New to group: morning shivering?

professorRAT Posts: 690 Member
Hi all,

I am 46 and have been having some mild symptoms of peri-menopause. To complicate matters, I was on prednisone (for an autoimmune liver disease) for 2.5 years until a month ago, so that causes symptoms too (as does the disease).

I do have one strange symptom that pops up once in a while and none of my doctors seem to know what it is. Sooooo, I was wondering if maybe it was a peri-menopause thing. Sometimes, when I first wake up, I feel like i am vibrating. It is kind of like internal shivering, but I am not cold. Sometimes it is visible (looks like a tremor when i reach for the alarm clock) and sometimes it isn't. It only lasts a few seconds usually, and will stop when i fully wake up (even if i don't get out of bed). It is very strange! Anyone else ever had this? It kind of feels like adrenaline, or some other hormone rush.


  • BlueJean4114
    BlueJean4114 Posts: 595 Member
    When i saw the headline, about shivering, IN THIS GROUP, i thought i'd stop in to tell you, that COLD CHILLS are also part of the mental pause, but rarely mentioned, but many of us have hot flash/chill/hot flash /chill...
    would make one think they have fevers or something! but, often those chills are relief, :wink: except for having to kick off all the blankets and sweaters again when it passes again...

    BUT, what YOU are describing, is not a chlll, as you feel you no sense of cold.
    so it's not that.


    I'd want to see you have a full panel covering adrenal glands, thyroid, pituitary, an entire work up of your endocrine system,

    as well as indepth study of your blood sugar levels. LIke a glucose tolerance test, and tests which reveal the long term record of recent blood sugars, like an HbA1c, fructosamine test, etc.
    Low low blood sugars and hypoglycemia can sometimes cause trembling, but, are often if not usually accompanied by profuse sweating and an extreme mental status change, and profound weakness as well.

    either go to a new doc for second opinion, (stunning sometimes how a 2nd doc CAN figure it out)
    or ask for a more thorough workup. GOOD LUCK!!
  • BlueJean4114
    BlueJean4114 Posts: 595 Member
    btw, i DO get a similar thing, when i am dieting, it feels almost like an internal humming, all over, in my muscles and everywhere, but, not first thing in the morning, and there is no real 'trembling' with this buzz at all.
    I sometimes will feel rush of energy when i haven't eaten, it is an odd thing, feels very good though, not unpleasant at all.

    then, if i eat, i feel sleepy and sluggish, blah. it's over then.
  • workshy000
    workshy000 Posts: 90 Member
    Yes I get that, it comes and goes thankfully. It also happens in the night and can wake me up when it is really bad.
    I was worried that it might be something else and was relieved to read that a lot of women have it too. ... It seems that you now have to be a member on the power surge forum to read the posts but that is where I found out about it.:
  • BlueJean4114
    BlueJean4114 Posts: 595 Member
    wow, that is great link, Workshy, lots of women had this trembling! Hope the OP sees your link there!!
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    powersurge has lots of great information!
  • professorRAT
    professorRAT Posts: 690 Member
    LOL! Wow. Thanks so much workshy. I sure am glad I asked. My doctors like to blame everything on predisone, but I really didn't think this was the case given that I was on predinsone for 2 years when I was younger and did not have this symptom. I just had a suspicion it was a peri/hormone wacky thing. Thanks so much!!!
  • weemuse
    weemuse Posts: 40
    Wow, great site workshy.. .thanks for sharing it.
  • gaia3rd
    gaia3rd Posts: 151
    Me too! It only happens to me occasionally, always in the morning, and only for a few seconds between sleep and full wakefulness. Have had this, and other odd symptoms for the past 4 to 5 months, and I put everything down to a medication my rheumatologist started me on - I've had perimenopause symptoms for about 15 years and am on HRT, so never suspected it might be 'the real thing'. I'm so glad to have found this group, and it appears I have a lot of reading to do and a doctor visit to schedule, just to get the official word and learn my options.