I really need to vent!

Hi everyone, so I lost 15 lbs earlier in the year and I was somewhat okay with my body, but I started to fall back into my old habits and was really disappointed with myself. I was so discourged about a platue I hit that I basically gave up, I ate junk food, my portions were out of control and I stopped doing any activity. I gained a lot of the weight I lost back and I feel just awful. I keep trying to dust myself off and start again but I can't shake the feeling that I'm just going to fail and be stuck in this rut forever. I'm in real need for support to lose these 15 pounds again, any support or advice would be appreciated!
About Me:
Height: 5'7.5"
SW: ~135ish
CW: ~129 lbs
GW:110-115 lbs (I reached 117-120 lbs before I started gaining again:brokenheart: )



  • kazzari
    kazzari Posts: 473 Member
    You might be fighting a losing battle since you are already at a good weight for your height. I am 5'6" and I would be extremely thin at 129...and I am small boned. My goal weight is 135, but my body fights it and the lowest weight I can reasonably maintain is 138. You are probably much younger than me. I weighed 128 in high school and thought I was fat. I can't imagine being down there now. But 110 lbs. At 5'7.5"? Have you ever been that light or is this just an arbitrary goal weight you think would make you happy? Were you strength training? Weight training goes a long way toward reshaping your body and helping to maintain weightloss. And of course, cutting out the junk food!
  • 110 is just a rough goal, I'm not too concerned about my weight as much as how I look and feel.
  • birdieaz
    birdieaz Posts: 448 Member
    That seems like an awfully low goal weight for your height...it's the same as mine but im 5 inches shorter and have a small frame. youre probably going to find that your body resists going to there because it puts you below a healthy bmi
  • Again, I'm not too concerned aout getting 110 necessarily, I will start maintaining when I am happy with my body. I have been 115 lbs and I was pretty happy there. I have a very small frame so I don't hold extra weight well.
  • blz_ocean
    blz_ocean Posts: 5 Member
    I understand that you want to look in the mirror and like what you see. I have struggled with letting go of the number on the scale and focusing on non-scale goals. Maybe a reset of your goals will help motivate you? Right now, I am trying to get more toned. I know building muscle might actually increase my weight and I have to be okay with that. Ultimately, no one else in the world knows what my scale says or what the tag in my clothes says. But they do see me and how my body looks. So, my goal is to have more definition in my arms and legs (and abs) and I am taking pictures and measuring my arms and thighs to track changes. I started doing 30 Day Shred this past week. Over the month of July, after doing tons of cardio, I lost about 5 pounds. No one noticed. No one said anything or complimented me. After doing Shred for a week, on Friday a coworker suddenly said, you look like you have lost weight! The reason? The new definition showing in my arms. Anyway, long story short - a goal other than the number on the scale may help motivate you. You can also try a variety of activities until you find what you like. I like to run, swim and Shred. Find something you enjoy so you keep doing it because you like it, not because the scale changes.

    Hang in there! I know you can do it! And never feel like a failure - just try a different path if the first one doesn't take you where you want to go :)
  • norcal_yogi
    norcal_yogi Posts: 675 Member
    You might be fighting a losing battle since you are already at a good weight for your height. I am 5'6" and I would be extremely thin at 129...and I am small boned. My goal weight is 135, but my body fights it and the lowest weight I can reasonably maintain is 138. You are probably much younger than me. I weighed 128 in high school and thought I was fat. I can't imagine being down there now. But 110 lbs. At 5'7.5"? Have you ever been that light or is this just an arbitrary goal weight you think would make you happy? Were you strength training? Weight training goes a long way toward reshaping your body and helping to maintain weightloss. And of course, cutting out the junk food!

    yep, this^. i am 5'7" and anything under 128 gets me looking gaunt (plus i've built up a decent amount of lean muscle).
  • linzee2207
    linzee2207 Posts: 28 Member
    Hey i've been through the same routine, start to see results and then just think, "oh i lost a little weight, time to cheat everyday". It's tough, but we just gotta stay strong and motivated!
  • bongbunny
    bongbunny Posts: 37 Member
    I am your twin! 5'7, starting weight 129 (highest I've ever been), current weight 111 (my normal range). I lost mine in the typical fashion - exercise and calorie restriction (45 min elliptical, 1,000 calories a day+exercise calories). At the time, I wasn't fussed with the quality of what I ate, just as long as I stayed under the calories for the day. This worked fine, the weight was gone within 3.5 months. When moving to maintenance, I switched my diet over to fresh, whole foods only. This meant no fast food, no processed frankenfoods, no sugary drinks, etc. and I've had zero problems maintaining my weight loss. I no longer count calories, my weight has been stable for 2 months now and I've lost several inches around my thighs and belly. That would be my biggest suggestion - cut out the crap (if you eat it, I didn't look at your diary) and go with fresh fruit and veggies, lean meats and avoid anything labeled as low/no-fat/calorie as they contain some pretty nasty ingredients. Skip foods that have been pre-packaged and prepare them yourself. My husband has lost about 15 pounds eating this way as well, and he wasn't even trying to.

    Good luck in your weight loss journey. However you attempt to go about it, you can (and will) rock it!
  • Camilletherealdeal
    Camilletherealdeal Posts: 26 Member
    I need to vent too! I think my body may be "resisting" as well, but not sure (maybe I am just being lazy) - I'm a little afraid to check the scale right now though.
    I'm having an incredibly hard time staying at 1200 calories, I just feel hungry all the time! I've been exercising almost every day, even if it's just 20-30 minutes of running, but have been at the top of my calories or over several times a week.
    It was so easy at first, and I lost my first 10 lbs so easily, in like a month and a half! Now, the scale hasn't budged from 148. (GW: 135). BMI is 21, which is O.K., but I want to be at a 18-19 BMI and there are still 13 more lbs to go!
    I'm not sure if it's possible or maintainable - I have a big skeleton and am pretty muscular, and this is already the lightest I have been in 10 years - plus everyone is different.
    My plan is to suffer for a few days and force myself to eat only 1200 calories and keep exercising. After the few days, I think my body will adjust to eating less (I hope). Hmmm, wonder how long that usually takes.
  • I am having the same kind of problem i think the only way to get those lbs off is exercise. It might be hard to get yourself to do it everyday, i know it is for me. So to start off I usually go to youtube and click on the 8 min ab video. It's this old video probably from the 80's and the guy gets your abs in shape like none other. After 8 min i'm usually ready to start working out. Maybe get some weights and put on your fav. tunes and start doing a few reps, in between i ususally do jumping jacks or something to keep my heart rate up. If you start out small you can only increase from there.