Frustrated/Stalled... I would LOVE some advice.

Hello all! I've been following the board for a couple of months, and started the EMTWL back end of April/beginning of May (ish) and I'm just flat out stalled for the last month.

As per Scooby, here are my numbers that I just recalculated:
BMR = 1594
TDEE = 2471
Cut (20%) = 1977

WORK: I work for myself; PT desk work, PT running errands/standing/painting (I'm an artist)... what I would consider very light activity if anything.

I work out 5-6 times a week. I try to be sure my workouts always include some cardio and some strength, as I just it's easier to keep up with honestly :)

I've figured out through this process that I get really bored really fast if I try to do the same workout every day. I'm currently doing 30DayShred, and I'm up to Workout #2, but I'm not doing it everyday, rather about 3x/week. I also do yoga 3-4x/wk, and elliptical 2-3x/wk for 30 min on average. Usually when I do the elliptical, I'll add a stability ball workout to it so I'm getting some toning in. I also throw in Zumba to replace one of the other workouts once a week or so; I was doing this 3x/wk, but I kindof burnt myself out I think.

I'm working to get those higher calories in, but I've been averaging between 1800-1900 a day (some days higher, some were too low, I admit).

A sample day for me:
2 cups of coffee, black
2 eggs w/0.25 avocado & fresh tomato slices
raw green smoothie (spinach/kale, banana, mango, unsweet vanilla almond milk, a small amount of raw honey)

Sandwich - Whole grain bread, brown mustard, deli turkey
2 tbsp raw almond butter
Salad w/grilled chicken, no/little dressing

Salad w/grilled chicken or fish
Grilled fish
roasted potatoes

Obviously there's some variation in there, that's just an idea.

It just doesn't seem to be moving at all.

I don't know if I should be adding more cardio, more strength, or what. I don't think I should drop my calories but I'll admit that it's really tempting at this point...

ANY advice anyone has would be very appreciated. Thank you so much!


  • Noor13
    Noor13 Posts: 964 Member
    I had a read through your post. You surely should not drop calories. I would recommend to up them. Since you already had success you can either do a diet break and eat at TDEE for 1 or 2 weeks, or you can just up your calories to a smaller cut.

    That should get you going again:)
  • HeidiHoMom
    HeidiHoMom Posts: 1,393 Member
    HI there, I started at the same time as you and I lost for a few weeks, then I stalled for EIGHT weeks! LOL

    I upped my calories more, and also took a one week diet break. In the second week after my one week diet break I finally had a loss.

    Stick with it or up your calories, but I really recommend a diet break.
  • candace_ndiaye
    candace_ndiaye Posts: 23 Member
    Thanks Noor and Heidi!

    My goal is to be sure I'm getting at least my 1977 calories for this next week, and if that doesn't work, I'll do a diet break for at least a week.

    Heidi = It's good to hear that it's not just me LOL I was like "what the hell is going on?!?!" I'll definitely keep at it and hope for another drop soon. Thanks guys!

  • twinmomtwice4
    twinmomtwice4 Posts: 1,069 Member
    Any time I've stalled, it's because I haven't eaten enough. Every. single. time.

    Do you eat snacks in between your meals? Your meals themselves look fine but if you can incorporate some healthy snacks between your meals, I think that would help increase your calories right where you need to be!
  • candace_ndiaye
    candace_ndiaye Posts: 23 Member
    Yeah, I think I have to find a way to up my calories. It's so funny, when I don't try I can, but for some reason, when I'm trying to up my calories I don't seem to be able to. Since I posted this I've been trying to get to the 1977, but I seem to only be able to get to 1800-1850.

    I think as you said, throwing in snacks is the way to go at this point. I do have snacks sometimes, but not regularly. Thanks twinmomtwice4! (Do you really have two sets of twins? That's amazing!)