Starting again................

nowornever250 Posts: 69 Member

I have a member for a while and lost weight and got fitter then I got injured a few months ago and for a want of a better phrase'got into a 'right grump'. Hopefully I am out of that now and the physio is letting me start cardio again - sit down bike first, then x trainer, then walking on the treadmill. He assures me that I can still do the great north run in September. I have injured my hip which meant every time I tried to do hills/cycling it hurt.

So I am trying to take it slowly - which I am finding very frustrating but know obviously he is right.

So I think my training for the gnr will be a mix of x trainer/cycling/aqua jogging and hopefully in the next month a long run at least once a week outside to minimise the jarring on my hip.

Has anyone got any tips/training plans for training for the gnr without doing a lot of running outside? I know stupid question as I will have to run outside on the day. I did it last year, so do remember all them long hills!!!

Thanks Anne