Fat Bullies (August)



  • ishapeme
    ishapeme Posts: 213 Member
    Hey girls! so I definitely took advantage of a day off yesterday and went way over my calories. It’s definitely insteresting to see how many calories I ate yesterday. Yesterday was more like what a normal day for me used to be like. Eating without really considering the caloireis, and now I see how much was in each thing I ate, I realized, "welll duh...no wonder you never lost weight before.”

    So I enjoyed, walked and did a few things here and there and it was great and all however, I went over my calorie budget by over 1,000. oh boy....

    Usually I would wake today feeling awful, thinking how I ruined it and I’m just going to get fat forever and blah blah boohoo...

    Then I had a great idea, what if I made today a “make up” day? Do an extra hard work out and watch my calories closely?? It’s sure to balance out right?I had a very lean Friday and a heavy Saturday and now I’ll have a lean Sunday. IT actually makes a lot of sense to me. I’ve read many article about how to treat your diet like a bank account. The more you “work” out the more you can spend on food. If you send a little to much of food, you work more and budget better. Pretty simple.

    So I’m going to go for a nice run, do some strength training and kick some *kitten*! My scale is freaking out on my right now , (probably confused at what the heck just happened over the past day) so I’ll weigh myself at the gym.

    I’m so happy to have you girls to motivate me and literally remind me, this a journey and we’ll learn things about our body along the way.

    Happy Sunday Bullies!
  • ishapeme
    ishapeme Posts: 213 Member
    I did it!! I burned 1,500 calories today by running, double shredding and playing tennis! whew!
  • Confident120409
    Confident120409 Posts: 73 Member
    way to go. at least you burned it back off
  • gatorento
    gatorento Posts: 79 Member
    I lost 1 pound this week - my scale reads 142 as of yesterday. Slow but steady!

    Sat exercise: no
    Sat water: no

    Sun exercise: yes
    Sun water: yes

    Have a great Monday, everyone!
  • Confident120409
    Confident120409 Posts: 73 Member
    I am confused. Are we supposed to take Saturday off from exercise or Sunday? I took Sunday
  • ishapeme
    ishapeme Posts: 213 Member
    No we were supposed to take Sunday off but I wasn't feeling well and decided to make sunday my rest day,

    Welcome to week 2:

    Please at the exercises made for this week. Great job for all you ladies with the weight loss! We had a sweep in weight loss this past week :0)

    As for a challenge this week:

    Let's make the challenge to not need carbs after 8 PM. What do you think??
  • Confident120409
    Confident120409 Posts: 73 Member
    Ok I can handle the no carb challenge. I am finding these days that I am not hungry after two but I have been making myself eat. Then I feel like crap. Umm I would rather not eat and feel good.
  • gatorento
    gatorento Posts: 79 Member
    No carbs after 8 pm sounds good - we're on!!

    For the 5 F/V part of the nutrition challenge, here is what I ate today:
    MON bkfst pear (1 med) 98 cal
    supp watermelon (1 c) 50 cal
    (6 pm) strawberries (1 c) 46 cal
    cauliflower (3 c) 98 cal

    exercises: yes - my poor biceps/triceps are sooooo tired! :)
    water: yes (128 oz =16 8-oz cups!) I must say, I was amazed at how I was NOT hungry all day!
  • gatorento
    gatorento Posts: 79 Member
    Ok I can handle the no carb challenge. I am finding these days that I am not hungry after two but I have been making myself eat. Then I feel like crap. Umm I would rather not eat and feel good.
    KIm, great job on water today! I found that drinking that much water made me not hungry, too. So that's probably a factor in why you don't want to eat after 2 p.m. I read somewhere (sorry, don't remember where) that it's not good for the body to go more than 12 hours without eating (initiates starvation-mode), so I always try to make sure that my supper is about 12 hours before my next day's breakfast.
  • gatorento
    gatorento Posts: 79 Member
    Happy Sunday everyone!

    Today I will be drinking my gallon of water and I am so excited to say that I will be drinking that much from now on. I was told you should drink more if you weigh more. So that is a little bit more then 100 oz a day...
    Kim, I totally agree with you - the effect of drinking water has really helped increase my rate of weight-loss as well.

