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  • Hello everyone, my name is Erika and I am a 21 year old college student as well as the oldest of eight. It has been very difficult to lose weight. I want to lose 90 pounds. I know it may take a long time to get there but I know it's possible.
  • tstews
    tstews Posts: 8
    hi. I started on plan a few days ago (this is day 3) and lost 4 pounds so far. I have about 100 pounds more to lose, ugh! my back story I've been overweight most of my adult life. a number of years ago I lost 100 pounds and got to my goal but well, as the story goes I gained it all back. my goal is a weight goal BUT I also have a size goal of 4-6. if I get to the size I want to be and my weight is higher that is okay. most important to me is being healthy and a size I like. if that happens at a little higher weight than my goal is set that's fine. stats are 140/136/135

    I am doing lower carb along with counting calories. I have a goal calorie range and also carb range. on the carb side it can be very low up to 100. calories is between 2400 and 2800. (I have a nutritionist I worked with before that helped me lose the last to get to my goal and she is working with me to figure the right ranges and will adjust as needed). my plan is most the time, if my carbs are on the higher end of my range, my calorie's should be at the lower end of my range. if my carbs are at the lower end, its okay for me to go to the higher end of my cal. goal IF needed.

    I am eating mostly whole foods: meat, veggies, cheese, some fruit if wanted, whole grains at times. as a little time goes along I will allow a free meal a week but I'm not going to do that for a few weeks, at least. I want to make sure I'm in good control and in a good routine first. basically, nothing is totally off limits but I don't want to eat the junk food/sugar on a regular basis so will try and save those types of things for a free meal when i add them in and have them in a controlled way.

    also am exercising. just started that again too. I have back issues so I am forcing myself to go slow and work up even though when I get going its very hard for me to not go gung ho. this week, I am only doing cardio and next week I will add in a few free weights 2 or 3 days a week and see how it goes.

    some personal info: I am 45 years old. been married 24 years and have 3 kids and 2 dogs. our kids are 28 (my step son but I claim him), 23 daughter and 21 daughter. I only have the 23 year old living at home at this time but she hopes to get her own place soon. she just got her RN license and is looking for a job in order to do that.

    feel free to ask me anything else you'd like to know.
  • Menmyminiz
    Menmyminiz Posts: 5 Member
    Starting Weight: 243 lbs
    Current Weight: 238 lbs
    GOAL Weight: 175 lbs

    Hi, My name is Heather and I have 3 kids and a wonderful husband that supports me in my weight loss journey. The only problem is that every diet plan I have tried I have failed. I need something that I can do on my own or with my family and I also need it to be with in reason of a of 5 1 income yada yada sure im not the woman out there. Please someone let my know if you know of a good one. I am also looking for some support and fellow women to join together with support....maybe even in my area! Thanks for taking the time and reading this and good luck on your Journey as well!!!
  • Eunicemaye
    Eunicemaye Posts: 17 Member
    HI. My name is Vera. I have already lost about 28 pounds. And i think i want to lose about 21 more pounds. I want to be a comfortable size 6. I have always felt my best at that size. But i haven't been there since my hysterectomy about 9 years ago.
    And i need to tone it all up. So that's my goal, a toned size 6. I'm only 5"3 so thats not to small. I'm in it to lose it.
  • Hey Everyone!

    My name is Manvi. I am new to this site and I am looking for strong motivation!!

    I need to lose 40 lbs. I did start the weight loss journey earlier but lost track after losing a few pounds and gained everything back :( I hope that repeat this time again!

    It is very motivating reading how so many have lost a large number of pounds here! Great going...goodluck to everyone!
  • kfm6
    kfm6 Posts: 146 Member

    I am Kevin. I am starting a program this week to lose 50 pounds and get in shape. I hope to do it with a combination of exercise and diet changes. The diet part will be the toughest for me. Hopefully tracking what I eat and tracking my workouts will keep me on track this time. Any support is appreciated.
  • my name is shana i got a big one i need to lose 50 pounds i would love to do it by feb 2013 hopefully i have already lost 20lbs on my own but lately its been slowing down maybe even stopping so i turned to this website i hope i can get this to go away my goal weight is 120 my motivation to lose weight is so me and my husband can have a baby that is ours we tried this year and suffered a loss due to me being unhealthy since this happened getting healthy has been my mindsight
  • TamiDeeU
    TamiDeeU Posts: 1 Member
    Hello, I am wanting to lose 30lbs and develop sleek/lean muscles along with losing flabby inches on my thighs, butt, middle, arms, and to lose my "back boobies". Many times of starting and stopping. Quit smoking three years ago this coming December and currently in my last year of college. Single mother of 24yo daughter and 16yo son. I recently had hip debridement surgery and have been pretty sedentary majority of the past more!!!