May 20 - 26, 2013

preshusgem Posts: 204 Member
Good morning ladies.

I restarted Turbo Fire yesterday with Week 1. Got myself into a 2 month slump and pretty much gained back the weight and inches that I had lost. I know the weight for sure has come back. I will do measurements again later today and reenter those values. I need to change up my profile numbers again. I'm down but I'm pulling myself back up again.

I'll try to check in more often.

Hope you're all okay...vini, jeni, lucy and connie!

Take care!


  • Vini9
    Vini9 Posts: 343 Member
    Hey ladies, I just did body beast yesterday. I liked it but I didn't if that makes sense. I liked the new workout and the hot men ( kidding) I felt so strong and powerful. What I didn't like was he didn't tell you how to modifiy and I/he didn't say to lift heavy first then go light. I have always done go light then heavy. Also he did a drop set which I didn't know what that was either. So needless to say I am being schooled. And that is a good thing. :)
    Stel- you know that really happens to everyone. When I go through it it's cause I am not losing and I just want to stop working out I still try to eat healthy but I just want to quit. I get it in my head things should be going one way and when they don't I get frustrated. Like for me when I did my first round of TF I thought I should have lost more. Then when I started Mfp and learned pretty quick that I wasn't losing even doing as they said I wanted to quit. I found TDEE -20% and watching my Marcos and still haven't really seen much loss. But I keep trying I know it works I see it on my boards! So what it boils down too is digging down deep and keep making yourself better. Remind yourself of your goals. Not just that you want to lose weight and inches but maybe being able to play with your kids and not get to winded or trying new foods that you have never had or forcing yourself to look in the mirror and pointing out one thing you like about yourself. I know it's hard! We are hear for you and you are doing great. You know you haven't been completely lost you are still logging and your still here, and that is what you need to focus on is your still here wanting this! You can do it! We have faith in you! :D
    Jeni- that is awesome you got your dates for the treatments. When will you be coming to DC? I really would like to try to meet. If anyone still wants to that is. Has thummper still been hanging around? Are you still doing CLX? I don't remember either way. Oh and how are the meds going? Sorry for so many questions I feel like I lost ouch with everything you have been doing. :(

    Keep pushing play ladies!
  • jenihullett
    jenihullett Posts: 241 Member
    Hi ladies!!

    Stel- I'm glad to see you back at it again! To see the weight go back on is frustrating, but keep at it. After taking my Anatomy and Physiology classes, I don't think i could ever stop working out entirely. It literally makes your entire body work better. Even if I never lost any more weight I would keep at it just to live a healthier life.

    Vini- What is Body Beast? Is it mostly cardio or weight training?

    I'll be in DC from July 2nd-12th. i am soooo excited that we're going to be in the capitol for the 4th of July (and our 9 year anniversary on the 6th!) I would love to meet you too if you're in the area. We could go out to dinner or something =) I haven't been doing CLX, because I snapped ANOTHER band, so I gave up and started using the weight machines at the gym instead. I was also able to jog 3 miles with the hubby without stopping last week. He was so proud. I haven't really been losing inches, but my quads and calf muscles are getting pretty big. As far as meds go, I start my injectable stuff on the 12th, and then I'll end up taking at least one shot of something per day all the way until the end of July. Fun fun. I have so much doctor related stuff coming up, it makes my head spin.
  • lucy_878
    lucy_878 Posts: 91 Member
    Hey ladies! I hope all is well! Jeni u r coming to my neck of the woods for your anniversary! I would love to meet u! Vini if U came up too that would be awesome! Keep me posted ladies!

    Stel I am thinking of restarting TF too....I still do it, but not on a regular schedule. You will get back in the swing of things!
  • preshusgem
    preshusgem Posts: 204 Member
    I really fell off the wagon this week as far as exercise goes. I've been eating crappy and feeling crappy afterwards. I was supposed to start week 2 and did not do a thing. I even dressed to work out where all I had to do was press play and I found myself taking a nap instead.

    I haven't been drinking much water either. I think that's really part of it.

    Week 2 will start on Monday. Busy Saturday with both kids in soccer makeup games and my daughter has back to back soccer and softball games.

    Glad to hear you're all pressing play or moving your body in some form or another! Take care ladies!
  • Vini9
    Vini9 Posts: 343 Member
    LOL, ladies we need to start a new thread. :) I will check in with you all Tomro and let you know how I have been. See you then :D