Week 2 - 8/6-8/12



  • ktb1962
    ktb1962 Posts: 33 Member
    Completed Week 2/Day 2 this morning and it was a bit easier than Monday (W2/D1). I struggled a bit toward the end but not as bad as Monday. Everyone is doing great! Hang in there!
  • lepow
    lepow Posts: 92 Member
    Completed Day 1 last night. The only tough part was near the end when I thought I might just give up; I was able to complete all the runs, and that was fantastic! The hardest part, though, was not looking at the timer. I'd do really good for the first half of the run or so and not look at the timer, then I'd get curious and peek, and I'd see that I still had 30-45 seconds left and the last part of the run would be so much harder because I was thinking about the time and not focusing on the running. **sorry for the run-on sentence** Hopefully day 2 will be better tomorrow!

    I will say, though, that I LOVE watching myself run in the mirror (on the treadmill in the gym). It's not that I'm fantastic-looking or have perfect form or anything. It's just that seeing my body do something I never thought I'd ever do was motivating in itself; it kept me going. I just need to focus on the image in the mirror and not the timer. lol
  • Kamnikar64
    Kamnikar64 Posts: 345 Member
    Finished w2d1 this morning. I cannot believe how much longer 90 seconds feels than 60 seconds! Near the end I felt like I was really getting in a rhythm though and am looking forward to day 2! Good luck everyone!!

    Thank you for that. I read that last night and did W2D1 this morning. It was nice to know that it wasn't just me; I swear 90 seconds felt like 3 minutes. lol

    Done and ready for W2D2.:smile:
  • carolemack
    carolemack Posts: 1,276 Member
    Week 3 Day 2 completed. Still loving it.
  • funylady
    funylady Posts: 10 Member
    I finished W2D2 this morning. I made it through all the runs but on each run started to wonder when it would be time to walk right before the end of the 90 seconds. I will see how day 3 goes!

    Good Job everyone!! Keep up the great work.
  • LoNCole
    LoNCole Posts: 25 Member
    Did W2D2 this morning and felt great. Is anyone else running with a jogging stroller? My arms feel like they are getting quite the workout too!
    My friend and I just signed up for The Color Run on sept 15th, so I will have just finished week 7. I am so excited to have this to look forward too and keep me going! Anyone else signed up for a race?
  • AsellusReborn
    AsellusReborn Posts: 1,112 Member
    Did my W2D1 today - going to be W/F/Sun this week, my daughter head-butted my shin on Sunday and oh my gosh, I am finally just getting to the point where it doesn't hurt to walk. I almost thought I needed xrays, and was so worried about today's run - the warmup and first run hurt a little but I actually feel great now. I'm gonna be the odd one out and say that Week 2 felt so much easier than Week 1 - I'm not sure if it's because I have a week of it behind me or just that running 6 intervals felt easier than 8 (even if it was a minute more) but I even pushed it so my route was 2.5miles today. I might never be an obsessive, addicted runner - but after today I am totally confident that I will be ready in time for my 9/23 5K :)

    So, I did week one on a treadmill and it was mostly fun and I did good with some hard work. Week 2, days 1 and 2, I did outside on a track. OMG... it takes so many more muscles and so much more energy to propel yourself forward! After yesterday's run (W2D2), I was really contemplating quitting the whole thing. I wasn't able to do the last 30 seconds of the last run and I was miserable throughout the whole thing. My program is on my iphone and has you run 45, walk 60, run 60, walk 90, run 90, walk 2 minutes, and then repeat all of that 3 times.

    I'm kind of wondering if maybe I'm just not cut out for this running thing. Maybe running on a treadmill... but not on a track, but that doesn't help me with the 5K I'm signed up for in October. Bummed!

    Running on a treadmill is -really- different than running outside- I actually had this discussion with a friend last week because we were debating the pros and cons of training for a 5K inside or outside. Some things that help, your shoes matter a lot outside AND it's summer = humid, which makes breathing harder. When you run outside go a little slower than you would on the treadmill - just like anything else you have to work up to it! Don't beat yourself up - you tried and you are miles ahead of people still sitting their butts on the couch :) You'll get up to speed - October is still 2 months away.

    Some things to help if you want to treadmill train in the interim -

    1) Are you upping your incline? If you're not, the treadmill is actually doing more of the work for you than you think - try upping it if you have the kind that can, I've heard 1-2%.

    2) Try to do at least 1 run outside a week - yeah, it's harder, but there's no substitute for outside training if your 5K is outside.

    3) Don't panic - some of what bothers people training now is the humidity. A lot of that will dissipate in October :)

    In short - you CAN do this and you WILL do this. So you didn't do as well as you hoped this week - oh well! :) You put effort in - and THAT is why you will succeed. :)
  • Sinope82
    Sinope82 Posts: 108 Member
    Just done week4 day1 this morning and i have to say im amazed ! Each week i set off thinking i'll never make it and then im amazed when i do. I don't know how this program works ( i suspect magic is envolved somewhere ) but it does.

    So far so good 2 more runs to do all being well and then its on to the dreaded week 5 !

