    aakaakaak Posts: 1,240 Member
    I found another shirt in my closet I couldn't wear a month ago. It fits perfectly now. All the time in the weight room is starting to do what it's supposed to. I still don't believe it in my head yet though...

    Also, Bulgarian Split Squats are a freaking awesome exercise. You WILL feel them working.
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    I found another shirt in my closet I couldn't wear a month ago. It fits perfectly now. All the time in the weight room is starting to do what it's supposed to. I still don't believe it in my head yet though...

    Also, Bulgarian Split Squats are a freaking awesome exercise. You WILL feel them working.

    Well believe the is talking to you!
  • WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr
    WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr Posts: 2,150 Member
    Well, as my post from last night said, I learned I need to get some changes in my life. I was invited to a party on Friday, convinced my self that inspite of being out with a bunch of skinny women I could still look good and feel comfortable, I had the perfect outfit picked out, had even accepted the fact that the skirt I was going to wear was one of my "fat" skirts (it's a size 16) and felt that I could still rock it with this pretty top my friend had given me. Friday came and to my horror I couldn't even zip the skirt up and all my other skirts are too small (size 14) I was ready not to go. Deeply discouraged I wore the one pair of dress pants I have that fit but I went any way. I had started thinking about the name change here earlier in the week and the need to get my head on straight, I knew the food is still in a new spot with doing the food plan that the RD gave me, but my exercise has been off track with the whole ankle thing, my ankle has been feeling better (until I got home from the party Friday and even thought I wasn't walking or on my feet a lot, it was swelled up to the size of a grapefruit) so I decided I need to start doing some more cardio, but I wasn't sure how, then I realized I have a mind set about going outside to walk, because I have been walking and jogging in the past I haven't been going out to even walk and I need to change that. So I am in a transformation phase starting this week to get back on track with what I need to do, not do what I think I need to do.
  • aakaakaak
    aakaakaak Posts: 1,240 Member
    Well, as my post from last night said, I learned I need to get some changes in my life. I was invited to a party on Friday, convinced my self that inspite of being out with a bunch of skinny women I could still look good and feel comfortable, I had the perfect outfit picked out, had even accepted the fact that the skirt I was going to wear was one of my "fat" skirts (it's a size 16) and felt that I could still rock it with this pretty top my friend had given me. Friday came and to my horror I couldn't even zip the skirt up and all my other skirts are too small (size 14) I was ready not to go. Deeply discouraged I wore the one pair of dress pants I have that fit but I went any way. I had started thinking about the name change here earlier in the week and the need to get my head on straight, I knew the food is still in a new spot with doing the food plan that the RD gave me, but my exercise has been off track with the whole ankle thing, my ankle has been feeling better (until I got home from the party Friday and even thought I wasn't walking or on my feet a lot, it was swelled up to the size of a grapefruit) so I decided I need to start doing some more cardio, but I wasn't sure how, then I realized I have a mind set about going outside to walk, because I have been walking and jogging in the past I haven't been going out to even walk and I need to change that. So I am in a transformation phase starting this week to get back on track with what I need to do, not do what I think I need to do.

    You can do it Xena! Warrior Cupcake Princess!

    (Find some cardio that doesn't stress your ankle too much, like swimming or cycling. Did my longest ride in years today. The weather is perfect for it.)
  • WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr
    WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr Posts: 2,150 Member
    Well, as my post from last night said, I learned I need to get some changes in my life. I was invited to a party on Friday, convinced my self that inspite of being out with a bunch of skinny women I could still look good and feel comfortable, I had the perfect outfit picked out, had even accepted the fact that the skirt I was going to wear was one of my "fat" skirts (it's a size 16) and felt that I could still rock it with this pretty top my friend had given me. Friday came and to my horror I couldn't even zip the skirt up and all my other skirts are too small (size 14) I was ready not to go. Deeply discouraged I wore the one pair of dress pants I have that fit but I went any way. I had started thinking about the name change here earlier in the week and the need to get my head on straight, I knew the food is still in a new spot with doing the food plan that the RD gave me, but my exercise has been off track with the whole ankle thing, my ankle has been feeling better (until I got home from the party Friday and even thought I wasn't walking or on my feet a lot, it was swelled up to the size of a grapefruit) so I decided I need to start doing some more cardio, but I wasn't sure how, then I realized I have a mind set about going outside to walk, because I have been walking and jogging in the past I haven't been going out to even walk and I need to change that. So I am in a transformation phase starting this week to get back on track with what I need to do, not do what I think I need to do.

    You can do it Xena! Warrior Cupcake Princess!

    (Find some cardio that doesn't stress your ankle too much, like swimming or cycling. Did my longest ride in years today. The weather is perfect for it.)
    Thanks, tomorrow I talk to the bike fixing place about getting my poor bike in for an appointment so I can get back to riding again, especially since I'm not far from a trail that is specific for walking. running, biking, roller skating, ect (the trail runs from one end of the county to the other, so about 50+ miles)
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    this week I learned a couple of things. We have not had boxing class in 3 weeks because the teacher wanted a break. So I was trying to think what could I do to keep up that stamina of work out. So I did a kick boxing class on Fitness blender online. I am so sore and it's unbelievable. So I guess I learned I can tweak a program when needed.oh and also to fulfill another challenge we had this week I got some strawberries from the farmers market today yaaah!!
  • verdemujer
    verdemujer Posts: 1,397 Member
    That's is a good thing to eat up to my calorie level. That I can take a day off without my body going into total back sliding issues. That sleeping in feels good.