7-30-2012 Monday's Mad Hatters Chatter



  • MeRoBi
    MeRoBi Posts: 127 Member
    Wow, so much going on!

    Fishbarn, words cannot adequately express my sympathy for the loss of your son. I can't imagine what you went through. The fact that you continued with your dental work is a testament to your strength and your love for your son. I am in awe!

    Kobie, you certainly have been given more than your share of drama this summer. Amazing that you managed to stay focused during all of that. It certainly bodes well for when things get "back to normal".

    Hair, enjoy Body Pump...you go girl! I can't wait to see you rockin' that sleeveless shirt (and I KNOW I will)!! And YES, what's up with all those junk food commercials? I'm surprised there hasn't been more outrage or comments about it. Well, I'm going to speak with my wallet. No more cokes or french fries for me ;).

    Yesterday was more successful for me than the previous days. I decided to go for a hike in the morning by myself BEFORE I went hiking with my husband and daughter. I walked up the mountain (which a few years ago was REALLY hard for me...not nearly as much this year :) ), and then did ridiculous looking exercises on the way down (to keep my heart rate up) which didn't make me as crabby when we hiked together. I know they think I'm crazy and annoying, but when I "count" on burning a set number of calories and don't, it means I need to go down to the depressing little gym and "finish". And the other thing, is that they were really condescending last year "C'mon mom, you can do it (snarky, not supportive)", or "you better be in better shape next year". And now, because they're the ones that are dragging, I'm labeled a crazy person. Whew! Thanks for letting me get that out!

    Now my husband has decided that it would be "fun" to go biking together. He bought a new bike rack for the car so we could bring the bikes with us (thoughtful, I know...I'm such an ungrateful witch). So he's changing into his bike shorts, lol and we're off! Wish me luck...it could either be really great or really disastrous!!

  • adianeschu
    adianeschu Posts: 491 Member
    If your wondering were I've been, I've been here all along. I just listen and listen and read & read all of your post. I'm what you might call a person behind the scenes I'm not one that writes much but always here! You ladies are all amazing!! The things you all have gone thru just saddens and amazes me! You don't ever give up. I think what we all have here is a bunch of wonderful, amazing women that have finally decided to do something for ourselves. We have raised our families and now we can come first. Which should of been that all along. But we are women that just how we are. The support this group gives is the most rewarding thing I have seen in a long time. Thanks to all of you for all the support and love you all give to the Mad Hatters! We're all doing this together! Amen!
  • TArnold2012
    TArnold2012 Posts: 929 Member
    Hello hello hello everyone

    Tonya you said it out loud but I was the same as I read yesterday's post. Tears in my eyes and pride in my heart that I was a part of such a wonderful group. When I think about how hard it is to find friends that truly understand me the fact that I have found so many is still hard for me to comprehend. This group if the high light of my day. No matter what is going on in my life I know that when I login and come to our group that someone will be posted some in sight that will make me think "ahhh" giving me something to ponder and continue connecting the dots of change.

    Fish your strength in sharing is beyond words. The fact that you are striving to not just give lip service but to be an example of what you say with your children is often rare in our society these days. It is wonderful to hear about and know that your daughter has that as an influence in her life. Your bravery to keeping your promise to Matt I am sure will be one of the most positive messages and something that will never be forgotten by your daughter. That dedication is hard to find.

    Linda thanks for the links I will be looking around them as I am always researching for more answers on this journey.

    KobieMom glad to read you are safe and that things are beginning to come back together. I am sure after all that you and your family needed that vacation. It's great that in the middle of all this you were able to keep your focus and remember that it is a life style.

    Oh Kathy :blushing: lmbo cute cute cute, made me smile

    Snoozie my dear wishing you the best of your check up. I do hope you are not over doing it . Part time job to avoid the boredom all I can say is OH MY not happening here !!! Would rather driver over and shop hehehehehe :bigsmile:

    Janet all I can say is you are amazing !!! As my summer clocks down I am already wondering and try to plan how to get in exercise as I return to the classroom. I already get up at 5 am and I can say now I am not going to get up any earlier !!! Going to plan to drop in the gym at our church at least 2 days a week but hoping to make it 3 but we shall see. Keep up the good work !!!
    And yes some of the top supporters of the Olympics tick me off, though it has given opportunity for us to have discussions about nutrition and better choices.

