Anyone Doing The Master Cleanse?

SpinSpinSugar69 Posts: 34 Member
Just started this weekend,I was already raw vegan so it wasn't too hard.I used Saturday and Sunday to transition.Monday was day one and it wasn't so bad but day 2 was the killer.If anyone wants to do it just let me's more fun in a group.


  • XxJulsSxX
    XxJulsSxX Posts: 13 Member
    Hi Spin Spin

    I just started today - I was ok up until lunchtime and then pizza arrived in the office and i caved! Will continue with the rest of the cleanse today and restart tomorrow :)

    How did you get on?

  • mehmeh40
    mehmeh40 Posts: 1
    Hay everyone I'm on day 4 feeling ok I'm now having more bm today then I did on day 1didnt know there was more in me wow
  • misskelli22
    I'm on Day One today. Anyone else starting or still going?
  • Blessed2BeeAlive
    Blessed2BeeAlive Posts: 23 Member
    No, but I should be.
  • PurpleZeal
    PurpleZeal Posts: 15 Member
    I am going to start my first attempt tomorrow - wish me luck - heh - I will try to post results. I am already vegan, I hope that helps make it a smoother ride.
  • PurpleZeal
    PurpleZeal Posts: 15 Member
    I've decided only to do two days. Just to get a preview of what it will be like when I am able to do it for 10 days. I found out I have too much responsibilities this weekend to do the 10 day. I assume one is not supposed to do heavy exercise, especially in the first 5 days.
  • PurpleZeal
    PurpleZeal Posts: 15 Member
    Well I am almost done with my first day. I hope tomorrow goes just as smoothly. I am really digging a cleanse where I get to taste maple syrup or molasses all day! No decrease in energy, in fact, I took an hour walk to the store and another hour back. (this is a LOT for me). I will report more in the "one day" section of this group.