Fat Bullies (August)



  • Confident120409
    Confident120409 Posts: 73 Member
    Today I had a good day. I got my 100 oz of water in. I exercised as well. Can't wait to see what the scale says as well
  • ishapeme
    ishapeme Posts: 213 Member
    I don’t know about the pictures! I’ve never done them but I’ll ask around.

    Great that you got your water in Kim.

    Glad you did your exercises girls!

    I really was not in the mood to work out tonight but I made some coffee and in got in a 4 mile run plus our challenges! (I’m training for a half marathon). Anyway, already being on this team motivated me to really get up so that come Sunday, I’ll be glad I did!

    Any ideas for our own nutritional goals? We only have three days this week!
  • ishapeme
    ishapeme Posts: 213 Member
    P.s. tomorrow is legs!!! Lunges, swats, walls sits! Whatever you desire.

    Night night!
  • Confident120409
    Confident120409 Posts: 73 Member
    Hello Everyone! I am just checking in with all of you. Today I have weighed and I lost 2 pounds since Wednesday. I am very proud of myself.
    I have already drunk 3 glasses of water this morning.
    I am so much more motivated these days. I am now weighing less than I was in 2010. This means so much to me! I can't wait till Sunday to see if I have dropped anymore weight. Good luck everyone with your weight loss.

    p.s. can anyone tell me how to upload pictures
  • ishapeme
    ishapeme Posts: 213 Member
    Whohooo Kim!

    Great job! so happy!!! What leg exercises do you think you'll do today? I'm thinking Squats, lunges, leg rises. Whew!
  • Confident120409
    Confident120409 Posts: 73 Member
    well i am going to do my walk away the pounds dvd which has kicks, squats and everything. I have been working out and including the list of things in them.
  • Confident120409
    Confident120409 Posts: 73 Member

  • Confident120409
    Confident120409 Posts: 73 Member
  • Confident120409
    Confident120409 Posts: 73 Member
    I have been told how to get my pictures on here but its not letting me. please ignore these posts before this.
  • Confident120409
    Confident120409 Posts: 73 Member
  • Confident120409
    Confident120409 Posts: 73 Member
  • gatorento
    gatorento Posts: 79 Member
    Some nutritional ideas:

    1. Ensure 3 servings of vegetables per day.
    2. Replace 1 meat portion with beans or lentils per day.
    3. Reach 100% calcium intake for the day.
    4. Replace white rice with brown rice.
    5. No alcohol.
    6. No candy.
    7. No cookies.
    8. No cheese.

    Whataya'll think? :)
  • gatorento
    gatorento Posts: 79 Member

    p.s. can anyone tell me how to upload pictures
    I don't know how to load pictures, either. Will let you know as soon as I find out, if you haven't already figured it out by then!
  • gatorento
    gatorento Posts: 79 Member
    Today I have weighed and I lost 2 pounds since Wednesday. I am very proud of myself.
    I am so much more motivated these days. I am now weighing less than I was in 2010. This means so much to me! I can't wait till Sunday to see if I have dropped anymore weight.
    Congrats on the 2-lb weight-loss! You have every reason to be proud of that accomplishment, especially since you now weigh less than you did 2 years ago. Way to go! and Keep up the good work! Am looking forward to seeing your numbers on Sunday.
  • gatorento
    gatorento Posts: 79 Member
    Exercises – YES
    Water 100 ozs – YES
    Comments: stairs, squats exercises for the assignment
  • Confident120409
    Confident120409 Posts: 73 Member
    Hello everyone. How is your day going? I usually make Saturdays my free day but today I didn't go overboard. I stayed under my calorie goal and I worked out twice.
    Abs-yes...did biggest loser workout working arms abs and legs( crunches and situps)
    Also did wii just dance 3 which is cardio


    Tomorrow is weigh in and I am going to take my measurements again just to see if I have lost anything.
    On a positive note I took my daughter to cheer camp and I was amazed. People were telling me I was looking good and that they could tell I am losing weight. That just made me feel so good because I always look down on myself. I can't wait till the end of the month to see what they think then. I hope I can figure out how to upload pictures on here so you all can see as well
  • Confident120409
    Confident120409 Posts: 73 Member
    Happy Sunday everyone! Here is my weigh in and measurements for the Sunday. I won't do my measurements again till the end of the month. the only reason I am doing them again is because I went to a trainer and got them done and they were off from my previous ones. So I will be measuring with her from now on so I figured I would put up the mor accurate one.

    Weight: 255 so I lost 1/2 pound since Friday
    Bust: 51 1/2
    Neck: 15
    Hips: 56
    Thigh: 31 3/4
    Bicep: 18 1/4
    Waist: 52

    Today I will be drinking my gallon of water and I am so excited to say that I will be drinking that much from now on. I was told you should drink more if you weigh more. So that is a little bit more then 100 oz a day but at least we will get points.
    I can't wait to see everyone's weight loss for the week.