    Melissa don't ya just wish you had a video recorder to play back those moments from last year as you out pace them this year :laugh: That is an amazing feat and be proud !!! Hmmm just wondering what next year has in store already LOLOL should be sooooooooo interesting.

    Adiane the fact that we can come and give and take as needed is one of the amazing things about this group. No pressures of you have to do this or you need to do that as with some of the other groups. Just knowing we are here for each other when needed helps some much.

    I am not sure why but in the past two weeks I have suddenly found myself struggling to keep my sodium numbers down :huh: It's almost like the harder I try the worst it gets. So I increased water last week and am doing the same this week. I am being very careful about portions and weighing my food. And as silly as it sounds I have pulled back a bit on exercise and been really good about not going under 1200 calories and suddenly upon doing this combination of things I dropped 3 pounds. So we shall see how this week goes. Even with the sodium problem I am feeling less bloated than I have in weeks.

    Now on the evil side I just found out that with a lose of 5 more pounds I will be small than the mother of my husbands children. I have never even had thoughts of her, her weight, vs me and mind. But when I shared I had lost 3 pounds, my stepdaughter ask what I weighted (for a the very first time EVER I shared that knowledge with her) she wow just 5 more pounds and you will weight less than mom my thoughts went evil. I know so bad of me :huh: But if you only knew the evilness she has spewed about me to the children. Hmmm wonder if I could lose 5 this week? ( most evil laugh ) Sorry sorry sorry I just can't seem to help myself !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Everyone have a most wonderful day !!!
  • adianeschu
    adianeschu Posts: 491 Member
    Tarnold- You go girl!!! You crack me up!
  • TArnold2012
    TArnold2012 Posts: 929 Member
    Tarnold- You go girl!!! You crack me up!

    I know I should feel bad but I just can't seem to do it with this smile on my face :bigsmile:
  • hairsprayhon
    hairsprayhon Posts: 334 Member
    TA, sodium has a very sneaky way of getting into every thing. I was amazed at the sodium in most soup, (Panera) But the water is the best way to flush it out of your system, my friend is on my case about drinking more water, and I feel better when I do, but I "forget" Congrats on getting rid of the 3 lbs. AND when is the first day that you will get to that Church gym? Let us know so we can all remind you!
  • TArnold2012
    TArnold2012 Posts: 929 Member
    TA, sodium has a very sneaky way of getting into every thing. I was amazed at the sodium in most soup, (Panera) But the water is the best way to flush it out of your system, my friend is on my case about drinking more water, and I feel better when I do, but I "forget" Congrats on getting rid of the 3 lbs. AND when is the first day that you will get to that Church gym? Let us know so we can all remind you!

    School starts back on Aug 15 so I am aiming for Aug 20th or 21st
  • tonyacoursey
    tonyacoursey Posts: 404 Member
    Oh TA, the talks we could have. Rick and I both had adult children so that wasn't an issue, but if I heard once I heard a million times "Lori and I never argued". Well duh, that is why you were bored and not participating in your marriage! we have been together for 14 years and married for 3. I have never forgotten it.....lol
  • TArnold2012
    TArnold2012 Posts: 929 Member

    Are you sure Rick's name isn't Mack???? LOLOL sounds like my first marriage except we fought for the first 15 years until I refused to do so any longer then we pretty much never talked. I had wanted out for years but you know how small southern towns are "its who you know" and my ex was friends with all the lawyers and judges and refused to let me have my children. Finally he wanted out and I went on vacation to Seattle, WA to meet my online card playing buddy. I never looked back and stayed for 8 years before we moved back to my home state of Louisiana.

