Waist Management Incentive (June '13)

Hello Verizon H&W Members!
We are excited to start our new incentive for June, "Waist Management". Get your body ready for the summer season!

Here are the details:

i. Starts June 3rd- 28th
ii. Use MyFitnessPal.com or App to track nutrition and calories burned! JOIN OUR GROUP!
iii. Weekly Nutrition Journal turn-in = 3 pts
iv. For every 1 Serving of Fruits or Vegetables = 1 pt (Daily max of 3 fruit servings, and 5 vegetables)
v. 20 min cardio = 5 pts
vi. Track on Always a Higher Gear Website (Miles, Minutes) – Show a Coach screen shot – 3 pts (only 1x/day)
vii. 1 lb Lost = 10 pts – Monday the 3rd is the initial weigh-in and circumference measurements.
Last day to weigh-in measure is Friday, June 28th
viii. 1 inch lost = 10 pts (Points tallied by TOTAL inches lost after all measurements are taken)