NROLFWers and Nutrition

bethad5 Posts: 176 Member
Hi all- for those of you doing NROLFW, do you follow the book guidelines and eat less on workout days, or follow EMTWL guidelines and eat your TDEE (or TDEE with cut)?

I ran numbers today, and my TDEE at moderate is 2385 with a 10% cut of 2150.

My NR calculations - for maintenance - say to eat 2100some on nonworkout days, and 2335 on workout days.

...I'm not sure which one to do! Any advice?

I'm just finishing my reset, but at strenuous activity (2655 cals). So I had planned to eat at moderate TDEE for a few weeks anyway to stabilize, but my moderate TDEE is more than what the NR book suggests on workout days. I managed to squeak through the reset without really gaining anything (I think) so I don't want to screw it all up now!


  • I'm in Stage 4 of New Rules, and I've always eaten at my TDEE-cut, which has always been higher than the NR book says, and I eat the same every day, regardless of if it's a weight day or not. I actually recently upped my cals to barely under TDEE, and I've still maintained a steady 1+lb/wk loss, so for me, those cals in the book are NOT enough! I should also mention, I do no other formal exercise besides New Rules:)
  • HeidiHoMom
    HeidiHoMom Posts: 1,393 Member
    I eat my cut number consistently unless I burn more as per my fitbit. Then I eat a bit more.
  • bethad5
    bethad5 Posts: 176 Member
    I'm in Stage 4 of New Rules, and I've always eaten at my TDEE-cut, which has always been higher than the NR book says, and I eat the same every day, regardless of if it's a weight day or not. I actually recently upped my cals to barely under TDEE, and I've still maintained a steady 1+lb/wk loss, so for me, those cals in the book are NOT enough! I should also mention, I do no other formal exercise besides New Rules:)

    This is very uplifting to hear! I only have 9ish pounds to lose, so I'm fine with it going slow - and who knows, maybe when I start lifting if my body changes I won't care what the scale says - but right now I'm a skinny-fat cardio junkie completely burnt out on running/elliptical-ing for an hour a day! So are you on light activity or moderate? Do you just do 3 NR workouts a week?
  • I'm on moderate I guess? Whichever is 3-5hrs/wk on scooby lol:) And yes, I only do New Rules 3x/wk. I was trying to do cardio in between, but it wasn't helping me lose, and I wasn't getting the full recovery that I needed, so I stopped. As soon as I stopped cardio, the weight just fell off:) I will, when it's not 85 degrees at freakin 6am, start taking my dogs on walks again, but that'll be just a moderate 3mile walk 2x/wk, nothing more:)
  • bethad5
    bethad5 Posts: 176 Member
    I'm on moderate I guess? Whichever is 3-5hrs/wk on scooby lol:) And yes, I only do New Rules 3x/wk. I was trying to do cardio in between, but it wasn't helping me lose, and I wasn't getting the full recovery that I needed, so I stopped. As soon as I stopped cardio, the weight just fell off:) I will, when it's not 85 degrees at freakin 6am, start taking my dogs on walks again, but that'll be just a moderate 3mile walk 2x/wk, nothing more:)

    wow! i was confused about which activity level to go to because from what i understand stage 1 workouts are only 25-30 minutes... so 3 a week would only be an hour and a half of activity! but it's very inspiring to hear it's working for you :) this is my last week of reset/off week of exercise and today is my official 7 days off from working out... feeling a bit like a lazy slob
  • During Stage 1, I did keep up with Couch2 5K and a little extra cardio 2-3x/wk, but once you get into the later workouts, they get longer. Plus, I usually will add 15mins of intervals on the treadmill to the end of Workout A when he starts putting them in workout B, just cause I felt like I could, and I like intervals. So now, in stage 4, with just the 3x/wk, I'm getting 4.5hrs in! But imo, since your afterburn from weight training is more than with cardio, it kind of makes up for the "lack" of hours that you're actually working out, at least, for me anyway:)