    I have a 30 year old boy, almost 22 year old girl, 19 year old stepson, 17 year old stepdaughter, and and Thomas and I have a 6 year old daughter together :blushing: We meet online in 1999 met in person the last day of 2003, committed in May 2003, and married 2009. So I have raised my step-children. Just this last year I received the best card with the best compliment from the daughter thanking me for all I have done and giving credit for who she has become. I won't lie there has been some real battle with the son (he is a mama's boy) I wouldn't change a thing. If someone would have told me a relationship could be like this

    I would have never believed them and I am still amazed and even sad at times to know I was missing this all those years. But as I have shared with other the bad of that relationship makes me treasure this one and honestly give more.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    If I had to define what this group is to me, here’s what I would fill in the little box:

    Mad Hatters: a group of women who offer acceptance, encouragement, understanding and support to each other, and ask only the same in return. Women who have each lived a full life; who have experienced life and death, pain and sorrow, joy and love, forgiveness and gratitude, despair and hope. Women who reach out when one of their own is hurting, or in need.. whether they be continents away or miles away, and ask nothing in return.

    What a wonderful gift I have been given, to be part of such an amazing group.

    No judgment. No criticism. We are often bombarded with both of these from those people in our lives who should be building us up; people in our own environments of work, home, family, friends… but here, in this group.. we know everyone here believes in US.. in every one of us.. truly believes in our ability to each reach our goals. We have no underlying, secret hidden agendas, we don’t “owe” each other anything.. we do it just because we have found all found a connection in who we are and where we’re at in our lives, and have shared so many of the same experiences, that we can offer each other the best thing in the world; unconditional acceptance and support.

    Thank you all for coming together here; I am thrilled to have you in my life now and through my journey to lose this weight, and change my lifestyle!!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Hi Ho Hatters!

    K… I had a very bad day; got read the riot act by the doctor and told if I didn’t stop spending all day looking at a computer or anything “close up”; my lens would not fall into place correctly; that I could NOT walk more than a leisurely stroll and to kindly remember that the hanging lens is a very delicate thing and to smarten up big time. Told to wear a patch at work so eye didn’t stay focused on screen only. Message received and Snoozie will absolutely follow orders. Was 4 hrs late getting in cause of riot act; eyes clumped and dilated from all the drops; and having to try numerous places to find a freaken patch (ended up making my own to get thru the day). Was 2 hrs late getting home as a result of catching up on everything; very cranky, hungry..and in a rage after hitting rush hour. Made quick dinner and wanted to dive into bag of chips because I was in such an emotional whirlwind. Didn’t have any; considered driving to get some and then realized k.. this is what you DO. Was dog tired; just wanted to curl up and log onto the hatters and read everyones posts. But have to limit screen time. Grrr. Even more mad. What to do. Decided instead to go to the lake and stroll. Lake calms me. So I threw on sneakers and shorts and went down at 730 at night; and strolled for ½ hr thru the park.. got mad at joggers passing me, felt like carrying a sign saying this is all I can dooooo.. don’t judge me.. then realized that was just stoopid…so instead breathed… looked at lake… stretched as I went.. enjoyed the breeze.. looked way out at horizon and at birds and ducks to expand focus in eye… it was lovely. I gradually calmed down. Then came home, cranked the a/c to HIGH, ran a bubble bath..poured a ½ glass of wine and slid in and just relaxed while I thought about how much better I felt right at that moment, than I would have felt if I had driven to the store in a rage and bot a bag of chips and devoured them. And I did. I felt great. It was a BAD day.. but it’s a good night Because this time I thought it through and tried something else to deal with my emotions. And this time it worked. And all that matters right now is this time. I’m not going to think about what about next time, or what if… I’m just going to celebrate that this time, I made a better choice. IPOM.

    Sadly though.. I am going to have to force myself not to spend hours on here… it’s pretty much become an addiction for me here.. sigh.. but I want you all to know that I will be reading every single post… and I will TRY my best to do replies to all.. especially today because they are all such amazings posts from everyone.. my fingers are itching to let each of you know what parts have touched me specifically… but I am quite honestly scared after this morning that I will mess up my eye, so please forgive me for the next couple of weeks if I can’t write much, but I will absolutely be reading every single post and will figure out a way to get my “fix” and post .. maybe more sporadically rather than all at once. Anyway… I’m already over my set limit for today but HAVE to catch up on todays posts, although I wont be able to come back and do replies.. but you all ROCK and are amazing women… can’t wait til I can ramble again (yeah I know.. I haven’t exactly stopped rambling yet LOL)

  • TArnold2012
    TArnold2012 Posts: 929 Member
    Hi Ho Hatters!

