Day 2 - Plyometric Cardio Circuit

mary70 Posts: 47 Member
Done on 7/31.

Today I was a little sore (calves and hip flexors), and was a little scared of this new workout.

The total time was something like 43 minutes, and I'm used to a 1 hour boot camp, but figured it would be much harder. I have to say I'm pretty impressed with myself as I got through about 65% of it without stopping! The hardest part for me was the push ups, ski jumps and the in/out abs. That's a lot of movement holding yourself up on your arms and it takes a little more coordination than I honestly have.

I am super motivated though because I don't feel like I want to die, and I didn't get the nauseous feeling I did yesterday. I immediately had a protein shake afterwards for recovery.


Based on my Mio HRM, I burned 455 calories today. WOOHOO, not bad.


  • shgreenw
    shgreenw Posts: 194 Member
    I'm on the same day as you and I would say I completed about the same as you. I really don't have a lot of upper body strength so the pushups were really difficult. I was trying to switch to knee pushups and then back up but it was just so hard to keep up. I thought the in/out at the end of that little set was just about impossible for me to do.

    Call me crazy but I actually really liked the basketball jump. I feel like it really worked out my legs and was really effective.

    I didn't feel great when it was done but about an hour afterwards I was excited for tomorrow's workout already. I know it can only get better!

    I think I need to get a heart rate monitor in order to be more accurate. I was just telling my husband tonight that I input it as "Circuit Training, General" but I just don't think that does it justice!!!
  • rosarenee1
    rosarenee1 Posts: 271 Member
    I'm feeling about the same as you both! I did like the basketball jumps but the pushup/jumps/mountain climbers were kind of fast for me. I'm ok on doing pushups (thanks jillian) but that set was fast!

    I burned 451 according to my polar ft.
  • StarIsMoving
    I literally just finished... 406 calories for me, but it's cause I probably couldn't complete as much as y'all. It will come though and my 13 yr old daughter is doing with me and didn't complete a whole lot more than I did. Shaking and loving it. We both look like we showered, it felt awesome!
  • strikermiz
    strikermiz Posts: 34 Member
    Wow!! I just finished day 2 as well. I know what you mean about feeling like you can do better. It felt like a lot to take in so fast. My husband started last week so he warned me. I told him not to do that anymore because he was psyching me out! Lol!

    I also need a HRM. My birthday is Sunday and I asked for one as a gift. 4 more days of guessing. Oh well.

    Great Job everyone! Keep it up!
  • Mbishop7684
    Mbishop7684 Posts: 171 Member
    Although I'm only on Day 1, ie fit test, I burned 180 calories for 25 minutes of work!

    Heart Rate Monitors are HONESTLY the BEST investment. I thought I didn't need one while I was doing spin. Come to find out I am burning approximately 600-700 calories PER CLASS.

    Before I just guessed and usually put it at 500. Which at least I wasn't over estimating but it feels SO GOOD to know what you burn and know it to be pretty darn accurate.

    Plus you don't feel as guilty if you eat them back because you KNOW without a doubt you honestly burnt those calories :-)
  • NJROTC13
    I am starting my second round of insanity! I did the plyometric circuit yesterday and will do that same disc again today. I am so excited about getting back into shape again and to be thin again! Good work everyone! We can do this! :)
  • MandyAnnV
    MandyAnnV Posts: 68 Member
    I do this one tonight after my kiddos go to bed. Scared out of my mind but looking forward to it :)
  • rosarenee1
    rosarenee1 Posts: 271 Member
    I literally just finished... 406 calories for me, but it's cause I probably couldn't complete as much as y'all. It will come though and my 13 yr old daughter is doing with me and didn't complete a whole lot more than I did. Shaking and loving it. We both look like we showered, it felt awesome!

    Hahaha! You are so right! I was SO SWEATY!!!! I mean it was honestly dripping off me.
  • mary70
    mary70 Posts: 47 Member
    Heart rate monitors are key, in my opinion anyway. Everyone burns calories at a different rate, and I don't rely on the exercise lists in here.

    I got the Mio Petite for about $40 at Academy sports. You can find them on Amazon for a little cheaper, but I am

    The boot camp I was doing prior to Insanity claimed 1000-1200 calorie burns, so I thought WOW, check me out. But, after using the HRM, I never made it past 900 typically. The majority of the women in there were well over 225 though, so they burn at a higher rate than I would.

    Looking forward to tonights workout. Day 3 baby!! Only 57 to
  • Mbishop7684
    Mbishop7684 Posts: 171 Member
    I just finished this and WOW! I burned 410. Not as much as the rest but I would agree with the previous poster that its probably because I couldn't do as much as the rest of you. I really listened to my body and pushed it, I got really dizzy towards the end so I KNOW I was pushing myself , which is a good feeling.

    I am ALREADY SORE! Ibuprofen and epsom salt bath tonight :-)

    Great job guys!! Keep up the excitement its what's going to get us through the next 2 months.