Less IS More!



  • shelleycolton
    shelleycolton Posts: 400 Member
    Hi, so i've done the workout the press ups are a killer and onto my last glass of water.

    I'm GMT its all very exciting today in the UK because we've been waiting for the first golds to come and we got 2 and 1 silver too, such a great day. Off to go on Just dance for a bit of fun cardio.

    my measurements are

    Waist 106cm
    Bust 119 cm
    Hips 139cm
    Right Arm 43cm
    Left Arm 41cm
  • pleytem
    pleytem Posts: 79 Member
    Hey team Less is more :wink: I hope everyone's day is going well ,,,
    Mailibootie you are a funny girl haha :laugh:
    Sarge you are not letting your team down at all ...This is a fun challenge that we are doing together as a team.We will win as a team or we lose as a team either way we are a team so don't stress and enjoy yourself and have fun with it :happy:

    I am almost through my 1st 100oz water I am telling ya whew that's a lot of water ....I am in beautiful sunny California so Pacific time for me :)
  • pleytem
    pleytem Posts: 79 Member
    Wed 8/1 - completed my exercise , drank 100 oz h20
    Thur 8/2 -
    Fri 8/3 -
    Sat 8/4 -
    Sun 8/5 -
  • malibootie
    malibootie Posts: 614 Member
    Good going Penny!!

    Wed 8/1 - completed my exercise, did my first day of C25K , drank 120 oz h20 - soooo... OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!
    Thur 8/2 -
    Fri 8/3 -
    Sat 8/4 -
    Sun 8/5 -
  • malibootie
    malibootie Posts: 614 Member
    Please let me know if you were able to do the daily challenge yesterday and if you drank the necessary water. Thanks!
  • shelleycolton
    shelleycolton Posts: 400 Member
    Hi Ladies, how are you today? I'm having a fab day, feeling super motivated, plus the UK have done so well today at the Olympics.

    Heres my progress...

    Wed 8/1 - 10 Mins Body Workout - DONE and 30mins of Yoga , Drank 100oz h2o. Great Day Totally Motivated :happy:
    Thur 8/2 - Arms workout - DONE. Got to drink 2 more glasses to get to target 100oz today (no problem)
    Fri 8/3 -
    Sat 8/4 -
    Sun 8/5 -
  • shelleycolton
    shelleycolton Posts: 400 Member
    Update - all the water just completed.. Just done a bit of yoga and wii fit too, feeling the burn!
  • malibootie
    malibootie Posts: 614 Member
    Way to go Shelley!!

    I just did my exercises for today and have two more glasses of water to drink. SCORE!
  • lclowe0808
    lclowe0808 Posts: 62 Member
    Hiyeeeeeeeeeee everybody!

    Mali thanks for providing info and keeping us motivated. I am able to wear size 14's now...except in jeans and that's a great motivation for working on my mid-section!

    Here's my input for the Wed/Thursday workouts:

    Wednesday 8/1 - 10 minute Total Body workout
    This workout is one that should only take 10 minutes out of your day and can be done in any place with no equipment.

    1. (1:30) Jump Rope - did the air jump...pretty cool
    2. (1 minute) Plyometric Push - up - definitely modified this one
    3. (1 minute) Standing Crunch To Squat -i really liked these

    I did 2 rounds of these.

    Thursday 8/2 - ARMS - completed the following (3 sets of 10)

    Standing Bicep Curls
    Shoulder Press:
    Tricep Extension:
    Pec/chest Fly:
    Push ups (did wall ones)

    then I also did 15 minutes of belly dancing...LOL

    Hugz to all.....Friday will be biking and the exercises of the day

    For the weekly challenge....drank nothing with calories - got in about 60 oz both days
  • shelleycolton
    shelleycolton Posts: 400 Member
    Hi Iclowe0808, thats great; you did fab with the water! :happy:
  • shelleycolton
    shelleycolton Posts: 400 Member
    Found the Friday and Saturday exercises ....for me Saturday Abs will be a killer I haven't got much muscles down there.:embarassed:

    Friday 8/3 - Legs 10 or 15 min workout

    Today we are going to either do a 10 minute workout if you are a beginner or 15 minutes if you are advanced. We only have three specific exercises. You will do as many sets as you can get in your set amount of time. Take breaks of 30 -60 seconds as you feel needed. Watch this 4 minute video if you are not sure what the different exercises look like. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-xPoD5qTaHk

    1. Walking Lunges (50 or 25 per leg equals one set)
    2. Squats (50 equals one set)
    3. Back extension (25 equals one set)

    Saturday 8/4 - Abs
    Our workout today will have 5 different ab exercises that you will do for 30 second intervals. Complete 6 full rounds. If you are a beginner take 30 second breaks between each exercise. If you are advanced only rest at the end of each full round if needed.

    1. V - Sit - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kPHTGgn6r2c
    2. Plank with Alternating Arms - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9mQPmO6RtHg
    3. Bicycle Crunch - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wqoD0Bdggto
    4. Tone it up Tummy tuck - you can do this bent are and rest on your forearms if needed - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T75o55WQb_4
    5. Bridge - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CUNiGFvb0qY&feature=relmfu

    Sunday 8/5 - REST --- Weigh in
  • malibootie
    malibootie Posts: 614 Member
    You guys are all doing great! Mary, are you still here?

    Shelley- thanks for posting today and tomorrow's challenges. The abs will be the hardest part for me too. But I should be able to carry out 30 seconds- if not, well, this challenge will help me work up to it, right?

