Getting up early to workout

Anniel88 Posts: 150 Member
Hi everyone! I could use some advice from other hypo-people. I have been having some trouble fitting in working out into my routine. By the time I get home from work, I feel exhausted and end up getting roped into the other things I need to get done around the house (dinner, cleaning, etc). I think my best option is to try to get up early to work out as I actually prefer morning workouts and wouldn't have those distractions. The problem is I would need to get up around 4:30 to be able to workout before I have to head off for work and I really need my 8-10 hours sleep. 4:30 seems impossible right now!

I know if I start working out, I'll boost my energy levels and it'll get easier, but has anyone had success doing this? Do you have any tips for getting started or progressing into an early morning workout plan?

Thanks for the help and advice!!


  • BWinsto1
    BWinsto1 Posts: 46 Member
    I'm like you and would rather workout in the morning. I wake up around 4:45 am to workout. It is hard starting this routine but the more you do it, the easier it becomes.
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    I work out most mornings. It is hard to start and stick with, but I really do have more energy throughout the day. I feel like I accomplished something before work. It helps me handle daily stress better. And when I get home in the evenings, I'm not worried about having to squeeze in a workout with everything else on my list. My evenings feel more relaxed.

    I get up an hour before I need to. Takes me 15 minutes to get ready to work out, then a 45 minute workout.

    What helps is having all my workout clothes laid out the night before.

    When I started out, I spent several days setting the alarm 15 minutes early one day, then 30 the next, then 1 hour. I was trying to adjust to getting up early, regardless of getting a workout in.

    I also make a point to "enjoy" something in the morning after my workout. Linger over my cup of coffee a little longer, etc.
  • Anniel88
    Anniel88 Posts: 150 Member
    Thanks for the tips!!:flowerforyou:
    I'm going to really push this week to start working out in the morning.
  • Maymichelle
    Maymichelle Posts: 106 Member
    Hi everyone! I could use some advice from other hypo-people. I have been having some trouble fitting in working out into my routine. By the time I get home from work, I feel exhausted and end up getting roped into the other things I need to get done around the house (dinner, cleaning, etc). I think my best option is to try to get up early to work out as I actually prefer morning workouts and wouldn't have those distractions. The problem is I would need to get up around 4:30 to be able to workout before I have to head off for work and I really need my 8-10 hours sleep. 4:30 seems impossible right now!

    I know if I start working out, I'll boost my energy levels and it'll get easier, but has anyone had success doing this? Do you have any tips for getting started or progressing into an early morning workout plan?

    Thanks for the help and advice!!

    For the longest time I was working out at 8pm after my kids go to bed...within the past month I've been getting up at 4:30am to complete my morning run. It is amazing how much better I am feeling during the day now! I think it's because of that. The first few times were killer to get up that early; however, now I look forward to it & bounce right up & out because I know just how great I feel for the day. I always got up at 5:15 to start my morning getting ready routine so I was one that told myself there is no way I could get up any earlier to workout because I would have to get up at 4:30am!! I started to convinced myself this would be just a little earlier and decided to try it. Like I said, I am extremely happy with my results. Also, my Dr. told me to take a cold shower to boost my energy. It is amazing how easy it is to do that after a morning workout & it does really help keep me from dragging. I can't stay up past 10pm butt has to be in bed to get up that early! Good luck!!
  • metzica
    metzica Posts: 24
    For the past couple of months I've been getting up at 5 to workout, it was tough at first, but now I'm used to it and my day doesn't feel quite right if I don't start it out that way! Anything can become a habit if you do it long enough! Best of Luck!
  • Maymichelle
    Maymichelle Posts: 106 Member
    Just read this quote today: "It's easier to wake up early and work out than it is to look in the mirror each day and not like what you see." -Jayne Cox
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    Regardless of when you workout, it's just important to do it. If you can't find yourself able to get up early, try to just workout for 5 or ten minutes. It is easier to get started if you are only committed for a few minutes, and it is certainly better than nothing. Then, after you've done it for a bit, it's easier and easier to get in the swing.
  • I get up M-F at 0400 & work out for about 45-55 minutes. I have been doing that since February 2012. It gives me alot more energy during the day. Also, it makes it easier because than if you are tired after a long day, you don't have to have the energy to workout when you get home or skip it all together. Most work days, a group of co-workers, take about a 45 minute walk at lunch time together so that's my extra boost.
  • Anniel88
    Anniel88 Posts: 150 Member
    Thank you everyone for all of the encouragement and advice! I was able to get up at 4:30 4 days this week and work out for a bit. Unfortunately, I woke up today with Hashi symptoms so I skipped the work out this morning, but I hope over time I will be able to do 5 days a week consistently! I just pushed myself a little too much this week so I'll just have to build up a little more slowly.

    Thanks everyone! :flowerforyou:
  • cmillv
    cmillv Posts: 18 Member
    I get up at 5:15 to ride my bike for a half hour. I love it!!! It sucks for the 10 seconds while you re turning off the alarm and your brain is saying no. But, once I'm out of bed and on my way, it's not bad at all. Knowing that I got a little exercise in before 6am is a really great accomplishment and something to be proud of!
    Good luck to you!
  • Maymichelle
    Maymichelle Posts: 106 Member
    Thank you everyone for all of the encouragement and advice! I was able to get up at 4:30 4 days this week and work out for a bit. Unfortunately, I woke up today with Hashi symptoms so I skipped the work out this morning, but I hope over time I will be able to do 5 days a week consistently! I just pushed myself a little too much this week so I'll just have to build up a little more slowly.

    Thanks everyone! :flowerforyou:

    AWESOME JOB!!! Way to go!! =)
  • I HATE MORNINGS! However I never find time at night, I started with just my 10 min solution videos ( I use the pilates one) then I knew I did a little bit of a workout then I did 2 at a time, now I can do 30 day shred (20 Mins) and a pilates workout. Small steps!