How heavy should i go?

rr85114 Posts: 104 Member
So if you're a friend of mine you'll see that I recently discovered a little GEM in the gym in my apartment building. It's got one of those Hoist H4400 multi-weights machines, which I used for the first time yesterday.

My question is about how heavy I should go to begin with. Do I just go immediately to as heavy as I can manage for a couple of sets? Work my way up?


  • rosied915
    rosied915 Posts: 799 Member
    I am no pro, so there's my disclaimer!!:laugh:

    This is what I did with NROL4W:

    Start with a weight that you can complete with a "little challenge" by the end of your reps for a set.

    Ex~ with seated rows (on a machine) I started with 50 pds which I could do but by the #12 rep I wanted a rest.

    Here's some of the weights I started with: (note that i am age 51)

    Shoulder press (dumbbells) 10s Now: 22.5s
    Seated Row (machine) 50 Now: 100
    Squats 20 Now: 60
    Deadlift 25 Now: 60
    Lat Pulldown 50 Now: 100
    Pushups 10 on a bench- 3 sets Now: 8 "boy" 3 sets

    Do NOT stop yourself from adding more and more weight to your lifting routine!! I so scared to move that peg to the 100 pound level because "OMG~ ONE HUNDRED POUNDS ARE YOU FREAKIN KIDDING ME?? I'M A GIRL, I CAN'T DO THAT!!":noway:

    Well, HOGWASH to that thinking!! Go for it girlie!!:glasses: BE BADASS!!:glasses:
  • rr85114
    rr85114 Posts: 104 Member
    Rosie, that's EXACTLY the kinda info I was after. Thank you so much :)

    P.s. You're a machine!!! Wow!
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    I usually work in three sets of 10 or 12 reps. If by the end of the second set I'm not feeling particularly fatigued I'll move the peg up to the next level. I may only be able to do 8 reps in the third set with the extra weight but the next time I'm working out I will start with that weight and try and do the full set. I'm planning to just keep building it up and see how far I can go :)
  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    I will toss in my advice, if this is your first time lifting I would go light and get used to the movements of the machine and the different exercises it offers.. look at the pictures, read the words.. you want to get your form down first before increasing to a higher weight.
    Even with it being a machine (I googled it) you still want to keep a decent form to prevent any pain, like with the leg extensions your back and butt should remain against the seat, same with the chest press part of it try to prevent your back from arching while doing it, pull downs keep your back in one general direction... and onto the weights
    Once your used to it, definitely do as suggested in here, increase weight until you are failing on your final rep numbers.. by fail I mean you are really working to finish or you can't finish (there should be a burn feeling on these).. Expect to be sore 24 hours after your workout if you have never done it before.. Have fun.
  • rr85114
    rr85114 Posts: 104 Member
    Awesome advice. Thank you crocatilla and Greenrun!