What am I doing wrong???!!!??!

eddierich Posts: 5 Member
Ok...I am Eddie. I am 31 years old and need to lose 100 lbs plus. I currently weigh 305 lbs and feel like I can not get under this stupid 300 lb mark. I feel like I am doing what I need to do. Under calories every day and playing tennis every day. Seems like my results are proving other wise. :(


  • scarlet331
    scarlet331 Posts: 42 Member
    Hi Eddie, I am new too and Im at that plateau where I can not make the scale move down, instead it keeps creeping up I am 33 yrs old and I am close to the 300lb mark. This is the heaviest I have been..EVER! I am determined to lose at least 80 lbs by next year(before my vacation). . I have a condition where I have to keep taking medicine as well with exercising to help me lose weight. I can admit, I was slacking but got back on track this week and I am determined to lose the weight.

    What are you doing different in your diet?Are you eating 6 small meals or 3 large meals? Are you avoiding fast/greasy foods and soda? Are you in taking the amount of water per day as allowed? Did you see a doctor about your weightloss regimen? what did she/he recommend??

    As for your workouts. What is it you are doing? Are you walking, biking, hiking, swimming lifting weights, dancing? You may want to switch up your workouts everyday so they do not become boring. Have a buddy with you as well. The more motivation you have,you will continue to your goal. Remeber, you could be gaining muscle too which can make your metabolism go up.

    Another recommendation is: See a dietitian. they are wonderful and can help you get on a nutritional track.

    Dont get discouraged. Start off small and work your way up. You didnt gain this weight over night and you will not lose it overnight. You are doing this for your health. We all hit those points where we can not see results . If you want, add me as a friend. :)

    Good luck to you!
  • tstews
    tstews Posts: 8
    how many calories are you eating. believe it or not you can be eating too few. yes , you heard me right. there is a minimum and maximum range our bodies need and it depends on the weight we are and of course some times needs adjusted from there as we are all individuals with complex bodies.

    what's your typical menu look like?
  • Phoenix212
    Phoenix212 Posts: 54 Member
    I took the liberty of looking at your diary, and from what I can see, you're not doing very badly. I think you may want to take a look at how much sodium you're taking in. With premade foods sodium is usually a big problem. I also think that you could try to get more of your calories from fruits and vegetables. It doesn't look to me like you eat many vegetables at all, and as such maybe you aren't getting enough of the nutrients and vitamins your body needs? Tennis is a good workout if you're moving around a lot, but maybe you should try to get a heart rate monitor and see if you're really getting in as good of a cardio workout as you think you are. Other than that, I very much agree with scarlet331 on the dietitian. They're really very helpful and supportive, and you learn a loooooot going to see one. Also, if you've just started working out and dieting, there's also around a 2-4 week period where you'll stay the same or even gain weight! (I'm in that period right now and it's soooo frustrating!). The important thing is that you stick with it and don't get discouraged! There's no rush on good health and a happy lifetime. Every step you make towards a healthier lifestyle now is years of happiness in the future. Good luck, keep us posted!
  • tstews
    tstews Posts: 8
    after looking at your diary, personally I don't think you are eating enough calories. at least if I use my nutritionist viewpoint. she is a HUGE stickler for making sure you are eating enough. you are eating less than my calorie range and mine was set for a 240 pound woman.
  • scarlet331
    scarlet331 Posts: 42 Member
    Eddie, I've been peeping in on your diary and it seems you are not doing too bad with your diet and I see you are intaking water. If you are bored with plain water and want to ween off soda, drink plenty of Crystal Light and buy those fruit flavored carbonated waters from Walmart or Kroeger.. Trust me, you will be addicted to them. Ask to see a dietitian as well. I can have 15 carb choices a day(since I am insulin resistant) and I can still have what I want. Also, try to incorporate more protein in your diet. If you love jerky or greek yogurt, full of protein to keep you filled up. Also, try protein shakes like glucerna hunger smart or special K. They are delish.
  • eddierich
    eddierich Posts: 5 Member
    Thank you so much everyone! I am strongly using everyones advice and will continue to strive for my goals. You are all awesome for taking time to offer advice!!!