Achilles tendinitis

Kupe Posts: 758 Member
I have this in my right ankle. For those that who have had it happen to them, what has been your recovery strategy and did you stop running for?

I ran through a 1/2 marathon with it, which was probably not the best idea. Any suggestions would be appreciated.


  • marikevr
    marikevr Posts: 389 Member
    I had tendonitis December/January. I would really advise to go and see a biokineticist or a physio to assess the extend of the injury.

    That said, I had to avoid hill running (which together with a faulty pair of shoes) was the cause of mine. I did not stop running, but ideally you should. I ran with ankle support. I did cut back a lot and watched it very carefully. Any clicking noises when you flex the ankle is a bad sign.
    I was given exercises such as toe and heel raises, and flexibility exercises for the ankle.

    However, causes and healing could strategies differ, so please go see the bio/physio and get a proper recovery strategy.