Insanity Buddies!

mary70 Posts: 47 Member
Hey everyone,

So excited to start this challenge and really hit it hard. Looking forward to discussing/sharing w/ everyone!

A little about me-

I'm 42, mom of 3 (18,14 and 10). 3 crazy dogs too. Started weight loss journey back in 2007 where I dropped about 30 lbs. Kept it off (give or take 3-5 lbs) ever since. But, I still have about 20-25 to go. My thyroid recently went haywire and I gained back 10 lbs. Started thryoid meds and better diet/exercise back in March and lost the 10 (woop) by doing a local boot camp during March, April and June. Hoping this Insanity thing pushes me to that next level.

I did the Fit Test yesterday and start the first real workout today. The fit test was challenging since I haven't really exercised all month. Kinda felt a little sick afterwards lol.

Looking forward to this little group challenge. LETS GO!! :smile:


  • jyoyo78
    jyoyo78 Posts: 11 Member
    So, I started the Insanity workout (again) last Monday. Do you care if I join in this group? I'm new to myfitnesspal, so I'm not entirely sure of what I'm doing, yet.
  • mary70
    mary70 Posts: 47 Member
    Hi, absolutely! Group is open to the public.

    I see you said starting again. Did something about the workout make you quit or did you just lose movivation or not have time? I have to say the workout kind of scares
  • Mbishop7684
    Mbishop7684 Posts: 171 Member
    A little about me:

    28 yrs old and have struggled with weight for a LARGE portion of my life. When I was young I never felt like I was thin enough (even though I was!). As I got older I started to gain weight and tried every recipe in the book to get it to stay off. Then I was diagnosed with PCOS and its been an uphill battle.

    Right now I am currently starting Insanity because I have three weddings in the next year (my brother's, my best friends, and potentially MINE!) No way am I going to be like this for those...NO WAY!

    I am a little scared of the workout but I have resolved I would rather be trying and failing that not trying at all :-) I'm excited to do this together! FIT TEST tomorrow morning!
  • StarIsMoving
    StarIsMoving Posts: 437
    My youngest daughter and I did the fit test yesterday and are due to do the 1st workout tonight after I get home from work. We are determined to conquer it though :)

    Good luck to everyone and feel free to add as a friend if you like... should be great to see the posts on here - motivating
  • shgreenw
    shgreenw Posts: 194 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm excited to be a part of this group. We can definitely keep each other accountable!

    I just turned 35 and have three kids - Max is 7, Lucy is 5 and Oliver is about to be 3. I never struggled too much with weight until after the birth of my last. Sure, I always wanted to lose 10-20 pounds but after the third it's more like 35 or so. We were running, running, and running after the kids during the day that we weren't making the best food choices and then too many glasses of wine in front of the TV at night and the weight kept creeping up on me. The pants that "fit me" were all too tight (not to mention the ones I could no longer wear) and I finally put my foot down and said enough is enough! My husband decided to join me and is trying to lose about 20 pounds himself.

    I did the fit test yesterday and did ok. I definitely want to do better. Today was day one of the workouts and it kicked my booty! I had to stop several times and catch my breath. After the workout, I felt absolutely SPENT and a little sick. About an hour afterwards, I was actually looking forward to tomorrow's workout thinking "I can do better than that!".

    LET'S DO THIS!!!
  • Yummypunknpie
    Yummypunknpie Posts: 12 Member
    hello!!! im gonna be starting insanity today!!! my couz is gonna let me borrow it excited i hope i lose weight with this :)
  • Hello,

    My name is Betsi and I am 24 years old. I am around 200 lbs and ready to get down to a reasonable size. I work full time from 2pm to 11pm in a call center and all I do is sit ALL DAY, needles to say I am not getting any exercise.

    I am really tired of being hefty and am ready to get back in shape and active again.

    I started Insanity weeks ago but since i get home so late (around 12am) and then to bed later I just couldn't get motivated to wake up early to work out or was too tired to work out when I get home.

    I am ready to find time and make time to get in my workouts and will love the extra encouragement and CANT WAIT to get started again.

    Good luck to all and cant wait to HELP everyone out!!!
  • cjkclark1
    cjkclark1 Posts: 3
    Very new to this, looking for a way to keep it moving. I started with the fit test about a week and a half ago and decided that I should probably do that repeatedly for a little bit to get used to the moving and shaking. But, almost 2 weeks in, I realize it may be that I'm nervous to start the real stuff because I keep hearing how intense it is from so many other people. It will be nice to hear something positive and to be on the same starting level with someone else for a change. We can't be afraid all the time, right?

    I'm 32 and have always been a petite chunky person (not tall enough to hide the thickness lol), but within the last 3 years I have begun to feel my weight since i crossed the 200 lb threshhold. So with a wedding coming up I decided I dont want to feel the Santa jiggle every time I laugh anymore. Plus, I want to be the best petite 5'2" 30-something single I can be by the wedding, you never know!

    That profile pic of me? That is an OLD HOPE, but it puts a new faith in me. I'm sure we can all help each other!

    Betsi, you are not alone. My life is so parallel to yours it isn't funny. I have a sedentary call center job, tethered to a phone and I get home by midnight. Maybe we can track our midnight workouts together! Good luck to you girl!
  • kryna05
    kryna05 Posts: 1
    Hi Everyone! Mi name is Karina and I`m new in myfitnesspal, so far I like it! I did Insanity Fit Test yesterday and like some of you felt sick. I think my glucose level went down but I`m not giving up! I`m about to do the first workout now. My goal is to loose 20 pounds, I have been trying to loose them for 4 years now. I know this time I` gonna make it! I wish you all luck, and keep it up!
  • mary70
    mary70 Posts: 47 Member
    I was never "skinny", but was not fat either. I had my first kid at 24, and wow, the lbs packed on and were super hard to get rid of. Add 2 more kids and 8 more years and I had packed on about 60 lbs. I was up to 229 at my absolute worst. Today I'm at 189, and want to get to 160.

