Frustrated with myself

ccbarbeau Posts: 21 Member
This morning, for the first time, I did not complete the run I set out to do. It's bloody hot here and I let the little voice inside my head win. Not happy with myself at all... just needed to vent.


  • Oneday150
    Oneday150 Posts: 240 Member
    I had this happend to me yesterday. I was set to do a 45 min run and I could not make it. Did 15 min then 10. I was struggling hard!.
    Worst run ever.

    I think my immune system was down ( Nasty Hangover Saturday)

    Will see how I do tomorrow.
  • rachelsaurusrex
    Sometimes the little voice in your head is there to tell you when to stop. If it's that hot, stopping sooner rather than later could save you from getting seriously overheated. At least you got out there and tried! Good for you guys!
  • GypsyWillow22
    GypsyWillow22 Posts: 31 Member
    You will make up for it next time! Don't worry! I've had days like that before but I didn't let it get to me. Sometimes our bodies just decide they can't do it today, but that only brings more motivation for next time.
  • ccbarbeau
    ccbarbeau Posts: 21 Member
    Thanks, I'll see if I can do better tomorrow!