Xbox.... 1



  • KevDaniel
    KevDaniel Posts: 449 Member
    So the plot thickens.......

    Cliffs Notes: Yes there will be a "fee" but it will be the game shop owners that pay it, not the consumers.


    You, the shopper, won't have to pay the activation fee for a used Xbox One game - the shop will. Therefore, the price you see on a second-hand Xbox One game in a shop is the price you'll pay to be able to play it.

    That's what a high-ranking UK industry source explained to me this afternoon....etc.

    We pay it directly=pay M$
    Game Company Pays=We pay more for game=They pay M$

    Either way this is an ill conceived plan, game are already expensive enough, so unless this somehow reduces the prices of new games there is no way this is a good plan.

    Kinect has to be connected to use the Xbox-Fail
    You have to connect online at least once every 24hrs=Fail
    Mandatory game installs=Fail