My First Day of NROL4W - Did I Do It RIGHT?!

Hi, okay... I know you all must be thinking "Seriously?! She can't be THIS dumb!" But I am!

I just went to the gym and did what I am hoping was right for the first day...!?

I did Workout A , BUT it didn't seem like that many exercises, and it didn't seem to take long at all...??? maybe because it's a new routine so it seemed to go faster? Maybe I didn't do it right?! I DUNNO!!!

I did:

15 Squats

15 pushups

15 Seated rows

15 pushups

15 seated rows

15 step ups

15 jacknives

15 stepups

15 jacknives

15 squats

Please tell me.... because I am CLEARLY S-M-R-T and cannot be sure... did i do it RIGHT? Was i supposed to do more? Like Workout B too?

Don't laugh at me please...

Oh okay... laugh at me... I deserve it... lol


  • natini
    natini Posts: 347 Member
    The first Phase is only 6 exercises. I think it is to get you used to lifting and you should work on form and increasing your weights.

    It looks like you did the order incorrect. You need to look at the letter and number. If it is the same letter then you alternate the two exercises. Hope this makes sense.

    -A: Squat
    -A: Squat
    -B1: Push Up
    -B2: Seated Row
    -B1: Push Up
    -B2: Seated Row
    -C1: Step up
    -C2: Jacknife
    -C1: Step up
    -C2: Jacknife

    In two days you will do work out B. Two days after that alternate back to A. You can insert cardio on the days you are not lifting.
  • MamaKeeks
    MamaKeeks Posts: 234
    Okay so I just messed up the squats - should've done them back to back - but otherwise okay!? AWESOME!

    I am ready to attack Workout B on Thursday!

    Thanks for answering - I feel a little less dumb and a bit more sure of myself!

  • natini
    natini Posts: 347 Member
    I fumbled through the first four times in the weight room. I kept having to look at my book. After that you will walk into the gym looking like you do it all the time. Great job.
  • MamaKeeks
    MamaKeeks Posts: 234
    I'm just really happy I didn't fall on my face during the jacknives... pretty close a few times, but I managed to avoid full face plant!

    Thanks for the support! :smile:
  • amcanzo
    amcanzo Posts: 418 Member
    MamaKeeks - I am SOOOOOO glad you asked this question because I was wondering the exact same thing, even though I had read through the book and many,many threads on here; it just didn't seem like enough workout or something. But I'm very happy to know that I did it "right" and now I can plan for the next lifting on Monday :bigsmile: (and for the record - I did fall off the ball during jacknives, not a face plant, but a fall none the less...:blushing: - so if anybody has tips I'd love to hear them!!!)
  • Tari_D
    Tari_D Posts: 121 Member
    MamaKeeks - I am SOOOOOO glad you asked this question because I was wondering the exact same thing, even though I had read through the book and many,many threads on here; it just didn't seem like enough workout or something. But I'm very happy to know that I did it "right" and now I can plan for the next lifting on Monday :bigsmile: (and for the record - I did fall off the ball during jacknives, not a face plant, but a fall none the less...:blushing: - so if anybody has tips I'd love to hear them!!!)

    Me too! I was thinking I'd not done enough when I finished, i'll have to up the weights again next time. I also fell off the swiss ball repeatedly doing jacknives and so did some mountain climbers instead :embarassed: I need to practice that one!
  • karensoxfan
    karensoxfan Posts: 902 Member
    I'm just really happy I didn't fall on my face during the jacknives... pretty close a few times, but I managed to avoid full face plant!

    Thanks for the support! :smile:

    You're starting out better than I did then! I actually DID fall off the ball in Workout A1. Twice. Once in each set. But even if you fall, you just get back up there & try again until you can do it! I was so excited that when the jackknives came back in stage 3 (as one of a few options), they were actually EASY. If you'd told me that on day 1, I'm not sure I would have believed it. Hang in there. :)
  • MinkyMoo13
    MinkyMoo13 Posts: 354 Member
    So in lumens terms as the more I read the more I am getting confused tomorrow when I start I will be doing;

    15 squats
    15 squats
    15 push ups
    15 seated rows
    15 step ups
    15 prone jack knife

    Then on Wednesday I would do;

    15 dead lifts
    15 dead lifts
    15 dumbbell shoulder press
    15 wide grip lat pull down
    15 lunges
    15 Swiss ball crunch

    Then Friday I would do;

    12 squats
    12 push up
    12seated row
    12 step up
    12 prone jack knife etc...
  • Tari_D
    Tari_D Posts: 121 Member
    I *think* (I'm a newbie with this) that you'd actually do

    15 squats
    15 squats
    15 push ups
    15 seated rows
    15 push ups
    15 seated rows
    15 step ups
    15 prone jack knife
    15 step ups
    15 prone jack knife

    Because you need to do 2 sets of 15 for each and the push ups alternate with seated rows and the step ups alternate with the Jackknives
  • MamaKeeks
    MamaKeeks Posts: 234
    I *think* (I'm a newbie with this) that you'd actually do

    15 squats
    15 squats
    15 push ups
    15 seated rows
    15 push ups
    15 seated rows
    15 step ups
    15 prone jack knife
    15 step ups
    15 prone jack knife

    Because you need to do 2 sets of 15 for each and the push ups alternate with seated rows and the step ups alternate with the Jackknives

    That's exactly it!