Less IS More!

malibootie Posts: 614 Member
Hello my lovely team members! Are we all ready to prove that by losing we win? I ask that you give me a little leeway as the challenge starts. Not on doing the actual challenges- that will be balls to the wall- but on the admin side of our team as I figure out what I need to do and when and where is the best way to do it.

I am super excited and admitedly a little afraid. Didn't want a scaredy cat captain? Tough toodles! I'm terrified of failing- AGAIN. Which is why I volunteered to be captain. More accountability to others, and I need that to get myself going again. Yesterday was my first day back on MFP in months, and even then it had only been on the board, not tracking or exercising. So basically it's been a year since I did anything and that year was full of transitions and emotional eating. Excuses you say? No, just explanations. And now I'm going to prove what I am capable of doing!



  • malibootie
    malibootie Posts: 614 Member
    Now... in terms of our team challenge: please send me your start weight. Do we want to do measurements? I think we should. I think that there may be times where our weight plateaus but the inches may change.
  • shelleycolton
    shelleycolton Posts: 400 Member

    I think that we should do measurements, i'll take mine tonight.

    My SW (ashamed) - 255lbs
  • maryj2367
    maryj2367 Posts: 219 Member
    i think measurements are good to, my starting weight is 191 and its going to be a bit challenging for me im going on a month vacation to ny, I also have Multiple Sclerosis and never know day to day what my health holds in store for me. But I push myself to at least try to do challenges and if i cant then i do some kind of workout. I will not be held down by anything.
  • malibootie
    malibootie Posts: 614 Member
    Shelley, I feel your pain as well. My SW is 241 and I had been down to 207 once- long, long ago...

    Mary, I cannot pretend to know what you go through physically, mentally, or emotionally with MS, but we are here for you. I am actually going on vacation as well- in less than two weeks!! Yea- don't think I'm not aware of the risk I'm taking starting this challenge and being at the beach for a week. But if I can stay on track while surrounded by ice cream and funnel cake, I can do it anywhere. (Not that I won't indulge in some ice cream!!)
  • maryj2367
    maryj2367 Posts: 219 Member
    i indulge in ice cream to i do everything in moderation so i dont feel deprived and blow it like i have before. this to me is my lifes journey not a diet.
  • pleytem
    pleytem Posts: 79 Member
    So excited I can't wait to kick some bootie!!! :wink:
  • pleytem
    pleytem Posts: 79 Member
    Oops forgot my stats Blec LOL... :grumble:

    Weight 239

    Waist 47.0
    Hips 48.0
    Breast 50.5
    Arms 17.0
    Thigh 29.0
    Calf 18.0
  • lclowe0808
    lclowe0808 Posts: 62 Member
    Hiyeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Less IS More teammies!!! :flowerforyou:

    I am really excited about the August challenge and look forward to sharing and hearing about the successes this month for our team. My name is Linda (lovingly known as "sarge" to my friends on MFP) and I'm a southern transplant living in the frozen tundra of Wisconsin. I'm probably the oldest on our team but I am definitely young at heart and am totally emersed in living a healthier lifestyle.

    We all have our challenges that can get in the way of us reaching our goal. But if we focus, and with the help and nudgies of our MFP friends, we will be victorious and achieve the goals we've set out for ourselves.

    My current weight is 168.8. I'll have to get help with obtaining my measurements tomorrow and post those. When I started this journey some 8+ months ago, I was like a size 26-28...and now (praise God), I'm buying 14's (which is totally thrilling). I'm 34 lbs from goal and I really have to work very hard, especially at age 56, to get the scale monster to be nice to me. The scale doesn't define who I am or the total picture of my health. It's a gauge and I also look at body fat % and bmi to judge how I'm doing. I'm close to getting out of the "obese" category and I will be so thrilled when that happens because I haven't been in that category since age 18.

    What has helped me stay motivated? Setting little goals and targets throughout the journey. For instance, in March I participated in an indoor triathlon, so I focused on that. In May, it was to be able to ride on the back of my husband's motorcycle (hard for me to get on because I'm so short), and now August, I'm training for the Danskin Tri. That's the only way I've stayed motivated to achieve the success I've had thus far.

    The journey is not over...or will it ever be. It's a life long commitment now....and I never want to go back to where I was...ever!

    I'm thrilled about our team and my wish for everyone is that we can encourage each other to stay on track and be proud of our accomplishments. We can do this....TOGETHER!

    Hugs to all of you

    Luv ya,

    Linda (Sarge)

  • lclowe0808
    lclowe0808 Posts: 62 Member

    I will have great difficulty meeting the weekly challenge of 100 oz of water/day. My stomach only holds 4 oz of fluid or food at a time and unfortunately physically I can not drink that much in a day. I work toward getting in the 48-64/day but 100 oz is an impossibility for me and I definitely wouldn't want to end up in the hospital trying to get that much down.

    I don't want to let my team down, but I did want to be up front and honest with my dilemma. I will make sure I get in all the exercise and any other bonus points.


  • malibootie
    malibootie Posts: 614 Member
    GOOD MORNING!!! The weekly and daily challenges have been posted in the group thread- but in case you missed it, I have copied them over here:

    Welcome to the August team challenge!

    Weekly Challenge - 100 OZ of water
    Our weekly challenge is going to be focusing on your water in take. If you manage to reach the 100 oz of water your team earns 1 point. Each team has 5 people and this counts from Wednesday to Saturday of week one....so each team can earn an extra 20 points in week one by focusing on drinking plenty of water all day. This helps you stay hydrated and curbs hunger.