    K… I had a very bad day; got read the riot act by the doctor and told if I didn’t stop spending all day looking at a computer or anything “close up”; my lens would not fall into place correctly; that I could NOT walk more than a leisurely stroll and to kindly remember that the hanging lens is a very delicate thing and to smarten up big time. Told to wear a patch at work so eye didn’t stay focused on screen only. Message received and Snoozie will absolutely follow orders. Was 4 hrs late getting in cause of riot act; eyes clumped and dilated from all the drops; and having to try numerous places to find a freaken patch (ended up making my own to get thru the day). Was 2 hrs late getting home as a result of catching up on everything; very cranky, hungry..and in a rage after hitting rush hour. Made quick dinner and wanted to dive into bag of chips because I was in such an emotional whirlwind. Didn’t have any; considered driving to get some and then realized k.. this is what you DO. Was dog tired; just wanted to curl up and log onto the hatters and read everyones posts. But have to limit screen time. Grrr. Even more mad. What to do. Decided instead to go to the lake and stroll. Lake calms me. So I threw on sneakers and shorts and went down at 730 at night; and strolled for ½ hr thru the park.. got mad at joggers passing me, felt like carrying a sign saying this is all I can dooooo.. don’t judge me.. then realized that was just stoopid…so instead breathed… looked at lake… stretched as I went.. enjoyed the breeze.. looked way out at horizon and at birds and ducks to expand focus in eye… it was lovely. I gradually calmed down. Then came home, cranked the a/c to HIGH, ran a bubble bath..poured a ½ glass of wine and slid in and just relaxed while I thought about how much better I felt right at that moment, than I would have felt if I had driven to the store in a rage and bot a bag of chips and devoured them. And I did. I felt great. It was a BAD day.. but it’s a good night Because this time I thought it through and tried something else to deal with my emotions. And this time it worked. And all that matters right now is this time. I’m not going to think about what about next time, or what if… I’m just going to celebrate that this time, I made a better choice. IPOM.

    Sadly though.. I am going to have to force myself not to spend hours on here… it’s pretty much become an addiction for me here.. sigh.. but I want you all to know that I will be reading every single post… and I will TRY my best to do replies to all.. especially today because they are all such amazings posts from everyone.. my fingers are itching to let each of you know what parts have touched me specifically… but I am quite honestly scared after this morning that I will mess up my eye, so please forgive me for the next couple of weeks if I can’t write much, but I will absolutely be reading every single post and will figure out a way to get my “fix” and post .. maybe more sporadically rather than all at once. Anyway… I’m already over my set limit for today but HAVE to catch up on todays posts, although I wont be able to come back and do replies.. but you all ROCK and are amazing women… can’t wait til I can ramble again (yeah I know.. I haven’t exactly stopped rambling yet LOL)


    Yes mam this is exactly what I was worried about. Now do what that doctor has advised so that after healing we can enjoy your wonderful company again in full. We will be here when you are able to be with us fully healed !!!!!!!
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    Hi Ho Hatters!

