
tpt42087 Posts: 313 Member
Hey so tomorrow is the start of a 12 week challenge! There is a group on fb too if you wanna be added there you can add me Trudie Burke. I just figured that fb is way easier to post pics and we are gonna use the doc section of the fb group to do weigh ins and the mini challenges all that good stuff. Well basically I feel like being apart of a challenge really keeps me on point and I might not lose constantly but I never gain While doing a challenge.

Anyway a little about me I'm a 25 yr mother of 2 I have a 8yr daughter Nikita and a 16month son Darnell. My kids are my world and they mean everything to me! I'm not legally married but I've been with my husband for over 9 yrs now so it's like we are married lol. My lowest weight so far was 208 and since I've gained quit a bit of weight. Over these 12 weeks I'd like to at least hit my Onederland! Well I can't wait to get started!


  • Yes I can't wait to get started!!! So excited ... Hope this helps keep me on track as well!!
  • omiegrace83
    omiegrace83 Posts: 1 Member
    where can i find the facebook group.. ready for the challenge.
  • Hi Trudie :) and ladies :) I'm Laura. Mom of one and sorta step parent to three more (we aren't actually married but the kids live with us 1/2 time). I was 260 at the highest but that was when I was pregnant with my daughter. I dropped to 218 after but proceeded to put on weight until I was 245 again! I lost 5 of that before joining MFP but started MFP journey at 239.9 and was down to 204.8 this Thursday on weigh in :)

    My ultimate goal is to get in better shape to be a better mom and maybe one day have another child.

    In the 12 weeks I am hoping to lose 15-20 lbs to be around 185-190. I know that as I have lost the weight is coming off slower now so don't want to set the sights too high plus if it comes off slower hopefully it will stay off!
  • milleyea
    milleyea Posts: 95 Member
    Im in. I've been wanting to do a challenge to keep me motivated. I've managed to lose 10 pounds in 3 weeks and gain 5 of them back on week four.
  • soosweet1920
    soosweet1920 Posts: 124 Member
    Just requested to join the group!!
  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,319 Member
    I'm so in! Love challenges...they keep me motivated.
  • MissNaarah
    MissNaarah Posts: 14 Member
    I'm 34 a mother to 6 children and a step mom to 2 and grandmother to my stepdaughter's two boys. I started getting serious in February at 205. I need this challenge to get me to my goal of 145 and to keep me motivated to stay healthy and on track to keep up with my 6 kids at home. I weighed in this morning at 158.0
  • I am so excited! I am new to MFP and am happy to have this challenge to help me get started.
    I just requested the add on FB
  • tomfrnk5
    tomfrnk5 Posts: 16
    Hi all!

    I'm Tom, a 21 year old college student in Rhode Island. I'm one month in, and 12 lbs down, but I've still got about 60 pounds to go!

    This diet is going to be freekin' tough when I head back to school, so I'm going to hop aboard the Halloween Challenge! I'm very excited to get started! This sounds like a great supportive group!

    MY GOAL FOR THE HALLOWEEN CHALLENGE: 11 weeks.. 29 pounds!
  • strick1and6
    strick1and6 Posts: 13 Member
    HI! Joining late, but I like the Halloween challenge timeline. My goal is to be under 230 by Halloween. I have broken out rewards to keep me motivated. What do you think? I am less than 2 lbs from getting my hair done. I need it bad!

    Weight Loss Rewards
    Under 250 = Mani-Pedi
    Under 240 = Hair cut & Color
    Under 230 = Full Day Spa Package (Facial/Massage/Body Treatment)
    Under 220 = Diamond Bracelet – Pre-Baby Weight!
    Under 210 = No Baby Weekend Trip
    Under 200 =Book a cruise!
    Under 190 = Laser Hair Removal Treatments
    Under 180 = Diamond Earrings
    At 170 (UGW) = Photos Session & Laser Vision Correction