I have my calories set

I went to scoobysworkshop.com according to my age and my height and activity level I need to eat 1,704 calories. I set it to 5 meals 3 square meals and 2 sensible snacks. this is my first day starting off. any tips or advice?

healthy snack suggestions for when I do my shopping on the 15th. for the meals at home for the most part its organic fresh from the garden and the eggs farm fresh, the beef is farm fresh.

today though for lunch is a steak fajata and spanish rice. I do 1 with just the steak, peppers,onions and salsa on it. no cheese or sour cream. a small serving of spanish rice


  • thewang
    thewang Posts: 71 Member
    Just try to focus on hitting your protein, carb, and fat goals with proper fruits/veggies and drink at least a gallon of water every day.
    Also be sure to read up on the importance of strength training with this plan.

    Take your measurements along with your starting weight, you will lose more inches than pounds for awhile tyipically.
  • I do have a book on strength training I am actually going to begin doing and incoroparating in my routine. I have a 1 liter water bottle I drink from so how many of the bottles do I drink to make a gallon? is it okay not eat if you are not hungry and snack when you are hungry for one?
  • thewang
    thewang Posts: 71 Member
    about 3.8 liters in a gallon.

    I rarely feel hungry because of my eating schedule. If I do get hungry, I tend to overeat (especially during my TOM)... like last night... pizza overload!

    Wake up at 6 - 2 cups of coffee and oatmeal and eggs by 9 am
    Snack (yogurt/fruit) at 10:30
    Lunch at 11:30-12
    Snack (cheese, fruit, nuts, or granola) at 2:30-3
    Dinner at 6:30
    If I still need calories afterwards I have another small snack.
  • alcon79
    alcon79 Posts: 193 Member
    If I focus my meals and snacks on incorporating some protein, then I'm not nearly as hungry as if I just had a granola bar or those 100 cal snack packs, which is what I used to do. I try to eat almonds, string cheese, fruit w/ cheese, jerky, greek yogurt, and I definitely stay full longer.
  • thanks so maybe cheese, fruits, and nuts would be a good snack choices for me. drinking 3 1 liter bottles to get my gallon.

    I eat breakfast at 6;30am

    do I put a snack at 8:30am

    lunch at 11 am

    snack at 1pm

    dinner at 4pm

    if hungry later add another snack? sorry for all the questions i want to spread it out properly put it on my daily planner schudule.
  • thewang
    thewang Posts: 71 Member
    Protein will keep you feeling full longer so any snack with protein is good.

    Just try that schedule for a couple days and see how you feel, then you can adjust. Just keep on eye on the days when you feel hungry before bed or in the afternoon and look at your protein/carb intakes.

    Also... if 30% of your diet is protein be sure to get enough fiber!
  • ladyace2078
    ladyace2078 Posts: 460 Member
    I eat breakfast at 6, snack at 9, lunch at noon, snack at 3, dinner at 6, snack at 8:30/9. Some of my favorite snacks are:

    string cheese
    baby carrots + hummus
    chicken breast + wholly guacamole 100 cal pack
    celery + peanut butter
    apple + peanut butter
    tuna fish salad on crackers
    chobani yogurt
    cucumber + ranch
    sunny cranberry trail mix (Archer farms, Target brand)
    Homemade protein muffins: pumpkin spice, carrot cake, banana nut, or lemon blueberry
    Homemade chocolate peanut butter oatmeal balls
  • Callalili
    Callalili Posts: 119 Member
    Summer time with the kids home mess me all up, but during the school year my usual schedule is something like:
    1 cup coffee when I first get up at 6:15
    breakfast (and 2nd cup of coffee) at 7:30-8:00 (I usually wait till the kids are off to school to eat)
    lunch around 12ish
    snack around 3
    dinner around 6:30
    and sometimes a dessert, or hot chocolate sometime between dinner and bed, or a beer (or 2)

    I don't usually have a morning snack, just not hungry then and I'm usually busy with work or errands. I try to workout before lunch. But lately, since starting EMTWL and it may change again, I've added in a protein shake after workouts so that may be a morning snack and then a later lunch. My afternoon snack is always a latte (homemade, just espresso and milk) and if I'm hungry fruit, carrots and hummus or something like that. Sometimes my lunch looks like a snack and snacks look like a meal. If I'm hungry I'm going to eat something and do my best to make sure it's healthy with protein.
  • thanks got it! I will try it this way for a few days and see this will work better. thanks for the snack ideas. this will help me eat properly