Results and Recovery or Energy and Endurance

Jdubmarie Posts: 66 Member
Has anyone tried these supplements? I thinking about getting some samples to test them out.


  • TessiPSU
    TessiPSU Posts: 19
    I tried Shakeology, I have it when i dont have time to eat. Its pretty good. I got the chocolate one.
  • katielick77
    katielick77 Posts: 6 Member
    I use Shakeology Chocolate, and Tropical also Energy and Endurance. Loving the Tropical this summer with tropic 50 orange juice, also strawberries, pinapple, and banana. Love the chocolate with PB2 and almond coconut milk. The Energy and Endurance took a little getting used to but works awesome when you need that extra push to get you through a workout. I kinda make it like slush with ice and water and tastes good to me!
  • seesaey
    seesaey Posts: 231
    I use both. The R and R is great!! My husband and I both can feel a difference when we don't use it - we are more sore and drained after workouts. The E and E is good too - I'm not much of a caffine person though. It doesn't make me jittery at all like I've heard other caffine drinks do. And it lets me down easy too - no crash afterwards.