Zombies aren't that strong either



  • lizpirate
    lizpirate Posts: 92 Member
    How's everyone doing on their strength training? I finally got my gym membership but I'm waiting to activate it until next week, since I'm going out of town on Thursday. I'm looking forward to doing a session with the personal trainer to establish some base goals. I think I'm also going to bring a copy of NROLFW with me on my trip.
  • dragon1ady
    dragon1ady Posts: 335 Member
    I can lift way more now than I could just a month ago. I feel stronger, which is a great feeling.

    How are the rest of you doing?
  • FakingFitness
    FakingFitness Posts: 325 Member
    I'm doing okay. definite changes. But, I'm really fighting with my gym being so far away now... and in a direction I never go, except for the gym.
  • Purpleflipflops
    Purpleflipflops Posts: 563 Member
    I think I am going to have to start reading this book! I always comment on how I wish I knew more about lifting. Like, A normal conversation for me would be something like:
    "What did you lift today?"
    "The things the little read arrows on the machine diagram point to."
  • sarannakitten
    Just got the book, and decided to try the program with my sister. Since the gyms near us are expensive and have bad reviews (sigh) I picked up dumbbells and chin up bar at sports store. Now if I can just actually do the excercises lol. Nothing ventured, nothing gained, right? :)
  • dragon1ady
    dragon1ady Posts: 335 Member
    In the world of fitness and healthy living I think it's more a matter of, "nothing ventured, lots and lots gained"... :wink:
  • lizpirate
    lizpirate Posts: 92 Member
    I did my first NROLFW workout last night! I think I went a little light on some of the weights, since I was still trying to figure out what I was doing. I'm going again tomorrow and will do workout B (and figure out how to do those exercises), then count next week as my official start.

    For those of you doing it, the one thing I had a little trouble with was the Prone Jackknife exercise. I think I mostly got it the second time, but it felt really odd. Any tips?
  • nytefalle
    nytefalle Posts: 63
    I finally read through NROWL last night and printed off some logs & noted modifications for doing everything at home. I dug around in the basement today and found my husband's curl bar (20 pounds) and used that for squats and bent-over rows. I deflated and lost my last exercise ball ages ago, so planks it was!

    It's sort of depressing that I'm so out of shape after being a slacker for 2 months, but now I'm back on track :D
  • dragon1ady
    dragon1ady Posts: 335 Member
    Good for you! Getting started can be so difficult... kudos to you for making the effort.

    I'm starting to think I should just buy the book and do the workouts, so I won't feel left out when the rest of you all start to look like amazon warriors in running shoes!
  • nytefalle
    nytefalle Posts: 63
    I am surprisingly sore today. Like sore in ways & places that didn't happen after the first day of 30DS. Pecs, back, shoulders, glutes, front & outer parts of my quads, and to a lesser extent, my triceps, biceps, and abs under my belly button. This is so much more of a whole body workout than other things I've tried, and it took no time to do all the exercises.

    I'm wishing my running path didn't flood in rain, or I'd be out there working some of these muscles loose.
  • dragon1ady
    dragon1ady Posts: 335 Member
    I'm still doing the workouts the trainer at our gym puts my better half and myself through, and the other employees at the gym (who see us coming in regularly) gave us compliments on our progress last time. Few accomplishments feel as good to me as gym accomplishments... I've worked very hard for them!

    How is everybody else doing on their lifting? Come on... bragging time! :smile:
  • FakingFitness
    FakingFitness Posts: 325 Member
    I hadn't been to the gym for 2 months. But, it's just to hot to consider running.
    I went in this morning and it went like this:

    I was doing 70 pounds for both inner and outer thighs last time I was there. Today I set up for my 70 and did a double take after 1 rep... Thought I set it wrong. Ya, I wound up adjusting and doing a comfortable 4 sets at 150#. Waaaaat.
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    I've dialled it right back to endurance, ready for Tough Mudder next month.
  • lizpirate
    lizpirate Posts: 92 Member
    I've been lifting 2-3 days a week and am seeing progress! I'm up to 95 lbs for 12 reps on my squats and 70 lbs for 12 reps on my deadlifts. I'm enjoying the free weights because I can get in and out pretty quickly and not have to spend a ton of time at the gym.