Fat Bullies (August)



  • Confident120409
    Confident120409 Posts: 73 Member
    today i did my ab exercises. drunk my 100 oz...and i had my 1 points for fruits and vegetables.
    what happend to everyone
  • ishapeme
    ishapeme Posts: 213 Member
    Sorry, I've been MIa. My rooommate's bf just broke up with her so i've been spending a lot of time with her.

    Capoeira is like a brazilian martial art! youtube a video!!It's wicked cool.

    I've been doing ok this week. Water has been in check, exercise great but I've been kind of eating what i want. but I have beenworking out to make up for my indulgences. Have a great day!
  • Confident120409
    Confident120409 Posts: 73 Member
    I drunk my water for today. did my exercises.
    I ate all my veggies in my salad.
    Oh I weighed this morning and I lost 2 pounds.
    Goal for next week is 2 pounds as well
  • Confident120409
    Confident120409 Posts: 73 Member
    i was trying to post before and after pics it did not work
  • Confident120409
    Confident120409 Posts: 73 Member
    k finally i have figured this thing out.

    my before pictures
    [img]http://i1240.photobucket.com/albums/gg494/kimmie1204/Facebook/Before Weight Loss/533326_3890287658269_312560392_n.jpg[/img]

    [img]http://i1240.photobucket.com/albums/gg494/kimmie1204/Facebook/my journey to becoming a new me/614684_4423034576609_1163437153_o.jpg[/img]
  • Confident120409
    Confident120409 Posts: 73 Member
    ok well its Sunday. I am down to 253. That is a 2 pound loss for me this week. Two is better then none in my eyes. I am going to change up my diet to eat less carbs and more protein and we will see how that goes next week.
    Well I hope everyone else is doing well.
    I have done my exercises all week long as well.
  • gatorento
    gatorento Posts: 79 Member

    Nice job on the before and "so-far" pictures and your weight loss thus far! What a difference.! And great job on 2-lbs loss this week: that's wonderful!

    exercises: YES everyday
    water: YES 5 days
    challenge, no carbs after 8 pm: YES everyday
    weight loss this week: 1 lb

    Have a great week, ladies!
  • ishapeme
    ishapeme Posts: 213 Member
    Good Job Ladies,

    Sorry this has been a crazy weekend for me. With preparing for my trip to Ecuador and moving out of my apartment to finding a dress for the wedding I'm going to, this has been nuts!

    I did find out I'm a a size 04/06! :0)

    This is my ideal size, I just want to fit in it a little more loosely but I don't want to be much smaller! I'm going for the athletic look versus skinny. So i'm on my way there thanks to much of your support!

    Have a great day!
  • ishapeme
    ishapeme Posts: 213 Member
    Kim, great pictures! You're already beautiful, I'm looking forward to seeing after!
  • Confident120409
    Confident120409 Posts: 73 Member
    thanks. i can't wait to keep posting them as we go. I am going to work really hard over the next couple of weeks.
  • Confident120409
    Confident120409 Posts: 73 Member
    This morning I got up and did my walk and tone. That was 15 minutes. Tonight after taking my daughter to cheer practice I plan to workout again. I am so sick of feeling fat and I am determined not to gain the weight back. I have been overweight for 8 years now and its time to end. Well I hope everyone else is doing good.
    Drunk water: yes
    Exercised: yes
    I do not know about sodium.
  • gatorento
    gatorento Posts: 79 Member
    Monday 8/13
    water: yes (12)
    sodium: yes
    exercise: no
    comments: I was EXHAUSTED when I got home from work last night, and fell asleep immediately after supper, so didn't get my exercises done for this challenge. However, I did get a great workout done in the morning before work: 30-min pushups/situps/squats/dips and 30-min elliptical.

    Tuesday 8/14
    water: yes (13)
    sodium: yes
    exercise: yes
    comments: Feeling much more energetic today, despite waking up at 4:00 a.m. this morning! Just finished my challenge exercises, and am curious how long we're supposed to hold the "bridge" position, as I found several different instructions on the internet for this exercise.

