Low Cal / Low Fat English Breakfast

ipiddock Posts: 97 Member
I'm sure we all like our English Breakfasts here. To be honest I'm missing mine since I have been on my health kick. So I thought I come up with a healthier option. Now I often eat around 400-500 calories for breakfast so what do you think of this:


Can anyone make any improvements. I think we should stay around the 500 cal mark.


  • HamsterNut
    HamsterNut Posts: 78 Member
    To me 500 cal is a lot for breakfast but maybe buy medium eggs and have bacon or sausages if you wanted to make it lower :-) I'm currently having 2 medium eggs for breakfast and its great :-)
  • ipiddock
    ipiddock Posts: 97 Member
    Dropping to medium eggs and a rasher will reduce that value by around 50 calls. So we're down to 460 without really changing much of the composition. I think what I posted was a very generous sized portion to be honest.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
  • damo1023
    damo1023 Posts: 15 Member
    looks really similar to what i have for breakfast on the weekends although i normally have a few more carbs in the form of some toast with it.
    500 cals is fine for breakfast depending on your current goals.