    I did the arms yesterday and other than the popping my left shoulder (from a car accident injury) it was good. I did modified push ups because I just don't have that arm strength yet for full layout pushups.

    WATER WATER WATER!!!! I think I'm floating away. Also, FYI- It's TOM. So the fact that I am pushing through the cramping and doing this is impressive to me and shows me that I CAN do it and there are no reasons for excuses.

    -Bootie, OUT!
  • shelleycolton
    shelleycolton Posts: 400 Member

    Its nearly the weekend for me, just got a little more time before I go home YaY. Im drinking oodles of water today just finished my 7th glass. Oh I can only do the modified push ups on my knees and thats a big stuggle! Oh Mali we're in sync cause its the same lovely time of the month I have a visitor. This challenge is defo pushing to make the right choices by now normally I would have eaten sugar sugar sugar.

    Tomorrow I have a mega busy day and quite a-lot of temptation around im not sure whats going to happen, i may take it as a blow out day. At 9am im on the tennis court :flowerforyou: , then off to lunch with my parents and George (my son) - DANGER :devil: after that its of to golf to practice some drving shots :flowerforyou: then in the evening going to the cinema to watch the new batman film and maybe dinner and drinks :devil:

    I'll do the workout when i get home or before the cinema.

    Have a great day. Shel x
  • malibootie
    malibootie Posts: 614 Member
    The food may be challenging tomorrow, but the water and the exercise clearly won't be! Between tennis and golf I think it's fair to say you will have worked out.

    I also have a busy day tomorrow. I will have to get up early to do my C25K and hopefully actually manage to get through the entire first day routine. (I missed it by about a minute and half of jogging on Wed). Then our abs challenge, then off to work. Speaking of, here's a quick update on what I do with my days:

    One year ago I quit my job as an Executive Assistant to the CEO of a Credit Union here in Maryland. I did this because my old boss left, and the incoming boss wanted her own assistant. Additionally I had been going to school part-time for the prior three years to get my Associates Degree. I took this transition as an optimum time to go back to school ("University" for Shelley :flowerforyou: ) full time and just knock out my Bachelor's. So, I just completed my first semester at Towson University and have about 3- 3.5 more semesters. This summer I have been temping 5 days a week as an Executive Assistant and continuing my part-time job that I had this past year as the Front Desk Manager at a hair salon (glorified receptionsist).

    So, that's the long and short of it. I put on the Freshmen 15 while in ONE semester back. However, this coming fall I arranged my schedule in a manner that I will rarely be on campus to eat, so that should help. In fact, I'm not even getting a dining hall plan, so no more buffets! Whew!
  • shelleycolton
    shelleycolton Posts: 400 Member

    Wow, the C25k good luck for tomorrow. You've got it! Its really impressive you dedication to your degree plus working (i was lucky not to juggle so much) plus loosing weight too. I know those food halls all too well, that's were I put on a-lot of weight plus when i was at uni I stopped exercising and training and started drinking and oh my I put on weight from then on! I was hugely lazy! I don't know how you find the time to work, study, workout and eat right, you're a super multi tasker!

    Heres my progress...

    Wed 8/1 - 10 Mins Body Workout - DONE and 30mins of Yoga , Drank 100oz h2o. Great Day Totally Motivated
    Thur 8/2 - Arms workout - DONE. Got to drink 2 more glasses to get to target 100oz today (no problem)
    Fri 8/3 - Legs - DONE. Water DONE!!! YIPPE Found the water thing much easier today, will drink more like 120oz today
    Sat 8/4 -
    Sun 8/5 -

    Hope you are all really well! xxx Shel
  • malibootie
    malibootie Posts: 614 Member
    Thanks Shel- but to be honest, i wasn't working out or eating well at ALL for the last year plus. So, this week is the beginning of the new me.

    Now, for the good news, and the "news". I did today's Leg Challenge!! I did NOT do my c25K. Once I was done with the leg challenge and all of those lunges and squats I knew there was no way I would be able to do the jog. It's ok. I didn't do it because I did a different workout- it's still exercise. I'll jog this weekend and get back.
  • pleytem
    pleytem Posts: 79 Member
    Sorry posted late work is crazy ....

    Wed 8/1 - completed my exercise , drank 100 oz h20
    Thur 8/2 - completed exercise drank 100 h20
    Fri 8/3 - completed exercise drank h20
    Sat 8/4 -
    Sun 8/5 -
  • malibootie
    malibootie Posts: 614 Member
    Awesome Pen! I completed yesterday's and drank my water and just went for my C25K.

    I don't think I'll be able to do the 100oz today only because I am working at the hair salon and I have to ask to leave the front desk- they don't really like me leaving 6 times a day.
  • pleytem
    pleytem Posts: 79 Member
    I am soooooooooo sick of water hahaha it is so funny I am a water drinker and people always comment on my always drinking water I like water what can I say LOL...Welllllllllll 100oz a day is curing me of that hahaha too much water for me I am a 8 glass a day kinda girl ... I hope this challenge goes away next week hahahaha Oh well off to go drink more water :laugh:
  • maryj2367
    maryj2367 Posts: 219 Member
    Wed 8/1 - completed my exercise , drank 100 oz h20 also did my 120 minutes of walking, did alot of packing and carrying
    Thur 8/2 - completed my exercise, drank 100 oz h20 also did my 120 minutes of walking did alot of carrying Fri 8/3 - completed my exercise, drank 100 oz h2o also did my 120 minutes of walking and extra walking at the fair.
    Sat 8/4 - completed my exercise, drank 100 oz h2o also did my 120 minutes of walking
    Sun 8/5 -