Graduation Challenge

c4chaos610 Posts: 42 Member
Hello College type people,
I've been on MFP for a while, but it seems as though time is running out. My anticipated graduation date is December 16, 2012.
I am TERRIFIED.... I've always been overweight and desperately want to change.
However, I have terrible habits.
So - here is what I'm proposing...
1. Motivate each other.
2. Lose a minimum of 15 pounds by December 10th. [Every bit counts.]
3. Don't half-*kitten* it. [My life isn't going to be full of graduations. Gotta make my Asian parents proud....]
4. Don't kick myself in the face if I mess up a couple times.
I don't know if any of you are in the same boat, but I've decided I want to look good for graduation.
Let me know if you're with me!
- Sarah (IL)


  • vlealesko
    vlealesko Posts: 3 Member
    I am with you ! Totally in the same boat, though I am not schedule to graduate until May 2013. This semester is going to be tough- hard class schedule mixed with a ton of holidays, and family gatherings full of endless tasty foods. Let me know how I can support you. We'll get through it - one pound at a time : )
  • BobzStuff
    BobzStuff Posts: 121 Member
    I'm down I graduate next spring too. We can do this!
  • Imm going to bust my butt and try to graduate in march!
    Imm supet excited to graduate, and today I was thinking about my high school.graduation and how overweight and unfit I was wheni graduated high school. I.was probably a size 12 when I graduated high school, currently a size 6 and I would love to be a size 4 when I graduate college. And then ill put both graduation pics up as a before and after!
  • Graduation is May 2013!
    I'd love to drop about 10 - 12 pounds. I'd love to put my high school and undergrad body to shame. I want to lose it all by December so in the spring when I go on job interviews, I look my best.
  • I'm set to graduate in April or May. I'd really like to at least get back to normal before I start graduate school.
  • YamadaSan
    YamadaSan Posts: 39 Member
    I plan to lose my last 10- pounds by December, currently stuck in a plateau! We graduate in March here, I would really love to join this challenge. :D
  • LuckyTerrier
    LuckyTerrier Posts: 73 Member
    I'm with you! I'm graduating in December and want to lose as much as possible before then. I've gotta look good in those graduation photos :)
  • Dr_sparky
    Dr_sparky Posts: 52 Member
    Feel free to add me. My main focus for losing weight is my grad pics. I've currently got till 2014 to loose the weight but im aiming for this Christmas for other reasons. I'm studying for my PhD and I was overweight in my undergrad picture and I never want to look at it so I'm hoping to replace it with my PhD pics. Plus my gown will have pink trim, got to be pretty in pink lol
  • destack
    destack Posts: 33 Member
    I'm in! Graduating May 2013, but I definitely want to set that date as a goal :)