Week One Challenge 7/29-8/5

The Outdoor Challenge
~Try to do at least 3 hours of outdoor activity this week. Too many people get caught up in the gym or at home and neglect the benefits of working out outdoors. Go for a walk, a bike ride, a rollerblade, a jog, a swim, anything!
Take advantage of the good weather while you still can :)
For those of you who exercise outdoors regularly, try a new activity! If you're jogger, try rollerblading! If you're a bicyclist, grab a friend and hit the courts!

First Check In: Wednesday August 1

Have fun!


  • mesee619
    mesee619 Posts: 84 Member
    Sounds fun.
  • smaugish
    smaugish Posts: 244 Member
    I'll give it a go, but the weather over here in the UK seems to be turning again D:
  • Suaso
    Suaso Posts: 48
    Weather permitting of course :)
    Vancouver has been known to turn on its residents without notice so fingers crossed for a good week here!
  • achasnis
    achasnis Posts: 119 Member
    3 hours of swimming for me, I am ready to start!
  • Kurrsteee
    Kurrsteee Posts: 72 Member
    Sounds good to me, I need some motivation to actually get up and walk to the bank!
  • SaxophoneNerd
    SaxophoneNerd Posts: 59 Member
    Today I took a half hour walk outside. The weather is lovely here in Chicago. :)
  • JaiHot
    JaiHot Posts: 1
    Man im feeding this I hate going outside! Here in Florida the heat is unbarable!
  • I am totally in! I just joined this group today but tomorrow is going to be awesome! I think my 3 hours will be mall walking, We have an amazing outdoor mall and if the weather is not so nice, an indoor mall. :) I figure that 3 hours of window shopping for back to school will be well earned after I lose 10 pounds. :)
  • clmaeda13
    clmaeda13 Posts: 2
    I like that goal! My boyfriend and I just got back from a mile walk...it was lovely! Now it just needs to become a regular occurrence, and not just a one time thing. But I just joined, so here goes :-)
  • jltaft21
    jltaft21 Posts: 34 Member
    Hi everyone. I just joined. Outside is not very possible for me in this 111 degree Vegas heat. I will try to swim and I definitely like the mall walking and window shopping idea ;)
  • jltaft21
    jltaft21 Posts: 34 Member
    I also did 45 minutes of TurboJam tonight. WOO HOO!
  • krsloane
    krsloane Posts: 13
    Ooh..Outside is hard for me this time of year....it is soooo hot, but I'll try. What a great idea to start this group by the way!
  • carebearhere
    carebearhere Posts: 37 Member
    I do 100 mins of walking a day, so this is an easy goal for me. Unfortunately, its winter here, so it's as windy as hell, but whatever, a good resistance workout? :)
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member

    Take advantage of the good weather while you still can :)

    First Check In: Wednesday August 1

    Have fun!

    I live in Australia... Middle of winter? No thank you.
  • I go to the track at least for mornings a week to walk 3 miles so the outside part won't be hard it will be doing another activity besides walking for an hour. Today is yard work...lol...wish me luck :)
  • sfarra111
    sfarra111 Posts: 2
    I am in, no matter what the weather!
  • mtmom1012
    mtmom1012 Posts: 31 Member
    Perfect as I'm on vacation in the Minnesota northwoods! We live outside here! Thanks!
  • Peppychristian
    Peppychristian Posts: 157 Member
    Super hot here but I will try. My kids have been begging to go to the park. But between the 90+ days and the mosquitoes that can carry off small children I haven't braved it.
  • flyingpurplemonkey
    flyingpurplemonkey Posts: 105 Member
    This is a great idea, but unfortunately, not something I can do. I already go running several times a week, and I have no equipment (bike, skates, anything to help my switch it up). That is one of the reasons I run to begin with. But I want to encourage everyone else and wish you all the best!
  • bewitched2982
    bewitched2982 Posts: 93 Member
    I take about a 30 minute walk early every morning, but I"m not sure I will be able to do more than that outside as the high for the next week is over 105 every day! I will definitely try to do the minutes though!