Dealing with everyone's questions

Fairysoul Posts: 1,361 Member
How do you handle all the questions about your food choices?


  • GnaBean
    GnaBean Posts: 112 Member
    Short and sweet: no sugar/sweeteners, no grains.
  • skwidlund
    skwidlund Posts: 117 Member
    I explain that it's for my health, and that I can point them to the science behind it if they're interested (usually via Marks Daily Apple, Robb Wolf's website or Balance Bites). It's hard not to over-whelm them with info, but I make it clear that there are lots of people who eat this way and we're all generally far healthier than people who eat standard diets.

    And then I suggest they give it a shot for a week and see how they feel :happy:
  • Fairysoul
    Fairysoul Posts: 1,361 Member
    Thats such good advice thank you, Skwidlund!!
  • ethelapple
    I haven't really had anyone say anything besides, "Whoa! You lost weight!" :D If they ask, I've said basically no wheat or white flour....I do still use a tiny bit of sugar, honey, etc..
  • SweetxCatastrophe
    SweetxCatastrophe Posts: 593 Member
    I tell people I have food sensitivities, which obviously I do since I haven't gotten a migrane since switching to primal/paleo and I was getting them every 10days or so. My boss likes to bring in breakfast sometimes so he was asking me the other day what I will eat and said "oh, thats a lot easier than I thought" haha
  • CRody44
    CRody44 Posts: 776 Member
    I don't use the words Paleo, Primal or caveman. I tell them that I am eating low carb, healthy Farmers Market fruits and veggies, and that I cut out processed foods and let it go at that. There seems to be an acceptance of low carb and healthy.
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    'i follow a low carb, high fat, ketogenic lifestyle. i'm allergic to carbs, they make me fat'
  • loseweight3838
    loseweight3838 Posts: 10 Member
    I have found it easier not to mention you are eating Paleo. I tried that once and got into a debate with someone because they heard it was bad for you (too much meat/fat etc. etc.)

    what I do tell people when they ask is that I have cut out grains/sugar/processed food
    99% of the time its the grains that people can't understand why I don't eat them but I tell them I easily get all the carbs I need from fruit

    I also point out that I eat lots of fresh veggies and organic meat which I doubt anyone would say is bad for you
  • CWatermelon
    CWatermelon Posts: 146 Member
    I tell them that I eliminated all processed food and drink so that my liver can digest instead of detox! When my liver is not detoxing, it is burning fat efficiently. I eat fresh fruit, vegetables, lots of fish, chicken, and meat, and as clean as possible! Some respond with "ah you are a cavewoman" or "you're doing paleo/primal". It is fun seeing who is in the know.
  • AmIhealthyyet
    AmIhealthyyet Posts: 361 Member
    I have just started being asked about how I have lost my weight! The first few people I mentioned Paleo/Primal and they began to tell me how bad it is for me. ( by the way a in addition to being a massage therapist and personal trainer, I am trained food coach /psych) so VERY well trained and educated on MANY different theory's and ways to eat). Not feeling like arguing or eduacting people who are not interested I shortened my answer to I ELIMINATED ALL GRAINS! SUGAR AND PROCCESSED FOODS! OTHER THAN CHEEESE. When they ask what I can eat I say, meat, fish, veges, berries and nuts! Don't know how anyone can argue with. That!
  • ichorica
    ichorica Posts: 475 Member
    I have just started being asked about how I have lost my weight! The first few people I mentioned Paleo/Primal and they began to tell me how bad it is for me. ( by the way a in addition to being a massage therapist and personal trainer, I am trained food coach /psych) so VERY well trained and educated on MANY different theory's and ways to eat). Not feeling like arguing or eduacting people who are not interested I shortened my answer to I ELIMINATED ALL GRAINS! SUGAR AND PROCCESSED FOODS! OTHER THAN CHEEESE. When they ask what I can eat I say, meat, fish, veges, berries and nuts! Don't know how anyone can argue with. That!

    I like that! Ill have to keep it short next time I get into it with someone!
  • GnaBean
    GnaBean Posts: 112 Member
    I love when I tell people I've eliminated grains from my diet. Usually they'll get a shocked look and ask "Don't we NEED grains?"

    I'll respond with "For...?" and watch as the wheels in their heads start turning. Umm, carbs? Fiber? Nutrients? Nope! I'm getting all of those things from fruits and veggies and unprocessed foods. Good try, though.
  • jonnyrosko
    jonnyrosko Posts: 30 Member
    I love hearing these responses. I'm pretty new to paleo/primal and I've just been telling people I don't eat processed foods.
  • beccarockslife
    beccarockslife Posts: 816 Member
    I tell them I just have real food.
  • Cerebrus189
    Cerebrus189 Posts: 315 Member
    I tell them I just have real food.