    Keep up the good work guys, if i can do this anyone can!
  • stepher80
    stepher80 Posts: 37 Member
    I'm on Week 4 Day 2 (I did day 2 last night) and i'm really loving it! I felt really good when I did day 1 this week but for some reason last night, I felt like I was going to die by the end. I am about to sign of for a 5K in September which would end up being the week after I finish Week 9 on the program. I really need to start training on a track or road because I know there's a huge difference between treadmill running and non-treadmill running. I'm dreading it because I know it will be harder. The treadmill makes me run and keeps me moving, I don't know how I'll do propelling myself forward. I might try my day3 run this week on the track in my gym and see how I do. *gulp*

    Good job to everyone sticking it out! I've seen several comments about repeating a week and I honestly have considered it myself except now I can't since I'm supposed to run that 5K in September. Do what you need to do to be successful!
  • triskele
    triskele Posts: 26 Member
    I completed W2D3 last night and switched from holding a stopwatch to listening to the podcast on an mp3 player. Wow what a difference the music makes! :happy: While I wouldn't say it was easy, I think the key for me was to be distracted, which made it not as hard. Like so many of the previous posters, I am surprised and thrilled that I've made it this far. I've taken a few extra days in between some of the sessions to try and let my knees get used to the shock (started a week before the group and am now right with the group), but I'm sticking with it. The support of this group is very helpful - here's looking forward to week 3 -- we can do it!!!
  • AngelP74
    Absoluely! even though I just responded to you in email, I just might change that plan up and do what you said and run on the treadmill normally and then run outside one run out of the week. That's an excellent idea! And when I run on the treadmill, I'll increse the incline to at least 1'. Super ideas! Thank you!!!
  • AngelP74
    Oops, I meant for that to be a reply to hbarnstein. Sorry all!
  • AsellusReborn
    AsellusReborn Posts: 1,112 Member
    Absoluely! even though I just responded to you in email, I just might change that plan up and do what you said and run on the treadmill normally and then run outside one run out of the week. That's an excellent idea! And when I run on the treadmill, I'll increse the incline to at least 1'. Super ideas! Thank you!!!

    Glad to hear you're feeling better about it =) You have plenty of time and like you said - if you get to it and have to walk through some of the "official" 5K - who cares! You're doing and will do great - just keep moving!
  • tennesseeleigh
    DId w2d2 this morning on the treadmill since it was raining outside. I have to say, I like running in the air-conditioning every once and a while even though it's more boring than outside.

    Going on vacation for part of next week so don't know exactly what my schedule will look like.
  • cmecme
    cmecme Posts: 227 Member
    Everyone is doing so well.

    BIG trick for me is to let the app tell me the next moves and just keep going - not count minutes or look down at app or try to figure out how many minutes have gone by based upon number of songs i've listened to : ) Today was actually completely enjoyable and I rocked out!!

    Finally finally finally completed week6 day3 - i even jogged straight through the cool down for 27 minutest straight - which i think is week 8

    Total a mental game at this point. I slowed my pace. The first few minutes everything felt "wrong" but after about 10 minutes i felt like i could go forever!!! So maybe the stars aligned or something - here's hoping i can make it through week 7 ---
  • goforit06
    goforit06 Posts: 132 Member
    My running is so much better!!! So excited!! Scared for next week but I believe we can do it!
  • kehuizenga
    kehuizenga Posts: 151
    Finished week 2 this morning and it felt great! It might have helped that it was about 65* out though :) I am a bit nervous for the three minute run next week, but I'm sure we will all do great!
  • Morenita1976
    Week 2 is almost over and so far so good!!!! We can do this girls!! :)
  • ingalynn
    ingalynn Posts: 136 Member
    So, I did week one on a treadmill and it was mostly fun and I did good with some hard work. Week 2, days 1 and 2, I did outside on a track. OMG... it takes so many more muscles and so much more energy to propel yourself forward! After yesterday's run (W2D2), I was really contemplating quitting the whole thing. I wasn't able to do the last 30 seconds of the last run and I was miserable throughout the whole thing. My program is on my iphone and has you run 45, walk 60, run 60, walk 90, run 90, walk 2 minutes, and then repeat all of that 3 times.

    I'm kind of wondering if maybe I'm just not cut out for this running thing. Maybe running on a treadmill... but not on a track, but that doesn't help me with the 5K I'm signed up for in October. Bummed!

    Don't get discouraged. I have heard from other people that it is much different running on a treadmill from running outside. I have gotten myself to week 7, and have had weeks where I have had to repeat. That's the best thing about this program. You take it at your own pace. If you don't feel you can move up to the next day's run, repeat it. Try to stick it out. It is definitely not easy, but you will feel so accomplished when you move up to the next level.
  • ktb1962
    ktb1962 Posts: 33 Member
    Completed Week 2 this morning. Making progress as it was a little easier than Wednesday. I guess that's the warm up for next week. ;) I am taking the weekend off and resting my knee/quad so that I am ready for the 3 min. segment on Monday.

    Good luck to all and hope everyone has a great weekend!