Week 4?s eek

evansproudmama Posts: 493 Member
So im starting week 4 tonight, how was it for you? I'm a wee bit nervous about the 5min runs however for the past week I have been doing my run and than doing a 10min "fun run" that the app has also and I can run for 10mins so I guess I should be to scared of it right? What was your experience? How about time are you getting faster? I seem to get faster than slow down than get faster. I did my week 3 day 3 pushing my 40lb toddler in a regular stroller not a jogger and wow mama that was hard so Id like to think im ready for this :-/ maybe im just over thinking it.. thoughts?


  • msmith2020
    msmith2020 Posts: 365 Member
    I did week 4 day 1 yesterday and honestly.. didn't even realize I had run for 5 mins until I looked down. It wasnt hard, for a few days last week I got slower and it worried me, I was sluggish and tired and was not feeling totally myself but I guess my rest day on Saturday really helped out because come Sunday I got on the treadmill and ran at 5mph (my normal run) and I felt stronger, I felt like I was breathing easier and that I wasn't getting as tired as quickly. On the last 5 min run, right before the cool down I ran for 2.5 min at 5 mph and the rest at 4.5.. I wasn't going to let myself walk but I did slow down bc It finally hit me and I was exhausted! Lol

    You can do this! I'm looking forward to day 2 tonight!! I'm starting to crave my runs and its getting addicting! Lol :):flowerforyou:
  • evansproudmama
    evansproudmama Posts: 493 Member
    Ooh man im nervous lol I guess Im just not gonna think about it, put my headphones on and get to it I'll see how i do :-/ thanks for the encouragement!!
  • You can definitely do it! Week 4 was a big jump for me, and it seemed SO HARD at the time; but I kept on. If you can run for 10 minutes, you can definitely run the 3 and 5 minute ones. :smile: Do try and pace yourself, because I found that last 5 minute run quite difficult as I'd used up all of my energy on the first 3.

    Good luck, and let us know how it goes!
  • BABetter1
    BABetter1 Posts: 618 Member
    Okay, I'm there now. I'll be starting week 4 tomorrow, and I'm apprehensive about it. But, I can really feel myself getting stronger and breathing better. Those first couple of 3 minute runs in week 3 were tough, but last night I did Week 3 Day 3, and it wasn't as hard as before. How many weeks does this app train you for again?
  • Hestion
    Hestion Posts: 740 Member
    Im sure you will all do well :-) Good luck on W4, I got a bit stuck at it, couldnt crack it, repeated it, and still didnt feel comfy, but then decided to take the plunge and try W5, which I found easier :-)

    Just repeating D2 of W6 for like the 4th time, the jump to D3 is quite hard!