    This ^^!

    Plus I just don't talk about Paleo/Primal in the manner I used to. I don't go into specifics because if somebody really wants to know, they'll pick up a book like I did when I first learned about it. They'll question everything about it, and decide for themselves if they're strong enough to try it. I can't tell you how many times I've heard the "I could never give up ____" line. At that point, I drop it and move on. I said that once too but then I started to ponder if I could indeed give it up. I challenged myself and made no excuses.

    I think it takes a strong person to be Primal/Paleo, and only the strongest will get through the challenges that come with the lifestyle. I also think it's really important to understand the science of why we shouldn't eat those no-no foods because without that knowledge, there isn't a reason to continue without them instead of just popping a pill for arthritis, diabetes, high blood pressure, etc. Just my take...
  • Fairysoul
    Fairysoul Posts: 1,361 Member
    This is how the convo went...
    She said "I'm still the chick that refuses to count calories -because she doesn't know how - doesn't believe in "dieting" and clearly doesn't know the first thing about body cleansing ...what about vitamin d and calcium, that doesn't seem healthy to me?"

    I said this "I don't really diet I try to look at things as a lifestyle change, in my eyes if you workout a bit and eat healthful foods, in moderation it will be fine. I just think trying primal for a month will help curve my sweets cravings, I go all out too often on things like brownies and ice cream, even things that are processed!! I do track all my calories and vitamin intakes, and when one seems lower I supplement but mostly if you eat right you shouldn't need too. I wouldn't do anything like it if I wasn't able to keep track of what I am actually getting!! I also take cod liver oil and drink almond milk, plenty of vid d and calcium there.."
  • Fairysoul
    Fairysoul Posts: 1,361 Member
    Oh and she had nothing to say, and she's usually the one who trys to know it all!! I dunno it felt good to know what I am talking about so I can back myself up when people look down on me and my choices... I shouldn'r even care really but sometimes you want people to know that you mean business..
  • MrsAbles
    MrsAbles Posts: 117 Member
    When I first started Primal Blueprint, I told my best friend and her husband. They asked a lot of questions and were politely skeptical. (I can only imagine their conversations behind my back.) It got tiring when every time we shared a meal they would ask "can you eat this? Can you eat that?" So last month we went on vacation together, and while I tried to make good meal choices, I indulged in desserts and sweet cocktails every day and I felt it. Bad.

    For me, inflammation shows up in my Achilles tendons and in my thumbs making walking and lifting stuff painful. I had been living with this pain chronically for several years (I'm 52.) I thought it just sucked getting older and I popped ibuprofen daily. But quitting sugar and grains has eliminated my pain, and I've lost some weight.

    So, while on vacation after complaining about pain in my heels, my "supportive" friend says " it's too bad that the things you used to enjoy (sugar) make you feel bad now." And I'm like-"No, sugar made me feel bad for a long time. I just didn't know it was the cause of my pain." I don't believe she gets it, though. And I don't feel like defending my "diet" to her anymore.
  • skwidlund
    skwidlund Posts: 117 Member
    I have found it easier not to mention you are eating Paleo. I tried that once and got into a debate with someone because they heard it was bad for you (too much meat/fat etc. etc.)

    I tend to say I eat an anti-inflammatory, whole foods-based traditional diet. The anti-inflammatory part really interests people who deal with chronic issues like arthritis.

    And I also stay away from paleo or primal phrasing in the real world. I tend to find it to be a bit misleading and narrow - I don't eat just what a paleolithic person would have eaten, but I do eat along those principals of natural, seasonal and unrefined.
  • CMcD1445
    CMcD1445 Posts: 48 Member

    I tend to say I eat an anti-inflammatory, whole foods-based traditional diet. The anti-inflammatory part really interests people who deal with chronic issues like arthritis.

    And I also stay away from paleo or primal phrasing in the real world. I tend to find it to be a bit misleading and narrow - I don't eat just what a paleolithic person would have eaten, but I do eat along those principals of natural, seasonal and unrefined.

    Good job Skwidlund! I sometimes struggle what to tell my friends and this puts it best. Although I am from Michigan, I am living in Mexico, land of the tortilla....Being such a staple, I often have a hard time trying to translate to people why I can't eat them.