daily calories

jenni3001 Posts: 33 Member
I have Hashimoto's and was wondering how many calories I should be eating daily. Keep in mind I'm only 4'11''. The trainer at my gym said 1700 but when I did that I gained 4 pounds that week!! She knows I have Hashimoto's and said that shouldn't matter. I showed her my food log to prove I haven't been eating junk and her response was that she didn't know why I gained.


  • jadesign19
    jadesign19 Posts: 512 Member
    I totally understand your frustration. I'm 5''9". I'm still experimenting with my calorie intake. Right now, I'm at 1250 cals. I work out 6 days a week and try to get 300+ cals burned off. I'm trying to concentrate on lowering carbs and increasing protein. If i exercise, i eat some of the calories back. I got to the 1250 by figuring out my bmr and evaluating what has worked for me in the past. Right now ive been at a plateau for about two months. I will reevaluate if it isn't working. That's why I love MFP and the food diary
    Hope this helps.:flowerforyou:
  • dkschrader
    dkschrader Posts: 32 Member
    My question would be to your trainer on how they got to 1700 calories. Not knowing your weight or age. Maybe that 1700 is the amount of calories if you do nothing and wanted to maintain your weight(?). Also ask your trainer to see the formula they use to calculate the calories. It is a long formula, using your age, weight and height.
    Have you used the calculator here on this site? the BMR calculator, under tools, this is pretty close.
    Plus add more protein to evey meal!
    ti is worth a try! good luck!
  • jenni3001
    jenni3001 Posts: 33 Member
    My trainer said that they just use your weight. I'm 175 lbs so i'm supposed to eat 1700 calories. My friend is 195 lbs so she eats 1950 calories. Were supposed to do 3 days strength training and 3 days cardio for 30 minutes. I asked her if my having Hashimotos would be a factor when calculating calories and she said no, I'm not allowed to eat back any calories. I followed her instructions for a week and gained four pounds. I then lowered my calories to 1500 for the following week and maintained my weight. I have for the past 2 weeks lowered again to 1300 and I've lost 5.5 lbs so I feel that 1300 is where I should stay but the trainer said I'm starving myself.
  • chellie47
    chellie47 Posts: 97 Member
    time for a new trainer ? With her formula... someone who weighs 500 lbs needs to eat 5000 calories... I am 5'5 and eat 1440 and its working for me. :)
  • Eafears
    Eafears Posts: 135 Member
    Unfortunately most trainers are not balance in their nutritional education. I wonder if she has much experience with thyroid issues. I am hypo and I have found that the Eat More 2 Weigh Less method really works for me. I couldn't loose anything I think because I was either eating too much or too little. Now I am am loosing slowly, but it is happening. I actually lost 5 lbs for july (ticker doesn't show it) which is something I can't remember happening for years. If I were you I would find a caloric intake and balanced nutrient diet that works for you. And check out this website http://scoobysworkshop.com/calorie-calculator/ to get your TDEE and BMR. That should give you a better idea where to start. Just because you weigh a certain amount does not mean you have to eat that designated amt of cals. I am 145 and I eat between 1600 and 1800 a day I burn between 300 and 600 a day. I am also carb sensitive so I upped my protein intake and that has helped too. Each person's diet is unique. Good Luck
  • debbiepa
    debbiepa Posts: 45
    I also have Hashi's and I couldn't lose any weight despite following a 1200-1500cal/day with daily exercise-and like you, I actually gained weight. My endo advised that I stop counting calories and start counting carbs. I follow a low carb/high protein diet with less than 100 carbs/day per her recommendation. My symptoms are better and I've lost a few pounds. My weight fluctuates a lot more since my Hashi's-does yours do the same? It's frustrating, but it slowly gets better. Do what works for you and don't be afraid to try switching up your calories or types of food that you are eating until you find what works best for you!
  • jenni3001
    jenni3001 Posts: 33 Member
    Thanks for the advice!!! I started watching my carbs and following the glycemic index. Since then, I have noticed a difference. I noticed that I feel much better, have a lot of energy and have actually lost some weight if I eat mostly low glycemic foods and eat the high ones sparingly. I guess I am more carb sensitive and that matters more than the calorie counting.
  • 17578
    17578 Posts: 1
    I have A under active Thyroid. It seems No matter how hard I exercise, & watch my eating, I can't lose!. What am I doing Wrong!! Help