    I guess we'll do day by day posts to keep each other motivated for each workout. Check back and check in often and let us know how you're doing. We can all do this if we stick to it and push each other through it!
  • sid1776
    sid1776 Posts: 4
    Hi! I'd love to join in! I'm 44, mother of one, grandmother of one. I'm in my 'third' week of insanity, doing a bit of a different insanity regime: I do two days of insanity then one day jog then repeat, taking one day off a week. This schedule actually puts me about midpoint in 'week 2' of the insanity workout calendar. I'm also new to 'calorie counting' as of ~3 weeks ago. I am very pleased with the results and I'm learning to make better food choices. As for insanity, it's the hardest workout I've every done. So far I say the 'pain' of insanity is worth it - my legs are already starting to firm up and I my clothes fit better. I was bad and skipped the first fit test but I'll do it this weekend. I already feel more motivated as part of this group :) Let's just do it!
  • Twesely1979
    Twesely1979 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    I'm so happy there's an Insanity group on here! I am restarting Insanity this week. I was doing great for 2 weeks straight then went on vacation and forgot to take my DVDs along so I missed a week. But I'm ready to get back on track and will log in here to stay motivated. This is the hardest workout I've done but love every bit of it. It feels amazing once you've completed the workout. I truly feel stronger every time I've completed a workout.

    Just wondering about how many calories do you burn? I'm 5'0 and 115 lbs.
  • rosarenee1
    rosarenee1 Posts: 271 Member
    Hello everyone! I started insanity yesterday! I have about 25 lbs left to lose and hoping this helps get me close!
  • shgreenw
    shgreenw Posts: 194 Member
    I love seeing all of these people in this group. We can totally do this!!!
  • rosarenee1
    rosarenee1 Posts: 271 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm excited to be a part of this group. We can definitely keep each other accountable!

    I just turned 35 and have three kids - Max is 7, Lucy is 5 and Oliver is about to be 3. I never struggled too much with weight until after the birth of my last. Sure, I always wanted to lose 10-20 pounds but after the third it's more like 35 or so. We were running, running, and running after the kids during the day that we weren't making the best food choices and then too many glasses of wine in front of the TV at night and the weight kept creeping up on me. The pants that "fit me" were all too tight (not to mention the ones I could no longer wear) and I finally put my foot down and said enough is enough! My husband decided to join me and is trying to lose about 20 pounds himself.

    I did the fit test yesterday and did ok. I definitely want to do better. Today was day one of the workouts and it kicked my booty! I had to stop several times and catch my breath. After the workout, I felt absolutely SPENT and a little sick. About an hour afterwards, I was actually looking forward to tomorrow's workout thinking "I can do better than that!".

    LET'S DO THIS!!!

    I also have an Oliver! :) I know what you mean about looking forward to tomorrow! I was as well. We're crazy!
  • shgreenw
    shgreenw Posts: 194 Member
    Yay for Oliver's! :)

    How sore are you right now? I'm pretty sore but in a good way. I just ordered a new heart rate monitor so that should help me track the calories a little better.
  • MtTovey
    MtTovey Posts: 58 Member
    Kate here! 26 yr old mother of 2! They are the light of my life, the pain in my *kitten*, and the bounce in my step. :laugh:

    I was 145 in high school, got married to my best friend 2 weeks after I graduated (still happily together after a decade and married for 8 years!), then gained 30 due to that damn cake! Was 175 for a couple of years without trying to maintain but got pregnant and ballooned to 210 and stayed. Got pregnant again, gained the rest and stayed until I found my reason, my motivation to be a better me.

    I started Insanity yesterday (July 30, 2012) and the Fit Test was horrible for me. lol But I lived another day and did Day 2! My legs are SO angry with me! I am super determined to get healthier, happier, and at least to 165 lbs. I'm a little excited and a little scared to see what else this adventure has in store for me!

    Best of luck to everyone on their journey!
  • Hi my name is Lori I am a 38 yr old mom of five (20, I work at a nursing home and I weight myself and about died. I am at the highest I have been I weight 182 lbs. That is when I decided I need to get serious and do this. I started two weeks ago but I got really sick. So yesterday I started all over again. I am glad I found this group to keep me movitated.
    As I was reading I saw alot of people got nauseaed after the fit test. I am so glad it was just not me. Since I work the night shift 10pm to 6am I try to do my workouts in the afternoon which would be morning for me. I just do not know how I should log in my exericise so if anyone knows please let me know.
  • Good morning!
    I'm Justin, currently in the military, going to school part time and working the night shift 0000-0800, so I'll be doing the workouts around 0900. I'm 6'2 at 209lbs with 18% body fat. I've been doing Crossfit on and off since 2010, and I tried Insanity back in 2011 and ended up getting shin splints after a few weeks so I quit.
    I am starting the whole30 today as well, which is a strict paleo diet for 30 days. So hopefully those things coupled together will yield great results! I am looking to change my eating habits so hopefully this will only motivate me further to permantely change my lifestyle!
  • jyoyo78
    jyoyo78 Posts: 11 Member
    Started again because of loss of motivation....and