Recommended Reading
I've seen a number of new people ask for recommended reading, so I figured I'd start a thread that compiles a list of things to read. Feel free to add to the list, and hopefully the mod will make this a sticky. Books Primal Blueprint - Mark Sisson The Paleo Diet - Loren Cordain The Paleo Solution - Robb Wolf It Starts With…
Success Stories
Okay, folks - this is the requested sticky post on Success Stories - so let's hear 'em! Here's mine: Once upon a time, I was hugely, morbidly obese. Incredibly unhealthy. Completely sedentary. While I had never been stick-thin, as a teen to young adult, I was just overweight. A bit curvy. I was never athletic, but I wasn't…
Difference between Primal and Paleo
Ok is the big difference the view on dairy?
Trifecta Paleo Meals
Hello everyone! I recently converted to Paleo (it's been one month now) and I have been eating 1200 calories and tracking everything as well as not eating my back my exercise calories because the weight was not budging. I started using a meal delivery plan called Trifecta and they send you precooked fresh meals and I do…
Whole30 August
It's that time again for another Whole30 reboot/intermittent fasting. Today is day start on April for me, I'll be eliminating the "frankenfoods" and will focus on clean eating, aiming for under 60g carbs. If anyone out there would like to join me, please do!
Looking for accountability
Hi everyone. New to the group but have been on and off paleo for years. I want to get back to a strick paleo lifestyle and loose some weight. I have a histamine intolerance, leaky gut, and adrenal fatigue that work against me but I need to get back on track! Looking for some accountability and maybe a few challenges to get…
Do macros really count if in a caloric deficit?
Hello all, I'm curious to see what people's thoughts are regarding weight loss...are macros really important or are calories the determining factor for losing weight? Health aside, I'm just talking about general weight loss. If someone is in a calorie deficit, say 500 below macros matter? I appreciate your…
How are things?
How is everyone doing? This group gets so quiet sometimes! I hope everyone is doing well!
Paleo-Vegan Diet
Hello, I have been vegan for quite a while and have tried to merge paleo into it once before. When I did try Pegan I thought I was going to die and dreamt of bean burritos. Eating healthy has been a learning experience for me and I am a bit more knowledgeable than I was 4 yrs ago. So I am hoping to give it another go. I…
Whole30 April 2019
I'm gearing up to do a Whole30 to reboot my Primal (PB) eating and intermittent fasting. I'm working my way up to start on April 1st, so I'll be eliminating the "frankenfoods" and will focus on 75% veggies (low glycemic), remove dairy, and eat moderate protein. Healthy fats will consist of oil/coconut oil, avocado, and…
Introducing myself
Hi everyone, I am new here. Here is a bit of background and my current status: Gender: Female Age: 55 Height: 5'2" All time Heaviest: 225.0 lbs (April 11, 2014) In 2014, I managed to lose a total of 64 lbs, which got me down to 161 lbs. and was about 3/4 of the way to my original goal. (My goal is to get to 130 lbs.) I…
How is everyone?
I haven't checked in a while. Sadly this group doesn't seem super active. How is everyone?
Getting back on track.
This past weekend my eating has been off, especially today on Easter. I enjoyed the day, but my body is so ready to get back to real foods!