Who is up for it??

I am semi new to Wichita, (moved here in December), and semi new to MFP, (joined a little over a month ago), and would like to find some friends to exercise, walk, support, and motivate each other. Add me if interested! Thanks in advance. My goal is to lose another 50 lbs. at least!!


  • CricketWhiskers
    CricketWhiskers Posts: 64 Member
    So I added you fellow Wichitan :) Where do you usually work out? I love Genesis :)
  • afgivens4
    afgivens4 Posts: 117
    I usually end up at the NorthWest Y or around house... lol....

    Thanks for the add!
  • CricketWhiskers
    CricketWhiskers Posts: 64 Member
    That's cool, do you take any classes there or just hit the machines?
  • afgivens4
    afgivens4 Posts: 117
    Too embarrassed to take classes.....
    I work alone on the machines while the kids go swim. Then I join them and try to swim a few laps before we leave. Do you have a trainer or some one you work with? Do you take classes? If so, what kind?
  • CricketWhiskers
    CricketWhiskers Posts: 64 Member
    I was super shy at first but once I started classes I LOVED them :) I take Zumba (LOVE IT!) and some weight training. It's also nice to take them with someone you know. My sister and I used to do Zumba together before my work schedule changed. I don't work with a trainer yet but I'm thinking of investing in one to make sure that I'm optimizing my burns.

    If you're shy about classes try taking some with a TON of people and gravitate towards the back, once you realize no one is looking at you it's actually enjoyable :) I have an unlimited guest pass at genesis if you'd like to try a class sometime!

    I'll pm you my Phone# :D