GF Baileys Muffins recipe

I thought I'd share this with you guys, tried it today and they turned out to be delicious!

First off a little disclaimer from :

"Please be advised that the whiskey used in Baileys is manufactured by fermenting grain which contains Gluten. Due to the presence of gluten in the whiskey components before distillation we cannot absolutely guarantee that there are no effects to coeliacs. As we are not qualified to give medical advice persons requiring a gluten free diet should consult their medical adviser before consuming Baileys."

I was told by my doctor back then that Baileys (due to the distillation obviously?) should be safe and so far I personally have not had any difficulties. Of course this might not apply to you, so be warned :)

The recipe for 24 muffins:

125 g / 4.4oz Rice Flour
125 g / 4.4oz Corn Starch
125 g / 4.4oz powdered sugar
4 tsp Baking Powder
5 eggs
2 pck Vanilla Sugar
250 ml / 8.4 fl oz Baileys
250 ml / 8.4 fl oz Oil (I used sunflower oil)

I mixed the dry ingredients and the liquids seperately in different bowls before mixing them all together. I was a little surprised how liquid the dough is but it's supposed to be! Just fill into muffin tins and bake at 175 degrees (347 F?) about 15-20mins (don't preheat the oven).

I didnt calculate the macros but according to mfp (based on the labels of the products) one muffin = 220kcal ..

Enjoy :)