    On another note, I'm finding it easier to drink water, whereas at first it was a real chore. I try to drink 6 glasses before noon, and another 4 during the afternoon before leaving work. That way, I don't have to drink a lot of water at night, and now I am sleeping through the night without waking up!

    How's everybody doing? Have a great Wednesday!
  • gatorento
    gatorento Posts: 79 Member
    Weekly summary: I'm not posting every day anymore, because I don't want to be the only one of our group posting... are all of you doing okay?

    Mon, Tues, Wed and Thur:
    water: yes
    sodium: yes
    exercise: yes

    Fri and Sat:
    sodium: yes
    water: no
    exercise: no

    Body changes: WT=141, neck 13.5, chest 32, waist 33.75, hip 37.75. Other measurements remain the same.
  • gatorento
    gatorento Posts: 79 Member
    Fellow "Fat Bullies" - Here is this Sunday's posted challenges that Belinda has assigned: please login daily with your success for the daily challenges! It's encouraging to see your accomplishments posted here.

    Weekly challenge 8/19 - 8/26
    - do not drink your calories! You can earn 2 points per day for not drinking calories at all. That means each person can earn 12 points for the week for their team.
    Muffin top Monday 8/19
    - Follow the specifics listed in this link. http://www.fitsugar.com/Exercises-Get-Rid-Muffin-Top-2251180
    Side bends
    Standing twist
    Jack knife
  • Confident120409
    Confident120409 Posts: 73 Member
    i stoppped posting because nobody else was.
    weight: 253 still
    water for the week: yes
    exercises for the week: yes

    look forward to hearing from all of u
  • Confident120409
    Confident120409 Posts: 73 Member
    ok i did all my exercises this week.
    drunk all my water.
    weight: 253 still
  • Confident120409
    Confident120409 Posts: 73 Member

    Neck 15 1/2
    Bust 51 1/2
    Bicep 18
    Waist 49 1/2
    hips 55
    thigh 29 1/2
  • gatorento
    gatorento Posts: 79 Member
    Like Kim, I quit posting because it seemed like only the two of us were posting on this thread. Here are my final measurements:

    weight 140
    neck 13.75
    breast 36.5
    chest 32.0
    bicep L/R 11.25/11.0
    forearm L/R 9.5/9.0
    waist 34.0
    hips 37.75
    thigh 22.5/22.5
    calf 13.75/13.75

    water: no
    exercises: yes
  • gatorento
    gatorento Posts: 79 Member

    Bust- 52 3/4 ... 51 1/2
    Hips- 57 ... 55
    Bicep- 18 ... 18
    Thigh- 31 1/2 ... 29 1/2
    Weight: 257.5 ... 253
    Kim, I put your initial and final numbers above, to make it easier to see the differences, and I just want to congratulate you - what a huge difference in all these measurements! Awesome job! Regardless of our team's place, you're a WINNER! Way to go, girl!

    What will you do in September to keep challenged and continue this remarkable journey?
  • gatorento
    gatorento Posts: 79 Member
    Neck 14 ... 13.75
    Bust 38 ... 36.5
    Chest 32.5 ... 32.0
    Biceps 11 ... L/R 11.25/11.0
    Forearms 9.5 ... L/R 9.5/9.0
    Waist 34 ... 34
    Hips 39 ... 37.75
    Thighs 23 ... 22.5
    Calves 14 ... 13.75
    Weight 143 ... 140 (goal was 137)
    Well, I didn't make it to my goal weight this month, but I am satisfied with the changes for the month, and am motivated to work even harder this month to continue the weight-loss. August turned out to be one of the hardest months at work that I've had ever since starting, because we had to prepare for a really big inspection that required long days every day, plus working weekends. So I am glad that I was in the challenge, because it helped me ensure that I kept working out daily. In the past, I would have let work prevent me from working out, because I was "too busy." But now I am really making exercise a top priority, and attempting to work out every weekday morning no matter what. It's helped a lot.

    I was really hoping to have reached at least 139 by the end of August, and I've been hovering at 140 for the past two weeks. Maybe this week?

    I have been very encouraged by seeing Kim's accomplishments: she has posted some remarkable success this month during the "August team challenge." Thanks for sharing, Kim!

    Cheers to all, and have a great September!