Body shape changes

jaxson65 Posts: 30 Member
Has anyone else changed weirdly in shape on the dukan diet. Now I'm not complaining much because I have lost the four stone that i needed to lose but my clothes just look ridiculous on me now all my clothes from my slimmer days which i thought i would wear again just look awful on. My boobs are ok but they are now starting to decrease rapidly but my bum has disappeared completely. My hips are now only an inch away from being smaller than my waist. My legs and and ankles are fine although the tops of my legs really wobble now when I walk.

I feel better than ever being on the diet and I'm glad I've lost the weight I just hadn't realised that my shape would change. I am not going down as far as my ideal weight and about to start the consolidation phase now.


  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    I haven't had that - pretty much lost evenly all over.. I will admit I do at least 15 minutes of yoga every day that is included in my overall activity on Nike Fuel Band as well as walk quite a bit. I will say that it seemed like my hips and waist went down faster than the fat on my back.. but it all came off!
  • ginnyz1
    ginnyz1 Posts: 49
    I've been losing all over as well, but my shape has been changing since I passed 40. Sounds like you need to go shopping and find some new clothes that flatter your new smaller and different shape! Congrats on your great success and go have some fun!!:happy:
  • jaxson65
    jaxson65 Posts: 30 Member
    I'm going to try a Pilates yoga as I went for an exercise referral and my flexibility was really bad. I do lots of walking which is why my hips shrunk so quick. I guess I hadn't banked on changing to a completely different shape and yes my slimmer clothes are probably from my early forties. Guess I'm a lucky girl and going to have to choose a new wardrobe. Thanks
  • Capone1971
    Capone1971 Posts: 14 Member
    My hips are now smaller than my waist but my bust has pretty much stayed the same so I'm now rectangular at the top instead of the hour glass I was before putting on all my weight. I only do walking so I guess that is why my hips have disappeared. If u find a solution keep me posted. Well done on almost reaching your target. :)