    Bottoms up! :)
  • Confident120409
    Confident120409 Posts: 73 Member
    Today I drunk 14 cups of water so i went over my 100 oz.
    I did front arm raises, arm raises and i did all this with a 3 pound weight.
    tomorrow i am doing my walk away the pounds dvd for my legs.
  • ishapeme
    ishapeme Posts: 213 Member
    COMMENT: I started a capoeira class yesterday which was relally great and interesting. The coach asked me if i wanted to model for the group! So I thold him he has to work me extra hard before I could consider modeling! But it was good to hear that he saw that i was trying!

    Today I'm going to run! I've decided and i'm doing it.

    Also, yes the water drinking has been a huge impact in my weight loss. I'm also am going to do a personal challenge and just drink a protein shake for dinner. I find that after my workout at night I'm not hungry! So if you're not hungry, try a protein shake with some fruit and maybe a little bit a of peanut butter, i love peanut butter.

    Keep GOING!! We'll post before and after pic at the end! or we can do a mid-month pic!? I'll ask around to see how it's done!

  • monih10
    monih10 Posts: 578 Member
    Hi ladies.....sorry I haven't posted lately....but I am keeping up with the team! :)
    Yesterday I managed to get down 60 oz of water.....that's the most I have drank so far!!!! Gotta get moving more with the exercises tho!!!! Hope everyone has a fantastic week!!!
  • Confident120409
    Confident120409 Posts: 73 Member
    Ok so far today I have drunk 56 oz of water.
    I hate really good from my work today. I even got fat free and no sugar added ice cream.
    I am going to do my walk away the pounds dvd tonight and I am looking forward to it.
    I hope you all are having a great day.....
  • gatorento
    gatorento Posts: 79 Member
    Hi, ladies! Everyone's doing great - keep up the good work!

    So far today, 104 oz water, but I'll drink some more tonight. I'm LOVIN' the impact water consumption is having: decreased hunger and feeling better. Finding that I don't even want to snack during the day - partially because I'm too busy drinking water! LOL

    Another benefit of drinking so much water is extra exercise during the day, walking from my desk to the WC.... after all, water in, water out! :)

    Went for a run this morning: this is new for me. Previously, I have always walked my dog in the morning. Now, for the past 2 mornings, we are going for short jogs. Today we jogged 2 miles, non-stop (except for short doggy stops)!

    Will post again later, as I still have to do the legs workout for today.
  • gatorento
    gatorento Posts: 79 Member
    By the way, did you all see this week's nutritional challenge that Belinda (bmfrazie) posted? I copied-n-pasted below:

    Weekly challenge - FRUITS AN VEGGIES!! We are suppose to get 5 Fruits and Veggies a day. You can earn 1 point per 5 F/ V that your team consumes. This is for a FULL serving not a partial serving. When you report back to your captain how many fruits and veggies you had you must also list what you had. --- Captains please enter in the total number earned and the sheet will figure out the math for you. If you only enter 1 point for each 5 you will not get your full points. You must add the total daily. You can get unlimited points based off of how many fruits and veggies your team earns. (1 point per 5 consumed)
  • gatorento
    gatorento Posts: 79 Member
    Also, here is the legs workout that bmfrazie posted for today (copied-n-pasted from "Exercises" thread):

    Tuesday - 8/07 - Legs

    2 minute Bear Walk
    100 Jumping Jacks
    50 Squats
    50 Lunges
    50 Calf Raises

    You can break this up, and make it a circuit if you like.
  • gatorento
    gatorento Posts: 79 Member

    COMMENT: I started a capoeira class yesterday which was relally great and interesting. The coach asked me if i wanted to model for the group! So I thold him he has to work me extra hard before I could consider modeling! But it was good to hear that he saw that i was trying!

    Today I'm going to run! I've decided and i'm doing it.

    1. what is capoeira class? too bad that word doesn't have a "u" in it - it has all the other vowels!
    2. hope you had an awesome run today! let us know how it went.
  • Confident120409
    Confident120409 Posts: 73 Member
    I am doing good today.
    I am going to workout for an hour today since it is full body. I am going to do my walk away the pounds 1 mile and then do my biggest loser last chance workout. Then I will do whatever else we have to do. I can't wait to see how everyone else does today.
    I have already drunk 28 oz of water this morning.
  • Confident120409
    Confident120409 Posts: 73 Member
    ok i did my walk away the pounds and then i did the workout video we were supposed to do. it just nearly killed me but i did it.