Daily check in - Friday Aug 3

bmfoley Posts: 93 Member
Had a rest day from 30DS today . . . did elyptical for 30 minutes instead. . . did some crunches etc after just because. .tomorrow will be level 2 day 10 and I think I'll start Level 3 on Monday.

Its working. . I'm going to finish this!! You are all doing great!


  • newcs
    newcs Posts: 717 Member
    Halfway there! Did day 5 of level 2 today and I'm excited to take new measurements tonight (which will be posted alongside my starting stats in my profile for anyone interested). I'm noticing changes in arms, legs, overall endurance and the strength of my core (way better posture!). Wish I'd have some visible results in my midsection but I still have 15 days to make it happen :)
  • Did my workout last night, and this morning.

    Level 2, day 9. Day 19 overall. working with 5 lb weights, except for v-raises, for which I'm using 3 lb, because I'm a wimp.

    I'm not seeing results like I thought I would. I did in the first week, and now I've been consistent since then. >:-/ Am I doing something wrong? My scale hasn't budged a bit.

    Think I'll be getting a digital scale in the next couple of months.
  • bmfoley
    bmfoley Posts: 93 Member
    I think you are doing everything right! The scale doesnt budge for me either. . . I lost the two pounds it said I gained back when I started but no more. . .
    Do you see changes though? My clothes are definitely getting big . . .

    I enjoyed not doing it this morning though. . . I'm getting bored of level 2 for sure!!! I was thinking of doing Ripped in 30 after but I may look into other ones too. . .

    have a good weekend.
  • newcs
    newcs Posts: 717 Member
    Did my workout last night, and this morning.

    Level 2, day 9. Day 19 overall. working with 5 lb weights, except for v-raises, for which I'm using 3 lb, because I'm a wimp.

    I'm not seeing results like I thought I would. I did in the first week, and now I've been consistent since then. >:-/ Am I doing something wrong? My scale hasn't budged a bit.

    Think I'll be getting a digital scale in the next couple of months.

    Are you following along with Natalie? And maybe you could try 8lbs on the non-v-raises. I was started to get discouraged by less results in level 2 but I started following Natalie which helped (I had previously been doing the in-between stuff...not as low as Anita but not as high as Natalie). I had dropped to 3lb weights because my shoulders were killing me but I went up to 5 on everything but the v raises and I'm getting more definition now. Maybe you're just ready for level 3 :) Your body might also get used to exercises more quickly than other people so maybe you need to switch it up with some different exercises instead of the same ones for 10 days.
  • newcs
    newcs Posts: 717 Member
    Forgot to add: If you want a no-frills digital scale, I can personally recommend this one: http://www.amazon.com/Eatsmart-Precision-Bathroom-Technology-440-Pounds/dp/B0032TNPOE/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1344000285&sr=8-3&keywords=digital+scale

    I bought it in March and really love it. My girlfriend is also very scientific about things and confirmed it was accurate when we first got it :) I like that it's consistent, simple, reads quickly, leaves the weight on the scale for a little bit after you step off, lights up so you don't have to turn on the bathroom light just to weigh yourself, it's big enough not to feel like you're doing a balancing act (I have terrible balance) and it's a flat surface so it's easy to clean.
  • botaijm
    botaijm Posts: 43 Member
    Level 2 Day 8!!!

    I am definately getting stronger, I was able to do all the advanced moves except of course the jumprope :) The V raises are still killing me but I'm getting through it!

    And I'm down 2.6 lbs since I started Jillian! I'll take measurements in a few days before I start level 2.