Inner thighs chafing?

kikyoumiko Posts: 14 Member
Have any of you experienced inner thigh chafing after squatting heavy for a few weeks? I have been doing Stronglifts for 2 months now and I can squat up to 160 lbs. But a few weeks ago on my cardio day, I decided to run/walk for 45 minutes. Then later that night I saw chafing marks on my inner thighs and it developed into a rash. Now I feel like my thighs are always chafing when I walk and it hasn't healed up yet. I never had chafing problems in my life before I started barbell squatting heavy weights. I used to run a lot and never had that problem. I googled up chafing and squatting and it seems to be a common problem with men. How can it be fixed? It kind of makes me re-think about squatting heavy weights.


  • xidia
    xidia Posts: 606 Member
    I'm going to take a guess and say it's down to increased muscle size (not mass, size, eg glycogen and water). For men, it may well be that plus increased muscle mass, but it's unlikely for a woman. If you're not already lean, I'd expect it to go away as you drop body fat and the circumference of your thighs decreases.
  • amyaroja
    amyaroja Posts: 63 Member
    Get glide stick!