Divorced women...a question...

Mom2rh Posts: 612 Member
edited December 2024 in Social Groups
What did you guys do with your wedding dress?

I'm hoping to get my divorce finalized any day now. I have plans to turn my wedding set into a mother's ring with my boys' birthstones. But what to do with my dress?

I designed it and had it made. I still love it. But, because of 20 years and two pregnancies and ribs that expanded (OK, to be honest the extra 10 or 15 pounds I am carrying too) I will never fit in it again. No daughters. Wouldn't want to wear it again anyway.

Any ideas?


And, no. That's not really my ex. LOL


  • Moe4572
    Moe4572 Posts: 1,428 Member
    What did you guys do with your wedding dress?

    I'm hoping to get my divorce finalized any day now. I have plans to turn my wedding set into a mother's ring with my boys' birthstones. But what to do with my dress?

    I designed it and had it made. I still love it. But, because of 20 years and two pregnancies and ribs that expanded (OK, to be honest the extra 10 or 15 pounds I am carrying too) I will never fit in it again. No daughters. Wouldn't want to wear it again anyway.

    Any ideas?


    And, no. That's not really my ex. LOL

    any nieces or if you dont want to part with it, maybe the woman that one of your boys picks, would like to wear it, or a part of it depending on her personality and how close you are to her, or could hold out for grandaughters

    If no emotional attachment, there is always EBAY :).

    I absolutely loved my wedding dress and have no children, I had plans to use the material from it as a christening gown when I had children, but obviously never happened. I can't just sell it, though--doesn't feel right.

    Have a friend who get married second time in same gown she wore the first time. Her reason was that her mom helped her pick it out, and then had already died by the time she got married the second time so it made her feel like her mom was with her a bit :)
  • JanieJack
    JanieJack Posts: 3,831 Member
    That's such a beautiful dress that you designed!! I can see how it would be tough to just sell it.

    I gave mine away to someone who couldn't afford such a beautiful dress. But if she hadn't come along, I would probably have sold it or donated it to the rescue mission.
  • Mom2rh
    Mom2rh Posts: 612 Member
    Donating might be a good idea.

    As much as I love it, it just feels like extra baggage, emotional baggage.

    Thanks for the ideas.
  • I actually had a friend's son that was getting married and they didn't have a lot of money so I gave them my dress.

    With my wedding set -- I also had that custom designed and I took it back to the same jeweler and told him to cannibalize it. So... he cut the side-set diamonds out, as well as the gold they were set in and made them into diamond earrings. The center stone was traded out for a ring and necklace of pink sapphires and diamonds and my ex's wedding band that he threw at me the night I kicked him out was smoothed and re-sized as a toe ring for me. Loved having that on my foot!

    I LOVED my dress. It was designed as well and was a small mint. LOL

  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    My first suggestion is donating or ebay but if you want to keep it you could have parts of it intergrated into a quilt.
  • Mellie289
    Mellie289 Posts: 1,191 Member
    Mine was at my parents' house since I got married in my home town, but then lived abroad with my ex. I had her sell it for me on craigslist. Seems a little easier to part with things like this if someone sells it for you.

    No matter how unique and special it is, it's something special you had to marry someone else, so even if it fit, it's not appropriate to wear it again if you remarry, IMO. If you can donate it or give it to someone special, that's a good alternative to selling it.

    My mother's wedding dress was cut up to make christening gowns for us as babies. You could repurpose it into a different kind of dress as well, but a think such a special dress would be better off kept as is for someone else to wear on her special day.
  • JanieJack
    JanieJack Posts: 3,831 Member
    As to what to do with my wedding set... now that’s a different story

    My wedding ring/engagement band combo still tugs at my heartstrings. The sacrifice my ex made to buy that small but high quality stone back in college still makes me tear up as it was tangible evidence that he really did, at one time, love me. To get rid of it makes me feel like I’m throwing away the good with the bad. Plus it’s a good diamond. So I will probably re-set it.

    My anniversary ring is an exclusive design that always gets rave compliments when I wear it. I’m torn between just wearing it as is (the stones are exquisite) and having it reset (so it’s not a reminder of my failed marriage). Sometimes I wear it on my right hand when I travel and don't want men approaching me. I just hate to break up such a work of art, and it will be a loooong time before I can afford to buy something like that for myself. OTOH, I want to be able to wear it w/o that reminder of my failure.
  • JanieJack
    JanieJack Posts: 3,831 Member
    My mother's wedding dress was cut up to make christening gowns for us as babies.

    Wow, that's great!
  • farmers_daughter
    farmers_daughter Posts: 1,632 Member
    I still have my dress. Unfortunately like a dumbo I never got it cleaned either. It's worthless. I don't know why I still keep it, but I do. I kind of keep in the back of my mind if anyone I know ever needs one and can't afford it, it's going to them,

    My wedding rings, I bought them, there's no sentimental value to them, but I keep them just incase my girls might want them. I've thought about re-incarnating them into soemthing else, trading them in for a bigger solitare or something, but I know I'm just trying to fill a void, I never had any guy give me a ring, I bought my engagement ring, and my wedding ring. So I think I'd just be trying to fill a void if I re-incarnated it.

    So it sits in the jewlery drawer.

    And my dress in the closet.

    Sorry not much help.
  • r1ghtpath
    r1ghtpath Posts: 701 Member
    my ex didn't really buy me any rings. he did buy a setting (800.00) for my engagement ring, but my diamond was MY family's heirloom!!!! and my wedding band had been my great ( or was it great great) grandmothers..... so, needless to say i'm holding onto them as is :-)

    as for my dress. i left it in the preservation box in the basement of his house. i have no use for it. i didn't take our wedding album or any wedding gifts or pictures with me either..........
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    I love the idea of donating it to goodwill, to give someone that may not have as much, a chance to make their own happiness with it :)
  • nettg40
    nettg40 Posts: 49 Member
    Look for a good cause to donate it to. I found in my area that the Cancer Society had a "Brides project" that they resold donated dresses to new brides and used the profits to fund their activities for cancer surviors. http://www.thebridesproject.org/
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    Ha! Mines been in my trunk for a year now.. Not sure what to do with it.
  • hcoburn37
    hcoburn37 Posts: 442 Member
    I sold mine on ebay
  • julesboots
    julesboots Posts: 311 Member
    Another reason I'm glad I didn't have a ceremony! (Although at the time I didn't feel this way)

    I have a neighbor who made some lacy old lady style pillows out of hers. Not sure if that's your style, though.
  • oddyogi
    oddyogi Posts: 1,816 Member
    Erm.. I didn't really have a wedding dress. I got married in a dress from Express, lol. It's too big for me now cuz I was chubby back then.
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