August 13, 2012- Motivating Monday

Monday: 45-60 minutes of Elliptical
Tuesday: No work out
Wednesday: p90x Arms & Shoulder work-out
Thursday: Run & Core
Friday: No work out
Saturday: HIKE


  • vgpeterson1984
    vgpeterson1984 Posts: 51 Member
    Monday- Elliptical
    Tuesday- Yoga
    Wed- Elliptical
    Thusday- Yoga
    Friday Weights and Swimming
    Weekend- As much outdoor fun as possible.
  • cmecme
    cmecme Posts: 227 Member
    Last week was finally a great work out week. I so want to continue.

    Monday - w7d1 c25k; all strength training challenges + 125 jumping jacks
    Tuesday - yoga - 100 push ups
    Wednesday - w7d2 c25k all strength training challenges
    Thursday - yoga - 100 lunges each leg, plank twice - hold on minute each
    Friday - upper arm strength training - walk outside
    Saturday - w7d3 c25k.
  • Nownourish
    Nownourish Posts: 89 Member
    Do Week 5 C25K
    Continue with 30 Day Shred
    Choose to cycle/walk instead of using the car!

    Have a great week everyone :)
  • is4031
    is4031 Posts: 71
    This week is my first rest week after 12 weeks of 6+ days a week training. Exercise will be lighter then my usual - mostly planning for my next phase of training.
  • donnasjohnson
    donnasjohnson Posts: 71 Member
    M - Elliptical
    T - Circuit/weights
    W- off - moving my daughter into her college apartment (third floor...that should count for something!)
    Th- Circuit/weights
    F- Elliptical
    S- Circuit/weights
    S- off - maybe go for a swim

    Made big exercise goals last week and didn't quite meet them, but more than willing to try again this week!