    Wednesday 8/1 - 10 minute Total Body workout
    This workout is one that should only take 10 minutes out of your day and can be done in any place with no equipment.

    1. (1:30) Jump Rope - If you don't have a jump rope air jump rope.
    (30 sec rest)
    2. (1 minute) Plyometric Push - up - This can be do either in modified push up form or normal push up form. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jMqPf7TTv2s
    (30 sec rest)
    3. (1 minute) Standing Crunch To Squat - I don't have video of this as a flowing exercise BUT here is a worded instruction and a video on the Standing Crunch. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Vd4AoebNmg -- Stand with feet shoulder width apart, hands behind your head, elbows out to sides. Bend from the hips to the right as your bring your right knee toward your elbow (out and up like in video). Return to starting position and repeat with left knee and left elbow. Return to Stating position then do one squat.
    These three steps count as one rotation.(30 sec rest)

    Complete the three exercises for 1 complete rounds (5 mins) if you are new to this or 2 complete rounds (10 mins) if you are advanced.


    Thursday 8/2 - ARMS

    Everything should be broken up into 3 sets of 10

    Standing Bicep Curls: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=av7-8igSXTs
    Shoulder Press: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B-aVuyhvLHU&feature=relmfu
    Tricep Extension: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nRiJVZDpdL0&feature=relmfu
    Pec/chest Fly: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JmXSO_EqNeY
    Push ups (you can modify these to be on your knees or against a wall)

    Friday 8/3 - Legs

    Saturday 8/4 - Abs

    Good luck everyone! Do what you can safely do, but try to push yourself a little beyond what you THINK you can do. It's amazing how capable we all actually are!
  • malibootie
    malibootie Posts: 614 Member
    Sarge, as I said before- do what you can safely do. I think we all understand that there ARE physical limits along they way. While you cannot complete the weekly challenge I have faith you will complete the daily challenges!!

    Penney- you want to kick me??? :cry: :laugh: :laugh:
  • malibootie
    malibootie Posts: 614 Member
    Oh yea- and I will have to have someone help me with my measurements too, so I'll post them up here once I have them done. (If nothing else THAT should motivate me!)
  • shelleycolton
    shelleycolton Posts: 400 Member
    Thanks for posting this as I did miss it, so I'm from the UK and we kinda work either in pints or mls/litres, so if I've done my maths right I think I have to drink on average 750mls each day for Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Let me know if I've made a boo boo on the maths (oh i work that from US Fluid Ounces too!). Im really pushing the water front at the moment so thats good news. Just need to measure my glass at work for its volume and then im away!

    Oh I just had a moment is it 100 OZ per day? Ive now confused myself.:huh:
  • malibootie
    malibootie Posts: 614 Member
    Shelley- yes it is 100 oz per day. I looked up the calculation and that is 2.95735 liters per day for a total of 11.8294
    liters today through Saturday. Does that help?
  • malibootie
    malibootie Posts: 614 Member
    Sarge, I asked if there was a modification to the weekly challenge that you can do to still participate. Here is the option:
    "Her challenge will be to not drink her calories! So pretty much everything she does drink daily should be calorie free."

  • malibootie
    malibootie Posts: 614 Member
    Are you guys sick of me yet? Get used to it- you're stuck with me and I am currently at a temp job and have some time on my hands. PLUS- I am uber excited to get this all going, and while I can't really workout at my desk, I can THINK about working out.

    If any of you have incredibly low ceilings like I do it makes jumping rope difficult. I thought I would share with you something I found that helps- a virtual jump rope. It's basically the handles of the rope with a weighted ball hanging off the end but with NO rope to actually jump over (or hit on the ceiling). I am sure there are several out there, but here's the first link I pulled up:
  • maryj2367
    maryj2367 Posts: 219 Member
    ive done all the workout for today and am busy packing the van for my trip. i will try to get my measurements in here asap and i know ill have the water intake for the day cause i drink ALOT of water everyday. let me know if this is where i log my daily things. thank you and lets go girls......
  • malibootie
    malibootie Posts: 614 Member
    For this challenge you can either put your daily and weekly numbers here in the post, or in a message to me. Whatever is most comfortable for you, though I think seeing each other's info will help with motivation and support. After all, this isn't the kind of competition where there are losers- EVERYONE WINS!
  • shelleycolton
    shelleycolton Posts: 400 Member
    Hi all, thanks, i just measured my glass at work and home, so its 10 glasses a day i'll be just over the required amount but would rather be higher than lower. I'm on glass 7 now, but have already been to the loo 3 times in the last hour! :embarassed: People at work will be wondering what i'm up to! Off home to try the workout the push up will be a killer i carry my weight on my *kitten* and have small(ish) arms! We've got this. I'll also take my measurements later. Have got a relatively free night tonight, so I can get this done.
  • malibootie
    malibootie Posts: 614 Member
    Shelley- I have had 8 glasses and I am running to the loo CONSTANTLY!! I believe that the concept of the water is that A- your body needs to stay hydrated, B- it keeps you feeling full so you don't eat as much, C- torture. :devil:

    Can everyone tell me what time zone they are in? I realize that we have not on Shelley across the pond, but probably a few of us in the states in different times. I just thought it would be fun and help us when we know someone (Psst- Shelley) is 6 hours ahead of us.
    Mallorie- Eastern Standard Time, Maryland/East Coast US.