    K… I had a very bad day; got read the riot act by the doctor and told if I didn’t stop spending all day looking at a computer or anything “close up”; my lens would not fall into place correctly; that I could NOT walk more than a leisurely stroll and to kindly remember that the hanging lens is a very delicate thing and to smarten up big time. Told to wear a patch at work so eye didn’t stay focused on screen only. Message received and Snoozie will absolutely follow orders. Was 4 hrs late getting in cause of riot act; eyes clumped and dilated from all the drops; and having to try numerous places to find a freaken patch (ended up making my own to get thru the day). Was 2 hrs late getting home as a result of catching up on everything; very cranky, hungry..and in a rage after hitting rush hour. Made quick dinner and wanted to dive into bag of chips because I was in such an emotional whirlwind. Didn’t have any; considered driving to get some and then realized k.. this is what you DO. Was dog tired; just wanted to curl up and log onto the hatters and read everyones posts. But have to limit screen time. Grrr. Even more mad. What to do. Decided instead to go to the lake and stroll. Lake calms me. So I threw on sneakers and shorts and went down at 730 at night; and strolled for ½ hr thru the park.. got mad at joggers passing me, felt like carrying a sign saying this is all I can dooooo.. don’t judge me.. then realized that was just stoopid…so instead breathed… looked at lake… stretched as I went.. enjoyed the breeze.. looked way out at horizon and at birds and ducks to expand focus in eye… it was lovely. I gradually calmed down. Then came home, cranked the a/c to HIGH, ran a bubble bath..poured a ½ glass of wine and slid in and just relaxed while I thought about how much better I felt right at that moment, than I would have felt if I had driven to the store in a rage and bot a bag of chips and devoured them. And I did. I felt great. It was a BAD day.. but it’s a good night Because this time I thought it through and tried something else to deal with my emotions. And this time it worked. And all that matters right now is this time. I’m not going to think about what about next time, or what if… I’m just going to celebrate that this time, I made a better choice. IPOM.

    Sadly though.. I am going to have to force myself not to spend hours on here… it’s pretty much become an addiction for me here.. sigh.. but I want you all to know that I will be reading every single post… and I will TRY my best to do replies to all.. especially today because they are all such amazings posts from everyone.. my fingers are itching to let each of you know what parts have touched me specifically… but I am quite honestly scared after this morning that I will mess up my eye, so please forgive me for the next couple of weeks if I can’t write much, but I will absolutely be reading every single post and will figure out a way to get my “fix” and post .. maybe more sporadically rather than all at once. Anyway… I’m already over my set limit for today but HAVE to catch up on todays posts, although I wont be able to come back and do replies.. but you all ROCK and are amazing women… can’t wait til I can ramble again (yeah I know.. I haven’t exactly stopped rambling yet LOL)


    Yes mam this is exactly what I was worried about. Now do what that doctor has advised so that after healing we can enjoy your wonderful company again in full. We will be here when you are able to be with us fully healed !!!!!!!

    TAKE CARE OF YOU!!!! We'll still be here - if we can wait for you - you can take time to heal! Enough said! But we do enjoy everything you've done for us! Carol in NJ
  • TArnold2012
    TArnold2012 Posts: 929 Member
    Now I am not sure how many of you are still struggling with portions but I have stumbled across a good recipe for individual mug cakes or 321 cakes as some are calling them. This is great for me since my family is some what watching what they are eating also. We no longer have to cook a whole cake and then feel we need to eat it before it ruins or throw it out. Now I will be keeping a ziploc of this in the freezer.

    I added 1 teaspoon of Pillsbury Pink lemonade icing when done and it was yummy !!!

    I used http://www.reluctantgourmet.com/conversion_tables.htm to convert the dry mix weight to tablespoons to know how many serving it would make.


    1 box Angel Food Cake Mix  (Fat Free) ( I used Betty Crocker)
    1 box Cake Mix - Any Flavor ( I used a Duncan Hines Butter )
    2 Tbsp Water 
    Makes 1 serving 


    In a ziploc bag, combine the two dry cake mixes together and mix well. 

    For each individual cake serving,
    3 Tablespoons of the cake mix 
    2 Tablespoons of water
    Mix add to a sprayed mug
    Microwave on high for 1 minute, and you have your own instant individual 
    little cake! 

    KEEP remaining cake mixture stored in the ziploc bag and use whenever 
    you feel like a treat! You can top each cake with a dollop of fat free 
    whipped topping and/or some fresh fruit. 

    Recipe name

    Number of servings
    Serves 27 people (at 3 tbsp each)
    Ingredients Calories Carbs Fat Protein Sodium Potass
    Betty Crocker - Angel Food Cake Mix Fat Free, 1 container (456 gs ea.) 1,680 384 0 24 3,720 420
    Duncan Hines - Butter Recipe Golden Cake Mix (18.25 oz Pkg), 1 box (18.25oz) 2,280 420 54 12 2,040 0
    Add Ingredient
    Total: 3960 804 54 36 5760 420
    Per Serving: 147 30 2 1 213 16