Ideas for dealing with life's trials and not turn to food!

Ok,my dear group. We haven't set any goals lately,and think we need to come up with a plan(plans) that can help us,when we are dealing with stress, trials and tribulation. I would appreciate anything that works for you,so we don't end up turning to food.
Here's my list:
2.Make sure I have healthy snacks at ALL times(available&accessible)
3. Get rid of anything I might binge on, in an emotional state.
4. Try not to dwell on the negative and if I can't avoid it,then only give myself a short period to think on it,or journal,then give it to God.
5. Encourage others(when I take the focus off my own problems,they seem to fade)
6. Surround myself with encouraging people(such as yourselves!)
7. Know that "This too shall pass". There is
always a new day.

Looking forward to any and all ideas:heart:
Looking forward to any and all ideas!:heart:


  • jeansuza
    jeansuza Posts: 148 Member
    Get some external help (consultant, group therapy, etc.)
    Practice yoga on a regular basis.
    Make a list of priorities or gaols and post it where it can be seen.
    Project yourself in the future (visualisation) using doctored pictures if possible.
    Surround yourself with positive messages.
    Keep a daily record of positives
    Love yourself, improve your self-esteem in any way.
    Reward yourself (with self-encouragement or at times little gifts, such as taking time to message your hands with scented lotion) for any baby step or effort you've made. Don't wait too long to do so because you are used to instant gratification.
    Never punish yourself ( or deny yourself of a treat) for not having reached a certain weight or loss a certain quantity of pounds (you are too precious and deserving to allow such a treatment)
    When under pressure, light up a scented candle and watch it burn for 5 minutes. Realx and enjoy.
    Take a walk, strenuous or relaxed, it's up to you...
  • susanjean62
    susanjean62 Posts: 200
    Thank you so much. These are great ideas. I was always taught,that loving yourself was a selfish act,until I realized that if I don't ,then how can I possibly have enough left over to love others. A counselor once told me to picture myself,as a young child and also,myself as a parent. How would you treat that little girl? We all have that small child in us,seeking approval,and it's time we love and cherish her,by taking good care of ourselves. Thanks again. You are such an inspiration. Hope we hear from more of our group. Have a nice day.:smile:
  • dawnp1833
    dawnp1833 Posts: 264 Member
    SusanJean- thanks for sharing the idea of picturing how you'd take care of the little girl version of you. What a nice idea. I think that is going to be helpful to me.

    My way of coping is going to be decompression after work. I come home from a stressful day and go right into making dinner and house cleaning and dealing with everything. I never take the time to just calm down and let go of the work day. So I'm going to focus on sitting outside for awhile or reading or taking a walk after work.

    Also, I'm going to set aside some time for hobbies or reading or other things I enjoy every week. Even if the house needs cleaning and the weeds need to be pulled - at least part of my weekend or a week night (or both) will be for things I like to do, just for me.
  • susanjean62
    susanjean62 Posts: 200
    It is so important to take time(to literally smell the roses). I am so glad you are taking the time for yourself to unwind from the stress of your job. Stress is a big trigger for emotional eating. Hope you are having a good week! Not posting my food diary,because I'm on a liquid diet,until tomorow,due to a molar i had removed. :smile: