im new to mfp and Insanity!

i started the fit test yesterday and could hardly do anything, felt silly, but did indeed sweat like crazy. totally amped to do this program tho and plan on making today my official first day since yesterday i did not write anything down. took my before pics last night, and figured out my calorie needs.

any good tips advice out there?
also how to i up my calories on mfp? it has me doing 1200 a day?? and insanity is recommending 1730??


  • NoxDineen
    NoxDineen Posts: 497 Member
    I'm doing the fit test tonight, I'd also love to hear what people suggest. As for calories, I suspect 1200 isn't enough with this workout, especially since I want to put on a bit of lean muscle and that means feeding my body smart.
  • Amyaustin90
    Amyaustin90 Posts: 27 Member
    i ordered insanity and got it early june

    i think i need to slim down abit before i pick it back up again because it hurt my knees. but i did it about a week and a half and already was going down on my measurements.

    hard thing is i couldnt do a lot of it like the push ups :(
  • roadrunners83
    I am 5'5, 115, looking to build strength and muscle! I know Insanity is cardio but it is a start. I eat 2023 calories PER DAY-- and have LOST 5 POUNDS! With this program you definitely need to fuel your body.
  • jonesdav254
    jonesdav254 Posts: 99 Member
    I've done a round of Insanity and I'm now on a 3rd round of P90X where I'm mixing Insanity in on the cardio days. These programs both offer great organization to a workout plan. Keep it will do great.

    As both Sean T and Tony H say on the DVDs, modify as you need to. NONE of us "regular folks" will be able to do these workouts when we first start out.

    About writing things down, I use an app that I found for my Droid phone. This app, called 90Droid, shows me what routine to do each day (for either P90X or Insanity). For P90X programs, the app also allows me to record and track my reps and weight used .

    When setting up my MFP account, it suggests I have a base calorie intake of 1570 for my goal (loosing 2 lbs/week). However, after I've logged my exercising, the amount of calories I have increases to show the additional amount I've earned by working out. So, if I did Insanity Cardio Max Resistance and burned 450 calories, I can now consume 2020 calories and STILL achieve my goal of loosing 2/lbs each week.

    Best of luck to you on your journey. If interested, I'm open to new MFP friends that offer encouragement or have questions about their use of P90X or Insanity.
  • redleena
    redleena Posts: 9 Member
    I just recently finished two rounds of Insanity. I will tell you, you definitely need to be taking in enough calories. As I'm sure you've heard before, you won't lose any weight if you're not feeding your body. Insanity is a very intense program. You've got to make sure you're fueling yourself appropriately.

    Let me know if you have any other questions!
  • LuxHappens
    LuxHappens Posts: 72 Member
    You don't need to put the Insanity "down", just modify the workouts. My mom and I do the workouts together and she has chronic knee/back issues. She adjusts some of the jumping movements and also does "girl" push-ups (on your knees) when she can't handle the regular ones. You can do it!
  • LuxHappens
    LuxHappens Posts: 72 Member
    My suggestion is to stop at each exercise when you have reached your max. (If I realize there is plenty more time on the clock, I will try a second set of reps of said exercise.)
    Your main goal should be to complete the entire video. Modifications are welcomed, as well as moderate rests. You don't want to puke, pass out, or die.
    Trust me - your body can do more than you think it can, and more than your mind will admit to you - especially when you're mid-workout!
    Dig deep!